The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 246 Chapter 246 End Times Evolution

Chapter 246 Chapter 246 End Times Evolution (25)


"Crack clap clap..."

Subtle voices sounded in this quiet environment, getting closer and clearer.

Gradually, densely packed bugs began to appear in the corner of the wall, and there were more and more of them, which made people get goosebumps.

"Where are so many bugs coming from?" After the first person discovered the bugs that suddenly appeared, there were successive screams, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Naturally, Shen Mengdie didn't know what was going on in the store she was staying in just now, and they were driving to a school in the small town now.When the end of the world came, it was the time when the school was on vacation, so they were not worried at all that there would be a large number of zombies in the school.

After slowly approaching, the outline of the school was clearly reflected in her eyes.This school is small in size, with only two rows of teaching buildings. Looking at the school name at the door, it turns out that this is just an elementary school.


Chen Bing violently removed the iron lock hanging on the school gate, allowing vehicles to enter normally.

"It looks very clean here." Shen Mengdie looked at the environment on the campus and sighed softly.

"Indeed, the school is on holiday. If there is no one, there will be no zombies." Huo Bin took her words and nodded in agreement.

"Boss, shall we rest here tonight?"

"Yes. Check for zombies first, and then rest." Facing her question, Huo Bin scanned the surroundings and replied in a deep voice.

The next few people began to investigate the place where they would stay temporarily tonight. After cleaning up the only few zombies, they found a classroom and stayed in.

Just as they took out their tools and started preparing tonight's dinner, the people who followed arrived here one after another.

After Brother Tao brought his team to the nearest place, he began to have dinner prepared.Time passed quickly, and after a few people had dinner, the colorful clouds in the sky had gradually set.

While the few people were resting, someone knocked on the classroom door on their side.

"Dong dong dong..."

Shen Mengdie looked up at the door, then looked away, and continued to feed the big cat.

Huo Bin got up and walked over, and slowly opened the door.

"Boss Huo, I have something I want to discuss with you." The person who came was Brother Tao who was settled in the next classroom, and beside him stood Bai Lian in a white dress.

"Come in." Huo Bin took a step back and walked into the classroom.

The two found a stool, sat down, and started talking.

"Boss Huo, I'll tell you the truth. I'm here this time to hope that we can cooperate."

"Cooperate?" Huo Bin looked at the person in front of him. He had learned a little bit about the other person's personality during this journey. When he saw the other party's current behavior, he already had a general idea in his heart.

"There are more and more supernatural beings now, and Bailian is now a supernatural being of the healing department, so I hope you can join our team."

"You want us to join?"

"Yes." Brother Tao nodded hastily upon hearing this.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you said, is it? What are your plans?"

"Boss Huo is really wise. Since we are a cooperative relationship, then I must be the leader." Brother Tao already had this plan when his team was getting bigger and bigger.Although this five-member team was small in number, it was not light in the hearts of those survivors.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about, you can go back." After Huo Bin knew the other party's intentions, he had no idea of ​​continuing the conversation with him.

"Boss Huo, what are you dissatisfied with? We can talk about it, so we can discuss it." Brother Tao said quickly that his plan was imperative.

While the two were talking, although the other members of the team were doing their own things, they were always paying attention to this side.

"How can you waste food!"

Shen Mengdie, who was distracted, was taken aback by a scolding, and then raised her head in a daze.When she saw that the person standing beside her was Bai Lian, she subconsciously frowned.

The way the other party wore a white dress made her always feel that something was wrong. At this moment, it was very difficult to ensure that the white dress was clean and spotless.After all, there is no telling when you will meet zombies. It is normal to get a little stain or something, and now that you are fleeing, it is not easy to find water to wash, let alone wash clothes with water.

She now uses the water conjured by her supernatural ability to wash every day. Although it is a little cold, it is very hot now in the hot summer.

Bai Lian didn't give her a very good impression, so she continued to feed the cat by herself, and asked casually without raising her head: "Do you have anything to do?"

"A lot of people can't get enough to eat now. How can you feed the cats with food?" Bai Lian followed Brother Tao. Although she didn't encounter any danger, she had some dry food every day during this period, or instant noodles. See you now Seeing that Shen Mengdie was actually feeding the cat with ham sausage, he suddenly felt very upset.How can I bear it now that I can't eat as much as a cat.

"Oh." Shen Mengdie responded lightly, and continued to take out a new ham sausage from his pocket, slowly tore it open, and fed it to the big cat.

The big cat sniffed the food in front of him, and turned his head in disgust.Recently, Shen Mengdie would feed it with the food stored in the space ring when other people were away, so she didn't like ham sausage very much.

"Hurry up, you still hate it, it won't be there in a while." She reached out and patted the big cat's head, and passed the food forward.

Although big cats are small in size, they have an amazing appetite. It is really not easy for ordinary people to feed them.This change of the big cat may be related to the mutation of the other party, after all, its prototype is not small.

The big cat visibly wrinkled its nose, and began to eat reluctantly.

"You, how could you do this? I'm asking you something." Seeing that the other party ignored her, Bai Lian felt slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, I got it."

"And then? Aren't you ashamed?"

"Ashamed, why should I be ashamed, I originally collected these foods by myself, does it have anything to do with you?" Shen Mengdie was a little puzzled by the other party's question.

After hearing the movement here, the other members of the team turned their gazes.In this small classroom, they could clearly hear the conversation between the two just now.

After hearing the conversation here, Brother Tao looked at Shen Mengdie, who was calmly feeding the cat, and frowned slightly. He seemed to have the same attitude as Bai Lian, and was very dissatisfied with her actions.

However, after noticing the reaction of Huo Bin opposite him, Brother Tao decided to settle the other party first.

(End of this chapter)

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