The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 272 Chapter 272 End Times Evolution

Chapter 272 Chapter 272 End Times Evolution (51)

Yi Wenwen stretched out his hands fiercely, and brought the man into his arms.Gently sniffing the faint fragrance in the other party's hair, it seemed very pleasant.

Shen Mengdie frowned slightly when facing the intruding behavior of the person beside her, stretched out her hand and pushed the other person.

"Let go of me, don't you have something to talk to me about?"

Yi Wenwen coughed lightly, let her go with a smile, and sat up straight.

"At the beginning we discussed the conditions for cooperation, now it's time for you to fulfill the conditions, are you ready?"

Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie felt slightly nervous for a moment. Although she knew that the person in front of her would not embarrass her, she still felt that something was not right.

"My condition is..." Yi Wenwen paused suddenly when he said this, and looked at her with scorching eyes, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

Seeing the other party's expression, she couldn't help but started beating drums in her heart.

At this time, the other party gently attached to her ear, with a very ambiguous expression. "My condition is that you have to live with me for two months."

"Ah?" After hearing that the other party actually said this condition, she didn't react for a while, but when she did, she felt a little bit disappointed while feeling a little fortunate in her heart.

This feeling came very suddenly, and after a while, it faded from her heart.

"After the handover from my side, there will only be the main task. There will be no problem going anywhere. It seems not bad that he can help me complete the task better by his side." She secretly calculated the gains and losses in her heart, and planned later.Even so, she also understood that even without these excuses, she would still go there.This is not only a condition for fulfilling her original promise, but also what she wants to do in her heart.

With such thoughts in mind, she looked at him calmly and nodded.

"Okay, but I have to wait until I have dealt with the matter here."

"It's natural, I can wait for you." Yi Wenwen replied like this, but he was thinking secretly in his heart, asking his subordinates to speed up the progress, so that he could bring them back earlier.

"Yeah." Seeing that the other party agreed, Shen Mengdie felt relieved.

In the next few days, the handover of Shen Mengdie's power proceeded quickly.

Since it is a cooperative relationship, Yi Wenwen no longer hides his influence here, and dispatches his subordinates to quickly hand over the work.

When Huo Bin saw that there were so many people out of his control within the scope of his jurisdiction, he was terrified, and at the same time secretly thankful for the decision he made now.

During this period, Shen Mengdie's handover went very smoothly.With the help of Huo Bin and Yi Wenwen along the way, he did not encounter any obstacles.

She succeeded in becoming the top leader and took the post of leader.But Huo Bin retreated to the second line and took the post of deputy leader.Prior to this, there had never been the post of deputy leader, and the autocratic management method was doomed to have only one supreme person in power.

Although Huo Bin is now the deputy leader, he still secretly controls his original power.

Shen Mengdie is now No. 1 on the bright side, but she doesn't interfere much with the opponent's power. All she wants is this bright spot.

"I'll leave it to you here, please take care of it."

Shen Mengdie nodded lightly to Huo Bin who was sitting opposite her, but she was thinking about the future plan in her heart. She had already told the other party about her next plan before, and if she said it again now, it was just to remind the other party That's all.

Huo Bin looked at the woman with a gentle smile in front of him with complicated eyes, and replied softly: "Don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem with me sitting here."

"Well, thank you then." After explaining clearly her whereabouts, Shen Mengdie got up slowly and was about to leave.When she walked to the door of the room, she suddenly paused, then said to Huo Bin with a light smile: "Then see you later."

"Well, see you later."

Huo Bin also smiled back.

Neither of them knew that this farewell would be the last time they saw each other.

After Shen Mengdie walked out of the office door, what she saw was Yi Wenwen with an indifferent face.

In the corridors coming and going, all kinds of passers-by looked at this man with extraordinary behavior intentionally or unintentionally.

In this place, the identity of this man is no longer mysterious, and everyone knows that the man in front of him has an unusual relationship with his new leader.

Shen Mengdie didn't care about other people's thoughts, so she walked over with a natural expression.

Yi Wenwen noticed Shen Mengdie's gaze at the first time, and the moment he looked up, his originally cold eyes instantly became warm.

"Wait a long time?"

Shen Mengdie smiled and looked at the people waiting for her, with joy in her eyes that she didn't even notice.

Yi Wenwen raised his hand to caress the other person's hair, and slightly hooked the corner of his mouth. "Not long. Have you dealt with your affairs?"

"Well, it's all good."

"I'm ready too, let's go right away?"

"So fast?" Shen Mengdie was a little surprised. Could it be that the person in front of him is always ready to take him away as soon as the matter on his side is over?

"No, I've been ready for a long time, just waiting for you to nod and agree."

When Shen Mengdie heard it, she understood.The person in front of him really had been prepared long ago, but he just didn't know it.

"In that case, let's go." She said, walking ahead one step ahead.

Yi Wenwen watched her act like this, just smiled lightly and shook his head.

When the two gradually disappeared in the long corridor, the people who had been wandering around walked away in twos and threes, and began to whisper about what they had just seen.

"Are they a couple?" A young woman held the document in her hand and asked the person beside her with some uncertainty.

The aunt next to her happened to be a gossip, and she had been back and forth several times with a mop just now.

"As far as I know, they must be together. You haven't seen how close they are. Tsk tsk tsk..."

"I didn't see it very much." The woman replied.

"You are still too young for your eyesight."

"Then tell me about it."

"Let's go, let's find a place to chat."

The people who dispersed here began to form small circles in other places, gossiping about the new leader.

Shen Mengdie, who had gone far, naturally didn't know how those people talked about her, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care much.

She didn't have her own way back to her residence, and she had already boarded the car to Shanghai.

This extended business car was refitted by Yi Wenwen to make it extremely comfortable, with everything available and good sound insulation.Communication with the driver must use a special communication tool.

(End of this chapter)

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