The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 250 Chapter 250 End Times Evolution

Chapter 250 Chapter 250 End Times Evolution (29)

Brother Tao wanted to cooperate with the other party, but couldn't find a suitable opportunity, and finally had to move out of the Spike Team who lived next door.Relying on his eloquence in sales before the end of the world, he boasted about those people so unusually that Brother Hu, who wanted to leave, stopped in his tracks.

After listening to the other party's explanation, Brother Hu flicked the cigarette butt in his hand to the ground, and then lightly stomped it out with the sole of his shoe, with a faint interest in his eyes. "It seems that I have to meet those people."

Early the next morning, Shen Mengdie woke up quite punctually under her own biological clock.

On the way to escape during this period, what she felt the most was not the danger she faced, but the tense atmosphere.Seeing the dignified expressions on everyone's faces, she really didn't know how to persuade them, so she could only caress the big cat silently.

After a series of events yesterday, the exposed big cat has also become the mascot of the team.

"Mengdie, go and wash up. Let me take care of the big cat." After washing in a hurry, Chen Bing looked eagerly at the big cat beside Shen Mengdie, wanting to reach out and rub it.

Shen Mengdie saw the other party's expression in his eyes, shook his head lightly, put the big cat into the other party's arms, nodded the big cat's head, and explained to it: "Big cat, stay here obediently , I'll be right back."

The big cat opened its round eyes, raised its paw and scratched its ears, apparently understood what she said.

So she stopped caring about the big cat, took out a towel, turned around and walked out.

Because the sky is just getting dark at this time, there are very few people who have come out for activities now, just a few sporadic ones.

She stretched out her arm, wet the towel with the water condensed by the supernatural power, and began to wash.

After everything was packed and she started to walk back, she met a person head-on.

"Bai Lian?" Shen Mengdie looked at the woman who was slowly walking towards this side, and said with some uncertainty.Under the misty sky, the other party's face made her feel very familiar, but upon closer inspection, it didn't quite look like it.

When the person came close enough for her to see clearly, she sighed silently in her heart: "So it's just that they look similar."

She didn't know the woman in front of her, and she wasn't going to know her.

The woman walking towards her was Lily. She casually glanced at Shen Mengdie who was standing in front of her, looked away, and quickly walked past him.

Shen Mengdie shook her head slightly, and stopped paying attention to the other party, and walked inward slowly.

"Hey big cat, let me touch you."

As soon as she entered the classroom, she saw Chen Bing surrounding the big cat standing on the table, eager to touch him.

The big cat's reaction was to turn its head, and then sat down with its back to the other party.

Naturally, Chen Bing would not give up just like that. He quickly walked to the front of the big cat, and then continued to repeat his actions, and the big cat continued to ignore him.

Shen Mengdie looked at the two of them, and for a moment really didn't know what to say.

After putting down the things in her hands, she picked up her backpack, took out her own breakfast from it, and handed some food to the big cat who was looking eagerly at her.

"Meow meow..." The big cat sniffed the food in front of him, then continued to look at her pitifully.

Shen Mengdie paused for a moment, then turned her gaze away, just in time to see the big cat waiting to be fed. "Big cat, don't be picky eaters."

"Meow..." The big cat understood her words and looked very disappointed.

"Come, eat mine." At this time, Chen Bing was very happy, and quickly took out the dried fish from his pocket.In order to get close to the big cats, he deliberately collected some cats' favorite species when collecting food.

The big cat sniffled, turned its head quickly, and looked at the food in the opponent's hand with piercing eyes.

It ate the food in a good mood, and Chen Bing touched the big cat's smooth fur as he wished.

Shen Mengdie saw that the two over there were getting along well, so she didn't care about them anymore.After eating the food, while wiping her hands, she asked Huo Bin: "Boss, are we going to ignore the people next door this time?"

Huo Bin had eaten the food and was currently cleaning his weapon.Hearing this, he paused, and then slowly replied: "At the beginning, it was only out of humanitarianism that they were allowed to follow, but now it is no longer possible. You pack up, and we will set off right away."

"Okay." Shen Mengdie responded softly, knowing in her heart that Huo Bin had no obligation to take care of those people next door. Since the other party had spoken, she naturally followed suit.

After hearing the boss's words, the rest of them swiftly picked up their belongings, and then quickly walked out the door.

At this time, the sky was already a little bit bright. Although the night had not completely receded, this did not affect the actions of the few people.

After seeing the outfits of these people, the people who were arranged to stay here knew that they were going to leave, and hurriedly went back to report to their boss.

Brother Tao was hurriedly woken up by his subordinates, and after quickly coming to the door, what he saw was the rear of the car leaving in the dust.

"Damn it, you actually left by yourself." Brother Tao wanted to twitch his mouth when he thought of what he said to Brother Hu last night. "Why are you still standing there, pack up quickly, and we will set off right away."

"Yes, yes, I will arrange it right away."

A group of people here started to get busy, and the few people who left over there are now driving on the road, studying the way forward.

"Boss, there is a city ahead, do we have to detour?" Lin Che looked at the satellite map displayed on his computer screen, feeling slightly agitated.

After he successfully invaded the satellite, everyone has been advancing along the map displayed by the satellite. This is also the reason why the journey is so smooth, because they can successfully avoid the tide of zombies and reduce the existence of danger.

After Huo Bin looked at the map and pondered for a while, he sighed slowly: "No need, let's go directly through the city."

"Boss, there are too many zombies in the city, we may not be able to handle them."

"There's no other way around this. It's surrounded by mountains. If you don't go through the city, you have to take the mountain road. If you abandon your car and walk, you don't know when you'll be able to reach City B?"

The reason why Huo Bin is in a hurry to go to City B now is because when the end of the world was approaching and the communication was not cut off, he called other team members to discuss meeting in City B, and the city he was in was the farthest from there. I have been on the road for a long time, and I must speed up my progress.

As a teammate, Lin Che naturally understands the boss's worries. The brothers in his team should all be looking forward to the boss's reunion, and the boss can't go too late.

In the end, he had no choice but to nod in agreement with the boss' decision.

(End of this chapter)

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