The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 End Times Evolution

Chapter 243 Chapter 243 End Times Evolution (22)

"Brother Tao, do we want to go there?" The person in the driver's seat looked ahead in surprise and asked Brother Tao who was in charge.

"Not for now." Brother Tao made this decision after weighing the pros and cons.

"Then us?" The person in the driver's seat hesitated.

Brother Tao squinted his eyes slightly, and after thinking about it in his heart, he told the people beside him: "Just wait here, our car is out of gasoline, and after they have almost cleaned up the zombies, we will go back to you." past."

"Brother Tao is wise!"

"That's right, you don't even look at who I am." Although Brother Tao responded to those who boasted about him, his eyes were always paying attention to the movement over there, but due to the distance, he couldn't see it clearly.

He could only see Huo Bin and the others who were moving were gradually surrounded by zombies, and then he didn't know anything.Although he was a supernatural being, he hadn't killed many zombies on the way to escape, and he was also very scared when facing groups of zombies.

A group of people here were watching, and the people hiding in the gas station house also noticed the noise outside. When they saw someone coming to the gas station and starting to shoot zombies, some people were so excited that they shed tears. Finally there is help.

"Boss, the zombies are coming."

"Swap weapons and clean them all up."

Huo Bin is not worried that he will be besieged by zombies. These zombies look really weak now, they walk unsteadily and stand unsteadily. As long as anyone is brave enough to deal with ruthless attacks, these zombies are nothing to fear.

Shen Mengdie watched them quickly put away their firearms, then drew out the weapon strapped to her back, and firmly held the long knife in her hand.

The few people were like chopping melons and vegetables, and quickly cleaned up the zombies around them. Shen Mengdie, who was protected by everyone, had almost no chance to make a move.

While a few people were cleaning up the surrounding zombies, Shen Mengdie, who hadn't participated in the battle, suddenly noticed that a zombie mixed in the group of zombies was a little different. It wasn't as slow as the other zombies, and its movements could be said to be quite agile.

It is currently hiding among the zombies, running towards this side at a much faster speed than ordinary people, and then stretched out its claws unexpectedly.

"Be careful!" Shen Mengdie slashed at the outstretched claw, resisting the attack on Chen Bing.

The rest of them reacted quickly, defending against the surprise attack back to back.

"Attention everyone, this may be a second-level zombie, and the speed is much faster."

The zombies they dealt with just now were all ordinary zombies, walking slowly, not even level one.However, the speed of this second-level zombie is obviously stronger by more than half a point. It is really not easy for ordinary people to kill it.

"Boss, how come there are second-level zombies here?" Chen Jun seemed surprised by this. They had never encountered a second-level zombie before, but this also showed that the evolution of zombies was getting faster and faster.

"You should pay attention to vigilance. I think this zombie has just evolved, so don't worry too much." Huo Bin is already a second-level peak lightning-type ability user. Although using the ability consumes a lot, the ability The changes brought to him were more than that. Every time he went up a level, he felt that his physical fitness was getting better.

He could clearly feel this kind of change, and the little bit of strengthening of his body made him feel certain that it was not impossible for him to survive in the last days.

Shen Mengdie looked at the people who were waiting solemnly, lightly shook the long knife in her hand, and kept thinking about the feeling she had just had in her bright and dark eyes.

"Boss, these zombies don't seem right." Lin Che, who was keenly observant, noticed that although the zombies around them were eager to move towards them, they seemed to be hesitating, and they had been hovering about a meter away from them.

"Something's not quite right. Be careful of that second-level zombie." Huo Bin glanced at the surrounding zombies, and then looked around, looking for the trace of the zombie just now.

After Shen Mengdie heard the conversation between the two, her heart suddenly skipped a beat, thinking that the other party had discovered her secret. "It turns out that people within my safe range will not be attacked by zombies, but it seems that zombies can still smell other people's breath."

Just when she was thinking secretly, Huo Bin suddenly shouted.

"It's just in time." It turned out that the second-level zombie who ran away suddenly returned.

She looked at the people who suddenly launched a counterattack, gripped the long knife tightly, integrated her ice ability into the knife, and began to clean up the zombies.

Just now, she suddenly remembered that although she didn't know how to use a gun, she could use supernatural powers. The reason why she didn't realize it for a while was because she didn't have the consciousness of possessing supernatural powers.

"It seems that I should use the ability more often in the future. Anyway, my ability level is very high, and I am not afraid of exhausting too much."

As she thought to herself, she kept waving a long knife and chopping up the zombies.Several people around were attacking the zombie's head with knives and knives, but she directly slashed at the zombie's body. All this was because she had never experienced such a fight before, and she did not have professional qualities.

Chen Bing slashed at the approaching zombies, paying attention to the movements of the person he wanted to protect from time to time.He was already satisfied that the other party didn't scream because he saw the zombie, and now that he saw the other party slashing with a knife, he was even more satisfied with this teammate.

Although the other party's actions didn't look clean enough, he didn't think there was any problem. After all, the other party looked like an ordinary girl, and it was already very good to be able to do this.

With the end of the world approaching, what everyone needs most is not a strong force value, but a strong psychological quality that can face zombies directly, and be able to protect themselves with their own hands, instead of just knowing to avoid blindly.

"Chop off the head of the zombie, so that you can kill it with one blow."

When Chen Bing just said the words of prompting, he suddenly noticed that a zombie not far from him was roaring and rapidly freezing, and every inch of frost spread rapidly from the hit position.

"This is?" Seeing this, his pupils shrank, and then he suddenly looked at Shen Mengdie who was fighting with a knife.

I saw that the zombies that Shen Mengdie's long knife touched were all frozen quickly, and then with the opponent's violent blow, there was a crash, and the zombies were directly broken into pieces.

It is impossible that this kind of movement did not attract the attention of the people around them. They all looked at this woman whose force value suddenly exploded with surprise, and the light in their eyes flickered.After quickly realizing what he was doing, he remained silent and quickly cleaned up the zombies around him.

Shen Mengdie only felt that her slashing movements were getting smoother and smoother, and the supernatural ability basically made up for her lack of strength and her inability to chop off the heads of zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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