The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 264 Chapter 264 End Times Evolution

Chapter 264 Chapter 264 End Times Evolution (43)

Shen Mengdie looked at the woman who spoke, still with slight doubts in her heart, but she could clearly feel that these people had no malice towards her.And if someone wants to follow her, she will definitely not refuse.

After the discussion, a group of people came to the outside of the city in a mighty manner.

I don't know who leaked the news, but when they started to prepare for the sparring, there was already a group of people around.

For the onlookers, she was not going to stop them, and this competition would be a good opportunity.Let everyone know themselves again and see her value.Let the person in the power center reposition herself. She needs power and the right to speak.

After Huo Bin heard the news from his subordinates, he paused while he was changing the document.

In their hearts, Shen Mengdie's origin is mysterious and her strength is unknown.He believed that the other party hadn't done anything during this time, but behind the other party, there should be a powerful force hidden.

"I'm curious what you came here for this time? But the current world structure should change, and I look forward to the changes you bring to us." Huo Bin is happy to see this kind of change. He is not a person who values ​​power. So I don't care much about whether I am still in this position.

Not long ago, one of the strongest prophets in Kyoto had approached him, and what he meant was to actively cooperate with the woman who was about to bring everyone a turning point.Although he expects this person to be Shen Mengdie who saved him back then, it will take time to prove everything.

Shen Mengdie looked at the group of women standing in front of him, then waved and said, "You guys go up together."

"Aren't you talking too much now?"

She listened to the other person's words and shook her head lightly. "Since I want you to follow me willingly, how can I convince you if I don't show some strength?"

"In this case, then we are not welcome. Let's go together."

Seeing the people approaching her quickly, she stayed in place unhurriedly, and when those people were not far away from her, she quickly activated her ability.

This ability blessed by the system is really easy to use. With a move in my heart, it has been quickly aroused in my hand.

"seal up!"

As soon as she raised her hand, endless cold air enveloped the place in an instant.

The onlookers felt the sudden drop in temperature and rubbed their hands unaccustomed.

I saw that the moment Shen Mengdie raised her hand, with her as the center, the ice spread rapidly. The sound of "click, click, click" kept ringing, which was impossible to ignore.

Any place that is frozen belongs to her domain.

This is a field of ice and snow, and endless cold air gushes out, freezing all objects in its path.

The people who rushed over seemed to sense the danger, and after a collective pause in their movements, they all backed away quickly.After leaving the frozen area, they turned their gazes to the person in the middle.

I saw that person standing on the endless ice, looking up at them calmly.

"Everyone go up together." One of them waved his hand to the people beside him, and then rushed out first.

All of a sudden, all kinds of abilities attacked the person in the middle, and the colorful abilities appeared extremely gorgeous.

"Break." Shen Mengdie raised his hand and hit icicles one after another, defusing other people's attacks one by one.In this snow-covered place, she is a god, and this is her domain.All people or other creatures who come to her domain must obey her orders.

The flakes of snowflakes fluttering in the air are her weapons, which are moved by her thoughts.The more beautiful a thing looks, the more dangerous it is. Those who fell in love with her appearance and made bad ideas stopped their minds at this moment.

This one-sided competition ended quickly, and there was basically no suspense.

When Shen Mengdie walked back with this group of people, news about her began to spread rapidly throughout the city through various channels.

Because she also had some resources, she moved out of Huo Bin's residence.

During this time, she also checked the progress of her task, but the answer she got disappointed her a bit.

Side task: Get the recognition of the human race and become the leader of the new generation of human race.30.00% complete.

At first glance, it was not bad, but the problem was that in the days that followed, the progress of the task did not move at all.

After successfully entering the core of power, all forces began to pay attention to her, a new force.No one underestimated her anymore. Not only did her appearance not cause her trouble, but it attracted a group of admirers who worked hard.

Yi Wenwen, who had been following the progress of the matter, couldn't sit still at this moment. He didn't want his wife to be abducted by other people under his nose.

On this day, a special guest was ushered in at Shen Mengdie's residence.

"Why are you here?" As soon as Shen Mengdie entered the house, she saw the man sitting on the sofa in her living room.Although she was surprised, she was not afraid.

Yi Wenwen stood up slowly and looked at the person at the door. "I came here specifically to find you."

"I don't know why the leader of the demon clan came to me as a little guy? Could it be because of the reason I left last time?" She said this, but she was not very sure in her heart.The other party's identity, position and own are too different, there is absolutely no need to spend so much trouble.

"Didn't I say that you are my wife? After you leave, I will naturally take you back." Yi Wenwen raised the ring on his finger while speaking.

Shen Mengdie watched the movement of the person in front of her, frowned slightly, and subconsciously touched the ring on her finger.She had tried it a long time ago, but the ring on her hand couldn't be taken off.

Looking at the man in front of her who was looking at her tenderly, for some reason, she thought that the man in front of her would not hurt her.Even if the two have different positions, the other party will not hurt her. This feeling was too inexplicable, and it made her secretly vigilant.

"You know, it's impossible for me to go back with you now." She looked at the person walking towards her step by step, her heart trembling.

"I know, so I let you go, but you will go back with me in the end." Yiwen looked at the other party firmly, and the person in front of him seemed to have changed a lot now.When he didn't know, the other party grew up very fast, which is also his regret, not being with the other party's growth.

"Then we have nothing to say, please leave my house now." Shen Mengdie pointed to the door and said, but her expression was very calm.

"You want to be the leader of the human race?"

"You?" Shen Mengdie wanted to ask how the other party knew, but she held back.Although the person in front of him was asking her, his words were too firm.

(End of this chapter)

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