The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 The kingdom on the stamen

Chapter 198 Chapter 198 The Kingdom on the Flower ([-])

When several people were in a stalemate, the door was suddenly opened, and a group of guards in armor rushed in, quickly stopping the few people who were still very arrogant just now.

Supported by his wife, the boss looked up at the opened door.He recognized the guards who came in as the patrol guards of his own city from their clothes.As for why he came here, he guessed that some neighbors saw that something happened to him and went to notify him.

In fact, the current situation is somewhat different from his thoughts. The escort came so timely, and there is also a certain element of coincidence in it.

"Are you okay?" The hostess of the house looked nervously at her husband after glancing at the members of the guards.

The male host wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, smiled gently at his wife, and replied nonchalantly: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't had such an activity for a long time, and I'm really not used to it for a while."

"It's all bleeding, and she said it's okay." The hostess looked at the bruise on her husband's face distressedly, and wiped it gently with her handkerchief.

Seeing that she was safe, Meng Na walked quickly to the side of the two, and said apologetically, "Aunt Dai'er, I caused you trouble."

"Look at what you child said, it has nothing to do with you, it's these people who are too hateful." As she spoke, she glared bitterly at those who were tightly locked up.

While the few people were talking, a group of people walked in through the gate. The first one was an old man with gray hair and extraordinary clothes. He had a look of anticipation in his eyes, as if he was looking for something. He glanced at the scene everyone.

The man who followed him was the city's guard captain. He was not a small captain, he was the only big captain, and all the guards in the city were under his control.

He was not in the city a few days ago, but received an order from the city lord to help the old man beside him find someone in the surrounding villages.

The old man is Earl Ulysses's chief steward. It's not that he doesn't have a name, but that over the past few decades, everyone has directly called him Ulysses' chief steward, and he has gotten used to this title.

This time, because Earl Ulysses was critically ill and urgently needed to find his granddaughter to inherit his title, even the chief steward was sent out to find him.

In this country, kingship and theocracy have been mutually restricted for a long time, but for now, kingship has always been supreme.The old earl is critically ill and urgently needs an heir, otherwise not only the title of nobility will be taken back by the king, but even the fiefs in the territory will be taken back.

The reason why he was so anxious this time was that the situation of the Ulysses family was a little special. The old earl was over seventy years old this year, but he had only one son.

The only heir, because of his marital problems at the beginning, had conflicts with the old earl, and lived alone outside.The old earl knew that he had a granddaughter, but when the relationship did not improve, he gradually lost contact with his son, and now it is as difficult to find someone as a needle in a haystack.

But fortunately, there were some clues before, and a rough range was delineated. Later, when he heard that a nobleman was lost here, the head butler came here with his own people in a mighty manner with the mentality of trying his luck. here.

"Master Ulysses, the person you are looking for is that girl over there." The captain smiled obsequiously at the old man beside him. Satisfying Chief Steward Ulysses, his official career will be more smooth.

"En." The butler Ulysses nodded his head lightly, hummed softly as a response, and then slowly turned his gaze to Shen Mengdie who was standing quietly beside him.

At this moment, Shen Mengdie knew all about the current situation, as if she was trapped in her own consciousness, she could only watch quietly and could not respond to others.

Meng Na stayed with the owner of this bakery, and the three of them were amazed at the sudden extra people.

"Thank you for helping us to control those people, otherwise we will be in big trouble today." The male host nodded and thanked the person who came in at the door, and at the same time was puzzled by the strange behavior of the other party, and then he couldn't help asking softly: "Excuse me? Is there anything? Where we can be used, we must actively cooperate."

After hearing the words of the host, Ulysses turned his gaze away.

Seeing this, the captain of the guard quickly took over the words and explained to the butler Ulysses: "This is the owner of this shop."

Butler Ulysses nodded his head, and then said slowly, "Excuse me, we have something to talk to that girl about." He pointed at the person who was stunned aside with his finger.

"Oh, she's our guest. If that's the case, then talk about it yourself, we won't bother you anymore." The male host signaled that he understood that he knew that the other party should be either rich or expensive, and he didn't want to talk to him, but he didn't think so either. Frustrated, he took his wife to the backyard.He had been beaten a lot just now, and now his body was in pain, so he had to go back and take care of the wound first.

Seeing the people around her leave, Mengna wanted to leave together, after glancing at Shen Mengdie over there, she decided to stay and see what happened later.

When the butler Ulysses saw Shen Mengdie, for some reason, he felt that the person in front of him was the heir to Earl Ulysses whom he had been looking for for a long time. This was a very strange feeling that happened to him The old man looked very strange.

The captain of the guard team could clearly sense what the butler Ulysses was thinking, so he waved to the people behind him, and whispered in his ear: "You take these gangsters out first, you wait for me outside."

The person who came over nodded, indicating that he understood.At this time, if Meng Na looked at this person carefully, she would recognize that the man in front of her was the captain of the guard team she met this morning.

The small captain originally planned to wait two days for the captain to come back before dealing with the affairs of the nobles, but at noon, the captain came back, not only that, but also brought back a distinguished guest, the butler of Earl Ulysses .

After some simple inquiries, he knew that the other party was looking for someone, and at that moment, he thought of what he had received in the morning, so there was a scene of people coming here in such a mighty way.

Thinking that he would make a great contribution this time, he couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, the goal of getting promoted and making a fortune was not far away from him.

"You guys, bring someone out with me." He straightened his expression and ordered the guards who were still holding the prisoners, ignoring the prisoners who were cursing.Then he looked back at the situation inside, sighed softly, turned and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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