The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 259 Chapter 259 End Times Evolution

Chapter 259 Chapter 259 End Times Evolution (38)

The child lying in her arms had a strong attraction to her, mixed with a faint heartache that she couldn't ignore.

'The freeze begins. 3, 2, 1...'

After Shen Mengdie heard the system prompt sound in her mind, she suddenly felt the temperature around her drop sharply, and she also lost consciousness at this moment.

In this originally empty cave, ice blocks filled the space in an instant, and the entrance of the cave was completely frozen when it came, and even the scorching sun could not melt it.

In the cave, the most conspicuous thing is the bed in the middle.

The ice cubes completely froze it, and the big and small inside closed their eyes tightly, as if there was no sign of life.

This is a world of ice and snow, all living things will not be able to enter, there is only endless cold and silence.

One day in the middle of the mountain is a thousand years in the world.

During the time when Shen Mengdie fell into a deep sleep, Huo Bin had already brought his team to City B, and he also began to realize that he was different from ordinary people.

When the highest level of ability users in city B was level four, he was already a level six ability user.And the three people who have been following him have awakened different abilities, and they have become his help in taking power.

Here, they naturally also met Brother Hu and his party.

Time flies, when Huo Bin took full control of City B with the support of everyone, Brother Hu's team had already been disintegrated.

Among those people back then, Brother Tao had already died on the way out, and Bai Lian was sold to the red-light district after abandoning Brother Tao and picking up Brother Hu.During a mission, Lily was noticed by Brother Hu to be suspicious of the space. With the exposure of the space jade bracelet, after she was seized, she was sent to be with Bai Lian.The two of them lived under Brother Hu's surveillance all the time, until a long time later, when Brother Hu was intercepted and killed halfway, they got better.

And in that cave full of ice, everything was the same as before, but upon closer inspection, the people on the bed turned into a man and a woman, and the man was leaning on the woman's arms, which looked very strange.

Suddenly, the man who had closed his eyes opened them suddenly, a red light flashed across his eyes, and finally turned into darkness.

The moment Yi Wenwen woke up, he realized that he was in the ice. After a moment of confusion, he quickly discovered that there was someone beside him. After seeing the face of that person clearly, his original It was dark eyes with a little soft light.

"I finally found you." He followed the footsteps of the people beside him and came to this world. His original body had already been shattered in the turbulent flow of time and space, and only his soul rushed out.But he doesn't regret it, the people around him are treasures that he can't let go of.

After observing the environment around him, he guessed that everything in front of him should be done by the people around him.

After lovingly looking at the person beside him, he silently said to the other person in his heart: "I'll take you out of here right now."

Yi Wenwen planned to take people away, but Shen Mengdie was always in a deep sleep.


When Shen Mengdie regained her consciousness, she suddenly opened her eyes.

"here is?"

Here is a luxurious bedroom, and she is lying in the middle of the bed.The unfamiliar environment brought confusion to her eyes.

"I'm not in the cave, what's going on?"

Just as she was looking around herself suspiciously, there was a sound of the door opening suddenly.


"Da da da……"

Then came the sound of hurried footsteps.

She flipped over and jumped off the bed, holding her long knife and cautiously looking at the door.

When a handsome man in military uniform walked in, her heart suddenly started beating wildly involuntarily.

Yi Wenwen was originally having a meeting with his subordinates, but when the instrument around his waist suddenly started to scream sharply, he put down what he was doing and ran over quickly, and those who did not know the situation also quickly ran over. Followed step by step.

The two looked at each other, and suddenly they didn't know what to say.


Yi Wenwen shut the door fiercely, blocking the eyes of those outside the room.

"You?" Said that the man in front of her gave her a very familiar feeling, but in her memory, there was no such person.

Yi Wenwen looked at the other party happily, his originally cold face softened a lot at this moment. "You finally woke up, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Only he himself knew how hard it was to wait. He wanted to break the ice more than once and let the person out, but his reason told him no.The last time the other party disappeared into his arms just like that, he was also afraid that the other party would leave him again.

Shen Mengdie looked at the man's affectionate eyes and knew that the other party would not hurt her. This feeling came very abruptly, but it was so reasonable.

Seeing that there was no danger, she breathed a sigh of relief, slowly retracted the long knife to her waist, and asked softly, "Excuse me, who are you? Where is this place?"

Yi Wenwen looked at the other party's polite and alienated attitude, and a complex light flashed in his eyes.Originally, he didn't know that the other party no longer remembered him, but now, this question lay between the two of them.

"I am your husband, you are my wife, and this is our home." He heard himself narrating in a calm voice.

Listening to the other party's explanation, Shen Mengdie naturally didn't believe it.Although the man in front of her was in line with her aesthetics, she was a little moved, but she once thought that she had time-traveled again, because the facts said by the other party were absolutely not what she knew.

"Sir, I think you have admitted the wrong person. I don't know you at all."

"How is it possible, have you forgotten me?"

"Although I am very grateful to you for taking me out, I have to leave now." Shen Mengdie held a long knife and walked towards the door step by step.

After listening to the other party's words, Yi Wenwen was slightly distracted, but after hearing that the other party wanted to leave him, he reached out and grabbed the other party's wrist.

"Don't leave."

"Sir, did you recognize the wrong person? I have to leave now, please let me go." Although the moment the other party held her wrist, her heart couldn't help but start beating wildly, but now she can't Stay, she remembered that she still had to finish the task.

"You are not allowed to go anywhere, you are my wife."

"Do you have any evidence?"

"This is the best evidence." Yi Wenwen raised Shen Mengdie's left hand, and then stretched out his own.

On his ring finger, a ring of the same style as the other's was just worn on it. If you look closely, even the pattern is exactly the same, so people can tell at a glance that this is a pair of rings.

(End of this chapter)

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