The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 237 Chapter 237 End Times Evolution

Chapter 237 Chapter 237 Evolution of the End Times ([-])
When Bai Lian thought of the disaster that the person in front of her was about to suffer, she laughed idiotically, and she couldn't hide the pride in her eyes.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Shen Mengdie originally wanted to directly reject the other party's proposal, but after seeing the abnormal smile of the person in front of her, she had to remind her softly.

After hearing her question, Bai Lian quickly adjusted her expression, and regained that soft, clean and pure temperament.

"I, I didn't do anything. I just asked you to let me out of the bedroom? There are so many of us, you should take care of us a little bit, after all, you are a good person. "

Facing Bai Lian, Shen Mengdie sent her a good person card again, lowered her eyes, and did not answer the phone immediately.

"Are you going to give up the room to us? You are such a good person, and we will all thank you." Bai Lian said quickly, then turned her head and shouted softly to the people behind her: "You know what? She will give us the bedroom, so we don't have to worry about not having enough room."

"Huh? Really? That would be wonderful."

"So we can have a good rest."

"Bai Lian is so kind, she even helped us negotiate with the owner."

The others stopped what they were busy with and gathered in twos and threes.

Brother Tao was still arranging for other people to tidy up his room, but after hearing the commotion here, he also walked over slowly.At the beginning, he also saw Bai Lian talking with another woman, but he didn't know what they were talking about.Now that the other party agreed to let the room out, as the leader of the team, of course he had to go over and thank the other party, and then arrange the accommodation of the personnel.

"Girl, I really offended you just now, please don't take offense. Since you want to give up the bedroom to us, then we will not be polite. Thank you very much." Brother Tao also knew that he should pay attention to his demeanor at this time, after all The woman standing in front of him was very beautiful, and before the end of the world, he would not have been able to come into contact with this type.

"Thank you so much."

"Yes, you really solved our troubles."

"But it would be nice to be able to take out some more food."

"It's really selfish to not even bring out the food."

From the initial thanks to the change of tone in the words of others, there was always a slight contempt in the eyes of the others. They always thought that they were also people who had experienced in the pile of zombies, and they were more than enough to deal with the little girl in front of them.

Shen Mengdie looked at the appearance of the group of people in front of her, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but a sneering smile, and a little impatience appeared in her originally calm eyes.

The group of people in front of her are typical white-eyed wolves. She has already tolerated these people into her territory, but now these people are actually dissatisfied with her and want to make various demands.

Shen Mengdie lightly rubbed the cup in her hand, and said in a voice that could be heard by everyone present: "I think you have made a mistake, I have never promised to let you live in the bedroom, so You don't have to thank me, and I don't need your thanks."

After these people heard her words, they collectively silenced, and then frowned slightly.

Seeing that things were going wrong, Bai Lian hurriedly took a step forward, with strong accusation in her eyes. "How can you be so selfish, all of us can't live, and you still have to occupy a bedroom by yourself, why?"

"Well said, just because I am the owner of this place." Shen Mengdie took a sip of water, and answered the other party's question without haste, with a very casual attitude.

Bai Lian was stunned by her words, and then her face changed, big and big teardrops fell down like a broken thread, she kept sobbing and said: "Even if you are the owner of this place, you shouldn't be like this. How can you be so selfish?"

Brother Tao, who was standing aside, was frowning and thinking about what was wrong, but suddenly found that Bai Lian was crying, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold her in his arms distressedly, and kept coaxing: "Lian'er , what’s the matter, don’t cry, don’t cry.”

Bai Lian kept sobbing, tears kept falling, I really feel sorry for her. "She, she..."

Bai Lian stopped talking, but kept repeating a word, as if she had been wronged so much.

At this moment, Brother Tao gently hugged the beauty he had been craving for a long time, so he didn't care about his gentlemanly demeanor.Although Shen Mengdie's appearance made him feel unbearably itchy as well, it doesn't matter who is in front of him who has been delusional for a long time.

So while comforting the person in his arms, he accused him: "I didn't expect you to be such a person. We all misjudged you. But today, you have to let it go if you want it, and you have to let it go if you don't want it. Besides, who knows?" You must be the master here, maybe you are just one step ahead of us. What qualifications do you have to occupy a bedroom?"

"Brother Tao is right, who knows if she is the owner of this place? She actually tells us what to do."

"Yes, get her out."

Shen Mengdie originally didn't expect anything from the group in front of her, so when faced with one-sided accusations, she just raised her eyes slightly, and then looked directly at Brother Tao, the leader. "You mean to persecute me? You are just latecomers, even if I am not the original owner, but before you came, I was the owner of this place, and I have the right not to let you enter the house."

"How could you do this? I'm so disappointed in you." Bai Lian, who was leaning lightly in Brother Tao's arms, looked ahead with tears in her eyes, and sobbed from time to time, as if the other party had really done something wrong to her.She knew that every time she showed such an expression, other people would help her. Now, in order to suppress the person on the other side who gave her a sense of oppression, she felt that it was wise to do so now.

If it is head-to-head, her image in the hearts of everyone will not only collapse, but it will also be unfavorable for her to implement the next plan.

Shen Mengdie looked at the group of people in front of her, and suddenly felt a little irritable. She didn't want to cause trouble, but she suddenly wanted to fix the group of people in front of her, so that they could restrain themselves and know whose territory they were on.

"It seems that I have to use the ice ability that I just opened, and I just use this group of people to practice my hands." I saw bursts of cold air from her hands, and then spread to the whole body, even the cup she was holding At this moment, the hot water also began to cool rapidly, slowly covering it with a thin layer of ice.

The noisy crowd suddenly silenced collectively again. Faced with the sudden drop in temperature, they stretched out their hands and rubbed their arms, with blank expressions on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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