The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 240 Chapter 240 End Times Evolution

Chapter 240 Chapter 240 Evolution of the End Times ([-])
After discussing with Huo Bin, Shen Mengdie can be said to have successfully joined their team, which will be of great help to her next special mission.

"That's it for today. If you have anything to discuss, you can just discuss it with me." Huo Bin straightened his sleeves, stood up slowly, and explained to Shen Mengdie who was still sitting quietly.

"Okay, then I will trouble you then."

"You're welcome, it should be."

Shen Mengdie looked at the people who were gradually leaving, stroking the big cat in her arms, and lowered her eyes to secretly think about her own affairs.

After a while, she slowly came back to her senses, and at this moment she was the only one left in the hall.

Seeing that the big cat was opening its round eyes and looking at herself curiously, she lightly rubbed the big cat's ears, and said softly, "Be good, big cat, let's go back to the room."

After she got up and took two steps, a noise came from the direction of the door.

"Brother Tao, today's harvest is good, do you want an extra meal for everyone?"

"Hehe, everyone should eat and drink for a while. We are going to rest here for the next few days. Everyone should relax." Brother Tao seemed to be in a good mood, and after a chuckle, he agreed to everyone's proposal .

Seeing those people coming back, Shen Mengdie quickened her pace and walked upstairs.

Brother Tao saw her back when she came in, but considering that the other party might be a supernatural being like himself, he just watched the other party leave without going forward to talk.

For the next two days, these people stayed here to rest, and searched the small village carefully to find out what they needed.

During this period, Shen Mengdie only had contact with Huo Bin and the other four. When facing Bai Lian who wanted to find fault, she often just laughed it off. The other party's behavior seemed ridiculous and unreasonable to her.

Today is the day for the team to leave again. Last night, Huo Bin had already told her the specific departure time, so she got up early and packed her belongings before the sky was bright today.

Carrying the backpack she brought out, she held the long knife tightly in her hand, glanced at the big cat that was closely behind her, and walked out with firm steps.

"Are you ready? After breakfast in a while, we will set off." Huo Bin looked at the energetic man, glanced at the long knife in the opponent's hand, and then hung the wiped firearm on his waist naturally between.

Shen Mengdie nodded, shook her backpack and replied, "Everything is ready."

"Very well, let's go." Huo Bin said, beckoning to the rest of the people, and then took the lead and walked ahead.

At this time, in the hall on the first floor, Brother Tao was instructing his subordinates to pack their things. He wanted to take away all the good things he found in this small village in the past two days.

"Hey, that person over there, that is you, what are you doing slowly, hurry up and get ready."

Among these busy figures, Bai Lian was still wearing a white dress, sitting quietly by the side, looking unique.

After Shen Mengdie glanced at Bai Lian's figure, she withdrew her gaze indifferently, and followed closely behind Huo Bin.

She doesn't care about the other party, so it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't care about her.

The moment Bai Lian saw Shen Mengdie, her expression was a little awkward, and when she glanced at the backpack on the other's back, she secretly sneered in her heart: "Do you think you can leave with us just by bringing your luggage? Don’t you even look at yourself?”

In these two days of simple getting along, Bai Lian has been trying to find a way to deal with each other, but she can't find the right time.She wants to be the most special existence in the team, and let all the men take care of her, and she can't let other women who can threaten her join.

Shen Mengdie's original senses were very sensitive, but after the ice ability was activated, this feeling became even more acute.

"Malicious towards me?" She caressed the pattern on the scabbard in her hand, and there was a dark light in her careless eyes. "I just don't know what caused it, but I shouldn't have anything to do with her, right? Could it be because of what happened that day?"

She guessed that these people had conflicts with Bai Lian when they arrived on the first day, but she could never guess what the other party really thought, after all, that person's brain circuit was not on the same channel as hers.

In the busyness, time passed quickly, and the gray sky revealed a touch of fish belly.After the rising sun drove the darkness away, they were also ready and set off.

Shen Mengdie really didn't know what to talk to the other four people, and those few people didn't take the initiative to talk to the only woman in her team, so the five walked out in silence like this.

Brother Tao saw that Huo Bin and the others had already walked out, so he quickly asked the people behind to follow up quickly. For Shen Mengdie who was following behind those people, he just glanced at them, and then silently looked away.

In his heart, there are some things that he can't and can't control.

Bai Lian stood beside Brother Tao, looking at Shen Mengdie walking in front of her with a bag on her back, a sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth. "Do you want to rely on them? It's really wishful thinking." In her heart, Shen Mengdie is a person who wants to climb up to Huo Bin by virtue of her appearance, but she has already determined that the other party will fail.

The iron gate of the courtyard opened quickly, and it seemed very peaceful without a single zombie approaching.

Shen Mengdie watched those people quickly put the items in their hands into the car, then opened the door neatly, and started to get in the car.She bent down and embraced the big cat that had been following her feet, and then neatly got into the back seat of the car under Bai Lian's disbelieving eyes.

Brother Tao looked at the woman who got into the car in front, raised his brows lightly, showing the original expression.Before that, he had already noticed the closeness between Shen Mengdie and the four-person team. Although he didn't know the reason, it didn't affect him at all.

With the roar of the car engine, Shen Mengdie left the place where she stayed for a few days.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Shen Mengdie called Huo Bin like everyone else since she joined the team.

Huo Bin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, slowly turned his head to look at her when he heard the words. "After we get out of here, we will go on the highway and need to refuel the vehicle."

"Oh." Shen Mengdie doesn't care where to go, anyway, he just needs to follow the mission target Huo Bin.

Seeing that she didn't seem to have anything to ask, Huo Bin sat upright, looked forward, and sighed softly: "I don't know when the end times will pass, and I don't know how many people will survive this disaster. "

(End of this chapter)

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