The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 248 Chapter 248 End Times Evolution

Chapter 248 Chapter 248 End Times Evolution (27)

"Brother Tao, don't be angry, it's fine if they don't join."

"What's the matter? Those people dare to embarrass my brother Tao, they don't know what to do. It seems that I have to think of a way to deal with them." Tao brother glared at the person who came to answer the conversation, and then bowed his head. Eyes secretly thinking about the feasibility of the matter.

The person who answered the call knew that he had slapped the horse's hoof with his flattery, so he quickly shut up, and then quickly dodged while the other party was thinking about things.

Just as Brother Tao was thinking about how to disintegrate Shen Mengdie's team, the roar of cars suddenly sounded outside the house.

"Go out and see what's going on alone." He ordered to those who were busy, wondering if someone had come.

Shen Mengdie, who was discussing the big cat's situation with her teammates, naturally heard the movement outside, and she understood that the big cat should not be exposed now. "Big cats, get small."

As soon as the words fell, the big cat turned back into a small one.

"Boss, someone should be here. Shall we go out and have a look?" After hearing the sound of the car outside, Shen Mengdie guessed that someone must be here, but she couldn't be sure whether the person would be malicious to them.

"Let's go, let's go out to see the situation." Huo Bin waved his hand and asked his teammates to take their weapons and go out together.

Shen Mengdie held the big cat in her arms and followed behind them.

When I walked out of the classroom, I saw several cars parked on the playground, many of which had large trucks.With the faint moonlight, they could clearly see the bloodstains hanging on the car body. This is a team that has been baptized in battle.

"It seems that there are quite a few people here." She sighed softly in her heart, silently watching the movement over there.

At this time, the door of the car that had stopped was quickly opened, and someone came down and shouted loudly to the vehicles behind: "Everyone, move more quickly, and rest here tonight."

Then, a group of people came out of the car one after another. Judging from the number of people, there were about thirty or so people.

Shen Mengdie looked warily at the people who were walking towards the classroom, and silently stood beside her teammates, waiting for the boss to speak.

Brother Tao, who lived next door, also led his team, watching the new members warily.After the three parties approached, they all looked at each other defensively, as if they would fight if they disagreed.

"Don't get me wrong, everyone, we just need to rest here temporarily for a night." The man who came over was thin and weak, wearing black-framed glasses, he looked very gentle.Seeing that the most people were standing beside Brother Tao, he guessed that the other party should be the leader of the team, so he began to negotiate.

"In that case, you can do as you please, but don't disturb us." Brother Tao looked at the other party defensively, not wanting to say anything more.

"Naturally." The man nodded slightly and walked back to his team.He said something respectfully to a middle-aged man with a hostile face, and then looked back here from time to time.

The five members of the Spike Team over there stood silently at the side the whole time, neither stepping forward nor participating.

"Okay, let's rest early today and leave early tomorrow morning." Huo Bin knew that they had to speed up their journey now to get rid of those people who had been following behind their team.

As they approach the city, the surrounding zombies will become denser and denser, and they are naturally attractive in the eyes of the zombies with a group of people.

When faced with dense zombies, it will have a great impact on their next plan.

Shen Mengdie looked at Huo Bin's frowning brows, her heart moved slightly, she raised her hand to say something, but finally she walked into the classroom with lowered eyes.

After the few people here closed the door, they began to rest early.

Although the new team and Brother Tao's team will not deliberately contact each other, but because they are in the same teaching building, these survivors will have some exchanges.

When two of them started to fight because of a little friction, the others were attracted almost instantly.

The two parties confronted each other, neither willing to let the other.

"Brother Tao, what's the matter outside, why is it so noisy?" Bai Lian was ready to rest, but after hearing the noisy sound outside, she couldn't help paying attention to the movement outside.

The senses of supernatural beings are much more sensitive than ordinary people, and as a supernatural being, Brother Tao naturally heard the quarrel outside. "I don't know, I'll go out and have a look."

"I'll go with you." Bai Lian would not miss this good opportunity to brush her face, she gently took the other's arm, and said with a smile.

"Let's go." Brother Tao seemed to be in a good mood when the beauty took the initiative to contact him.


Brother Tao saw the fierce quarrels coming from the crowd, frowned, and scolded: "What are you doing, aren't you afraid of attracting zombies? Stop it!"

The people in Brother Tao's team saw that their boss had spoken, glared at the people over there angrily, and walked back to Brother Tao slowly.

One side stopped, and the other side naturally quieted down.

"Who can tell me what's going on here?" Brother Tao looked at his own person, and then at the person on the opposite side, frowning into a word "Chuan".

"I also want to know what happened, who will tell me." A man slowly walked out of the new team, with a cigarette in his mouth, standing casually, slowly scanning the surroundings crowd.

This is the boss of the new team, and everyone calls him Brother Hu.Brother Hu was the boss of a usury company before the end of the world. Those who can do this are not good people, so naturally he is not a good person.

The people he brought this time were basically his former subordinates, they were all thugs, and in this troubled world, they were very capable of bluffing people.

"Brother Hu." The people here saluted the visitor respectfully, then stepped aside and remained silent.

Brother Tao looked at the indifferent appearance of the visitor, but the alarm in his heart had already sounded.

"The team I have managed to form now is a scumbag in front of these people. The people in the team don't respect me very much. If Huo Bin's team doesn't join in, the overall strength of my team will not be improved. It seems I have to change tactics."

He was thinking about things silently in his heart, but his eyes did not leave Brother Hu who was opposite him.

The scene was silent for a while, and no one spoke.

"Sister, you are here. I finally found you." At this moment, a surprised female voice suddenly came from behind Brother Hu, which was impossible to ignore.

After hearing the familiar voice, Bai Lian was obviously taken aback, and then looked at the source of the voice.

(End of this chapter)

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