The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 226 Chapter 226 End Times Evolution

Chapter 226 Chapter 226 Evolution of the End Times ([-])

This large supermarket has five floors in total. On the first floor, there are only some daily necessities, and there is not much food.

Looking around, a large group of zombies were wandering back and forth in the entire hall, and there were dried black and red blood stains everywhere on the walls.Judging from the bloodstains that can be seen everywhere, one can guess how chaotic the scene was at that time.

Shen Mengdie frowned slightly as she looked at the basically destroyed goods.

"There seems to be no suitable items here. It seems that I have to go to other floors to check." She sighed softly and walked quickly to the stairs. The original automatic elevator had to stop after it lost power.

After raising her eyes to scan the situation above, she started to walk up. Fortunately, there were no zombies blocking the corridor up, otherwise it would be unpleasant to think about close contact with zombies.

There is a lot of food on the second floor, and the number of zombies here is much less than that on the first floor. Seeing this, she unceremoniously began to collect food into the space.On the second, third, and fourth floors, after a large amount of items had been collected in the space, she started to head for the fifth floor.

'Survivors found. '

When Shen Mengdie stepped into the fifth floor, the system's notification sounded. She paused as she was advancing, and then began to scan the space where the fifth floor was located.

Breathing lightly, she was keenly aware of the figure hiding behind the shelf, and she also heard someone talking in the direction of the office on the fifth floor.

Based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, she quickly turned around and left, and those people who were hiding behind the shelves didn't come out rashly after they found her.

When she had completely walked out of the fifth floor, a young woman suddenly appeared and stopped her.

"Hey, I haven't seen you, did you come up from below?"

Shen Mengdie heard the words, stood in the middle of the escalator, and turned around quickly.The person I saw was a young woman with loose hair, a short skirt, and heavy makeup. At this moment, there were faint stains on the other's cheeks.

Judging from the woman's face, she should be very young. Although the original appearance was covered by stains, she could vaguely see her beauty.

"What's the matter?" Shen Mengdie asked calmly, standing where she was.

In this supermarket, basically all the survivors live on the fifth floor. The fifth floor can be said to be the safest place in the supermarket, but there is no food.The items sold here are all bed quilts. Some people will risk going downstairs to find food, but some people are unwilling to do so.

"Is there any water on you? Give it to me quickly." The young woman seemed very eager, and looked behind her from time to time.

Shen Mengdie heard the words and tapped her backpack.

The woman naturally saw her action, so she quickly took out a hundred yuan from her bag and said to her, "I can buy it with money."

"I don't want your money." Shen Mengdie calmly glanced at the hundred yuan bill in the other party's hand, and shook her head lightly.

When the woman heard the words, she suddenly panicked. "I'll give you the ring, mine is made of masonry."

Shen Mengdie watched the other party hurriedly take off the ring, sighed lightly, then took out the deceptive biscuits and water from her backpack, and threw them directly to the other party.

And just when the woman bent down to pick it up, suddenly a large group of unkempt people rushed over from nowhere and started snatching the food from the woman.

"Go away, these foods are mine." The woman screamed and tried to push those people away, but was pushed back and staggered.

The few biscuits were about to be divided up by everyone, and the woman only protected a bottle of mineral water. Seeing that the situation was not good, she quickly ran back to the place where she was staying recently.

After eating the biscuit crumbs in their hands, the remaining people looked at the person standing on the stairs between the fourth and fifth floors.

Seeing the eyes of those people, Shen Mengdie narrowed her eyes slightly, and clenched the long knife hanging on her waist.

"She has food." One of the men said the topic of concern to everyone present, and the eyes of the others gradually changed when they looked at Shen Mengdie.

"Look, she actually carried a bag, there must be food in it."

"Yes, let's all go up together and grab the bag."

"Go, grab it together."

Facing these people with such an attitude, Shen Mengdie evoked a contemptuous smile on his calm face.

When the group of people on the fifth floor were incited to walk towards her, she slowly turned around and was about to leave.For these people, she doesn't want to communicate with them. Now that the supplies are almost collected, she can leave here.

Seeing that she was about to leave, the group of people rushed over quickly, and when she had already descended to the fourth floor, those people also followed and half surrounded her.

"Hurry up and hand over the food, or we will be rude."

Threatened, she looked at the middle-aged woman who was speaking, holding her long knife without saying a word.

"What are you looking at, didn't you hear? We want the bag on your back, you hand it over consciously, or don't blame us for being rude."

"That's it." The people on the side kept echoing.

Seeing this, several of the originally delicate young women spoke more intensely.How could they have been subjected to this kind of crime before, they were not flattered by others as the proud girls, now because they haven't washed for more than ten days, they are so dirty that they can't even stand it, but the person on the other side is clean net.In such a comparison, how could their superior mentality endure what they saw now.

Shen Mengdie originally didn't intend to take out a long knife to frighten these people, but these people followed up to rob her.

She drew out the long knife hanging from her waist, and said calmly: "You guys better get out of the way, if you want food, go downstairs and find it yourself."

"How can you do this? There are monsters eating people underneath, and you let us go down, you are too vicious."

"You little girl, at such a young age, you have such a vicious heart, you actually want us to go down to die."

"How can you do that?"

"Just do it, give us the food."

All of a sudden, she saw the so-called all kinds of life. The people here are all timid and afraid of getting into trouble. They expect them to help but don't find a way for themselves.

"I'll say it again, go away." Shen Mengdie raised her long knife and pointed at the person in front of her, calling softly.

Under the sharp blade, the person in front subconsciously took a few steps back, getting out of the way.

Shen Mengdie carried a long knife and walked out step by step, and just as she walked out of the crowd, a man rushed towards her frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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