The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 181 Chapter 181 I Was a Demon

Chapter 181 Chapter 181 I Was a Demon (32)

After hearing that cry, she looked down at the tree, where a girl in green was looking at her playfully with her big eyes open.

Shen Mengdie jumped down from the tree in a hurry, looking at the woman opposite her, she seemed a little confused for a moment. "You are?"

"Sister Xiaohu, don't you know me? I'm Caicai." The woman in green clothes was the Chinese cabbage she met in the enchantment back then. She transformed into the shape smoothly shortly after Shen Mengdie left. And since she had only seen each other before taking shape, she chose the appearance of a woman.

"Cai Cai?" Shen Mengdie whispered a little uncertainly, and after taking a closer look, she gradually saw a familiar figure from the other party.

"Sister Xiaohu, it's me." Cai Cai turned around in a circle, flicking her green sleeves happily.She didn't leave immediately after the transformation, but only came out recently, and she didn't expect that she would be so lucky to meet him.

"Cai Cai has also successfully transformed." Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's appearance, and was very happy in her heart. The other party was the first friend she met in this world.

"Yes, but many people who saw me called me a monster." Cai Cai pouted, looking very aggrieved. When she saw other humans for the first time, she was very happy, but those people seemed to be afraid of her. The appearance made her have to leave.

Shen Mengdie looked at Cai Cai's faint green hair, smiled lightly and shook her head, her original silver-white hair was conspicuous enough, but the other party actually wandered around with her faint green hair on her head, fortunately, she didn't meet those A powerful monk, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"Cai Cai." She called softly, and under the bewildered eyes of the other party, she stroked the other party's hair. "Cai Cai has to learn how to pretend in front of others in the future, green hair is not acceptable."

Cai Cai scratched her hair, obviously not understanding the meaning of the other party's words. "I'm a plant, and I'm always green."

"Okay, I see." Shen Mengdie rubbed the other person's hair lightly. She could understand Cai Cai's thoughts. Just like animals like the color of their fur, plants also have a special liking for green.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to say anything more, Cai Cai didn't ask any more questions, but happily grabbed the other party's arm. "Sister Xiaohu, you can accompany me to find the tribe."

"This..." Shen Mengdie looked at the other party hesitantly when he thought about what he had to do. "Cai Cai, I can't accompany you now, why don't I accompany you after my business is over?"

"Um..." Cai Cai thought for a moment, then nodded and replied, "Okay then, you must accompany me in the future."

"Okay." Shen Mengdie complied with the other party's request, thinking in her heart: "When the matter here is over, let's accompany the other party to find someone first."

"Sister Xiaohu, that's a good deal." Cai Cai grabbed the other's arm and shook it back and forth, looking very happy. "Do you think my people will be like me? Will they all have green hair?"

"This... it should be about the same." Shen Mengdie has never seen other monsters, and she is a little uncertain, but seeing the other party's happy appearance, she curled the corners of her mouth and chuckled.

For the next two days, Cai Cai stayed with Shen Mengdie all the time, and she happily talked about her future plans every day, looking forward to meeting her clan members.

Shen Mengdie looked at the person who was gradually disappearing from her sight, and could only shake her head with a chuckle. The other person seemed very lively and didn't know many things.

"Wen Jun, when are you coming out?" She looked at the still silent entrance of the secret realm, stroking the corner of her clothes, and murmured.

"Dream Butterfly."

The call beside her brought her back to her senses, and she curled her mouth when she saw the snake demon smiling at her. "Girl, why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for you." The snake demon stroked the corner of his mouth, walking towards this side with a smile.

Shen Mengdie was taken aback when she heard the other party's words, and asked in puzzlement, "Looking for me? What's the matter?"

"Of course I have something to do, can I come to ask you for help?" The snake demon approached the other party while talking, the fingernails hidden in the sleeves glowed with a faint blue light, and her hands were covered with her own snake venom. .

"If you have anything to say, just tell me, I will help if I can." The cheek of the person in front of her made her relax her vigilance, and she trusted him to walk in front of her.

The snake demon walked less than half a meter away from the opponent, and the gentle smile on his face suddenly subsided, a ruthless light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly raised his hand to attack the opponent. "I want your demon pill, so just take it out generously."


Faced with the sudden attack, Shen Mengdie subconsciously slid backwards, and the poisonous fingernails tore her sleeves to pieces.She held her mutilated sleeve and looked at him in surprise. "Ninny, you..."

"Aren't you very kind, obediently give me your own demon pill." The snake demon caressed his fingers, looked at the other party with a satisfied face, and licked the corner of his mouth.

"How could you do this, we..." When she said this, she couldn't continue for a while. The other party's appearance showed that the visitor was not friendly. In fact, the relationship between the two was not very good. Before that, they had only been together for two months. That's all.

"Aren't we friends, so just hand it over obediently and don't force me to do it." The snake demon pressed each other step by step while talking.

Sensing the danger, Shen Mengdie stepped back step by step, but there were dense footsteps behind her, and at the same time, she saw other strange-looking monsters.

"It's impossible to want my demon pill." Although she didn't understand the meaning, she still knew the importance of the demon pill, and the aggressive attitude of the other party made her feel bad.

"I made preparations today, so don't even try to escape."

The crisis was imminent, and Shen Mengdie, who was surrounded in the middle, was not in the mood to see what the other monsters looked like at the moment. Now she had to find a way to get out as soon as possible. Just as she was thinking, suddenly there was a cry for help from a distance.

"Sister Xiaohu, save me, ah..."

As the sound approached, she knew that something had happened to Cai Cai, but now she was faintly surrounded, but after hearing the call for help from there, she couldn't care less, stepped lightly, and flew out quickly run away.

How could the snake demon let the other party out of its control? Seeing the other party fleeing, naturally it quickly chased after it. "Catch her for me."

Shen Mengdie didn't care about the monsters behind her, she quickly ran to the side where the cry for help came.

"Cai Cai..."

When she saw everything in front of her eyes, she shrank her pupils, shouted angrily, and rushed up desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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