The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 255 Chapter 255 End Times Evolution

Chapter 255 Chapter 255 End Times Evolution (34)

"Boss, you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, follow what I say." Huo Bin urged several people after killing a person hiding behind the car door.

Lin Che hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and nodded. "Okay, we will follow your arrangement, but you must not be entangled by zombies, you just need to give us another 5 minutes."

"Okay, I'm going, you all pay attention to safety."

After Huo Bin explained again, he quickly rushed to the vehicle that was driving towards him just now, pushed the person in the driver's seat who was still dripping blood from the center of his forehead out of the vehicle, and quickly got into the vehicle himself.

Shen Mengdie has been paying attention to Huo Bin's actions, and now seeing that the other party wants to act alone, she quickly flashes into the co-pilot and sits down.After seeing her movements, the big cat opened its lazy eyes suddenly, and then jumped onto the car.

"Why did you come up? Go back quickly." Huo Bin frowned slightly, his eyes full of disapproval.

Shen Mengdie pressed the big cat that jumped onto her lap, and raised her eyes to look at him. "Boss, I'll help you. I'm also a supernatural being, so I can protect myself."

Huo Bin looked at her, frowning tightly.

"Boss, don't hesitate, let's go, don't waste time."

Huo Bin lowered his eyes, sighed softly, and started the car slowly.

Shen Mengdie closed the car door casually and looked around cautiously.Soon, they discovered groups of zombies coming one after another.

Without the people around her saying much, she had already started to use supernatural powers to freeze the zombies in front and cut off the endless stream of zombies behind.

Her hand was still very useful, and the zombies who were blocked behind were forced to stop.

Just when the two thought it was almost time to retreat, a large number of zombies suddenly poured out from the side street, blocking their way.

Shen Mengdie frowned and looked at the sudden extra zombies, knowing in her heart that she was in trouble. "Boss, something is wrong."

"You see, we're in trouble."

Before this, they had never encountered such a situation. Zombies surrounded them in an organized way.This shows that here, there should be a zombie leader who controls the zombies in front of him.

"Sit still, let's rush out." After Huo Bin said this, he slammed on the accelerator and rushed towards the direction where there were fewer zombies.

With the sound of bang bang bang and crackling, countless zombies were brutally knocked away after touching their cars.

Just as they were about to rush out, a figure quickly landed on their windshield.

Shen Mengdie only had time to see a shadow clearly when she felt the car start to shake violently from side to side.She understood that Huo Bin was going to throw it away, and when she made a sharp turn, the zombies lying on the windshield were thrown to the ground. Just when she thought the crisis was over, a few more sprang out from the crowd of zombies. The zombies are coming.

Their speed was significantly slower than the original figure, but compared to the surrounding zombies, they were surprisingly fast.


Only listening to the position of the roof, suddenly there was a loud noise.Then, a few zombies lay on the roof of the car and screamed at them who were in the car, and stretched out their claws.

Faced with this situation, Huo Bin had no choice but to stop the car, and then began to release his own supernatural attack.


The lightning with the sound of an arc slammed into one of them, killing it instantly.

"Abandon the car and go." Huo Bin took the weapon and walked out first.

Shen Mengdie followed closely behind, taking the long knife she had always carried with her.

At this time, the big cat also jumped out of the car. It looked small and completely non-lethal, but wind blades spewed out from its mouth, decapitating the approaching zombies.

After Huo Bin saw the big cat's movements, his hands stopped suddenly, his expression changed, and then he continued to kill the zombies in front of him.The one or two more powerful zombies that sprang out occasionally did not pose a threat to him, it was still like chopping melons and vegetables.

The two and the cat moved in one direction tacitly, with a faint hope of leaving soon.


At this time, a loud roar came from behind the group of zombies. In contrast, those zombies who were slow to move suddenly sped up their movements, making them seem a lot more urgent.

'Find a psychic zombie. '

The system's sudden notification sound made Shen Mengdie, who was slashing, tremble, and slashed directly on the shoulder of the zombie.After pulling out the knife vigorously, she quickly moved to Huo Bin's side.

She naturally understood how difficult it is to deal with spiritual zombies, so she whispered to the people beside her, "Boss, there are spiritual zombies here."

"Psychology?" Huo Bin murmured and then quickly reacted. "No, let's get out of here quickly."

"It's too late." Shen Mengdie had already seen the zombie coming from the group of zombies. Beside that zombie, surrounded by several special zombies, each one was different from the ordinary ones.


The psycho-type zombie roared, and then all the zombies beside them rushed towards them.

"Take care of yourself." Huo Bin quickly greeted him after a quick confession.

Shen Mengdie looked at the zombies around and frowned a little annoyed.

In fact, just now, those zombies avoided her intentionally or unintentionally, and turned to attack Huo Bin.

"System, is this Huo Bin's crisis? My mission is to take him away from here."

'Yes, please complete the task as soon as possible. '

"In that case, then I'll just take him away." Shen Mengdie murmured softly, confirming the next move.

While she was communicating with the system, Huo Bin was already surrounded by layers of zombies, many of whom were particularly powerful, and they all swarmed towards each other.

"Big cat, come with me." She raised her hand and instantly froze all the zombies with a diameter of two meters around her, and then the big cat's wind blade shattered into pieces.

She walked over there step by step, and the zombies around her froze quickly.

The spiritual zombie who was watching the battle suddenly sensed the danger and roared in her direction. At the same time, he backed away with some fear, and then sent the zombie he controlled to attack her.But those zombies didn't seem to see her existence, and they circled around in a daze.

Huo Bin's ability has been somewhat exhausted at this moment, and at his feet, there are hundreds of corpses of zombies.

When Shen Mengdie approached the other party, what he saw was such a scene.

At this time, the originally neat clothes on the opponent's body were already covered with the flesh and blood of the zombies, and a deep wound on the arm was dripping with blood, causing the surrounding zombies to be restless.

(End of this chapter)

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