The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 253 Chapter 253 End Times Evolution

Chapter 253 Chapter 253 End Times Evolution (32)

During this period of contact, although the few members of the team were men who claimed to be rough men, they treated her very well and allowed her to integrate into the team well.

Shen Mengdie's original plan was to save Huo Bin alone, but now she wants to let these people live and live well.But Brother Hu, who was about to attack them, really couldn't stay any longer.

Although a person like Brother Hu is not a good person, he is the one who can survive to the end, because he is ruthless enough and knows what he wants, and the role of those subordinates to him is nothing more than a tool for him to gain power. Enough and can be discarded at any time.

If such a person survived, it would be a great threat to them.

"It seems that it is indeed impossible to keep it." Shen Mengdie stroked the big cat in his hand, but his mind began to think about how to deal with the unexpected situation tomorrow.

Chen Bing, who was stretching out his hand to tease the big cat, turned his eyes away when he heard the first sentence of the person beside him, and started to ask when the other person said that he could not stay.

"Little Butterfly, what are you talking about? What can't you keep?"

Shen Mengdie withdrew her thoughts, looked at the person in front of her, bent her mouth, said with a light smile, "I didn't say anything, I was just thinking about something."

"You?" Chen Bing felt that the other party had been like this from time to time two days ago, and seemed to be preoccupied, but he didn't feel comfortable asking about it at the time. Now that the other party was more serious, he decided to ask.

In their team, there is only this one and only girl now, and it may be the only one for a long time in the future, so they naturally take good care of her.

Shen Mengdie guessed a little bit of the thoughts of the person in front of her from the eyes of the other party, and quickly stuffed the big cat squatting on her lap to the other party.

"Come on, take care of it."

"Ah? Oh. Give it to me." Chen Bing didn't react at first, and then happily caught the big cat.

In the recent period of time, the big cat has gotten used to this way of getting along, and does not struggle, and squints his eyes lazily.

At this time, Huo Bin also walked back. During the short walk back, he kept thinking about whether it was right for him to do so now.

Chen Jun, who has always been taciturn, was the first to notice Huo Bin's figure. He quickly stood up and walked to the other side and asked, "Boss, what did he say?"

Huo Bin shook his head upon hearing this. "Nothing, just want us to join."


"You also know that it is impossible for us to join any team now, but I am worried that he will play tricks on us behind our backs."

"Boss, don't worry, we can protect ourselves."

"Boss, you don't have to worry too much, we are going back to City B together."

"Boss, I support any decision you make."

Shen Mengdie looked at the four people standing together and talking, and stayed quietly by the side without interjecting.The current situation is not suitable for her to say anything. I believe that these people who have been born and died together must have their own ideas, and she just waits for the completion of the task with peace of mind.

Huo Bin looked at the few people in front of him, and his heart suddenly felt warm. This is his brother.

"Okay, since everyone has made a decision, then we will wait for tomorrow's departure. If there is any unexpected situation at that time, everyone will deal with it. Take a good rest today, so that you can have the energy to deal with tomorrow's accident.

"Haha, of course, we have extra meals today." Chen Bing laughed and said, no matter what happens tomorrow, at least as far as today is concerned, they are still alive.

At this time, the atmosphere returned to normal, and everyone moved together and started to get busy.

The items in this store are fairly well preserved, but it's a pity that it sells furniture and basically not much food.But this is not a problem for a few people, let alone the food that Shen Mengdie stored in the space ring, there is a lot of food collected by each of them alone.

Seeing the relaxed expressions of those people, Shen Mengdie volunteered to be the chef for today's dinner.

"How about eating hot pot tonight?" She flipped through her backpack, and asked a few people for their opinions.

"Okay, you can arrange it."

"It's been a long time since I ate anything with flavor, and my mouth is going to be tasteless."

"Hot pot, yes."

"Little Butterfly, let me help you."

Seeing that there were no problems with a few people, she washed her hands and started to do it.

The rest of the people took out the things they could use from their bags, and spontaneously helped.

With the cover of her backpack, Shen Mengdie secretly took out some useful items from the space and got busy.

Lin Che watched her movements, turned his head and raised an eyebrow at Huo Bin.The two of them noticed each other's abnormality a few days ago, but they didn't say anything, because Shen Mengdie would not harm everyone.

Shen Mengdie, who thought she hid her secret well, didn't know that she had exposed her own space. She was busy talking and laughing with Chen Bing now.

As the bottom of the pot began to boil, a tantalizing aroma began to spread rapidly.

At this time, everyone else had already started eating dinner. When many people smelled this smell, they stopped their movements, sniffed the aroma in the air, and looked at the dry biscuits in their hands. Continue to eat if you lose your appetite.

Bai Lian was biting the biscuit given to her. Although she was taken care of by Brother Tao, they were the weakest among the three teams, and they lost many people in the first two days. The food they collected could make people feel full. That's great, it's hard to say that there are other requirements.

Following the source of the fragrance, Bai Lian turned her gaze to the corner of the house, where it happened to be a member of the Spike Squad.

"Damn it, hate it." Bai Lian stared at the other side with resentment, thinking about her own situation, and then thinking about Shen Mengdie's situation, she felt very unbalanced.

After fleeing for the past two days, she no longer had the energy to take care of herself, and the white dress was already stained a little.

After retracting her gaze, she put her gaze on Brother Tao who was sitting beside her. The other person looked not much better than her, but also a bit embarrassed.Then she put her eyes on Brother Hu who was opposite, her eyes were flickering, and she didn't know what she was planning.

Lily, who was taking out the food in her own space, noticed Bai Lian's gaze, and there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes. As twins, she naturally understood what her sister was planning, but she was not prepared to stop it.

She wants to watch the other party walk towards extinction step by step in this morally degraded and humanity-destroyed apocalypse. "My dear sister, I will definitely give you a push then, don't thank me too much."

(End of this chapter)

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