The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 274 Chapter 274 Evolution of the End Times

Chapter 274 Chapter 274 Evolution of the End Times (End)

"Subordinates retire."

Seeing Yi Wenwen's expression, Du Zhenhao bowed respectfully and retreated out. When he reached the door of the room, he looked back.

I saw Yi Wenwen leaning lightly on the sofa, covering himself with his hands, but from the slightly raised corners of his lips, he could tell how good he was.

Seeing this, Du Zhenhao didn't stay any longer, turned around and gently knocked on the door.

Shen Mengdie had a full sleep, and after waking up again, the sky had already darkened.

When she woke up from the ice a while ago, it was already autumn, and after such a period of time, it is now early winter.

Therefore, although it is only six o'clock in the evening, the weather has completely darkened.

When she changed her clothes and was about to go out, there was a knock at the door.

"Dong dong dong..."


"Mengdie, it's me." Yi Wenwen's voice came from outside the door. "Come out for dinner."

When Shen Mengdie heard that it was that person, she straightened her hair, walked quickly to the door, and opened it.

Under the dim light, that person's face also took on a dreamy color, and she seemed to be bewitched for a moment, looking at him in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Yi Wenwen naturally noticed her abnormality and asked with concern.

Shen Mengdie put away her dazed gaze and shook her head lightly. "Nothing, let's go."

In the following time, she stayed here all the time. In getting along with Yi Wenwen, the feeling that had lingered in her heart for a long time hit her heart again.

As time passed, the cold gradually hit, and this building was also covered with a layer of silvery white snowflakes.

Today, everything is the same as before.

After having dinner with that person, Shen Mengdie was about to say goodbye and leave, but was stopped by that person.

"Mengdie, let's talk."

"Huh? What's the matter?" She was a little puzzled by the sudden opening of the person in front of her, and the other person looked a little serious now.

Yi Wenwen patted the seat next to him lightly, and then motioned: "You sit first."

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie slowly turned around and walked over, and gently sat on the seat next to the other party.

"Mengdie, what do you think of the current relationship between the two races?"

When Shen Mengdie heard this, she looked over in surprise.

"Why do you want to ask this all of a sudden?" During the time she was with the other party, no one took the initiative to talk about the current situation, so she was a little confused by the sudden question of the person in front of her.

"Now is a special period for the merger of the two races. As a representative of one party, I would like to know what you think of it?"

In response to Yi Wenwen's question, Shen Mengdie stroked her willow eyebrows with a light smile.

"Do you know why I want the position of leader of the human race?"

Seeing that the other party actually asked him back, Yi Wenwen frowned slightly, but did not answer directly, and looked at the other party fixedly.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie continued: "I think the merging of the two races is the general trend, and I hope that everyone of the same origin can live in peace. The disaster has passed for so many years, and now it is time for stability .”

She said a lot of words, but she kept her main task in mind.

Main task: (When the disaster struck, human beings spent more than ten years supporting the past, but the demons evolved from zombies took control of the world, and the surviving human beings struggled at the bottom.) Leading human beings to glory again, No longer oppressed by the demons.Mandatory tasks cannot be abandoned. (Task progress 50.00%)
In her eyes, this main task is too general. Although it has been half completed, it is difficult to judge whether the task is completed without hard standards.

Regarding her worries, Mastermind No. [-], who was disguised as a system, also had some thoughts of her own.There will be a standard for all tasks in it, and when the time is right, it will lead the host to leave.

Facing her words, Yi Wenwen pondered for a moment before lightly nodding his head and said: "I understand your thoughts, as you wish."

Shen Mengdie raised her eyes to look at the other party, and when she was about to ask what this sentence meant, the person beside her had already stood up and said to her, "Let's go, the weather is cold, go back and rest."

She put her hand on the other's palm, stood up slowly, and silently followed him to the bedroom, but the question that had been lingering in her throat never came out.

After she nodded slightly to the other party with a smile, and slowly closed the door, she sighed and rubbed her forehead lightly.

Now the relationship between the two is very tangled, there is alienation in the ambiguity, and hesitating to speak in the warmth.

She also understood that it was possible that she was the only one who felt this paradoxical illusion, and that person might enjoy it.


After sighing leisurely, she had no choice but to comfort herself and let everything go as it pleases.

After this simple conversation, Yi Wenwen started to leave early and return late, looking very busy.

Shen Mengdie saw all this in her eyes, and after asking several times without getting an accurate answer, she stopped talking, and instead started to deal with the official duties she had accumulated.

After starting the communication from the two cities, she had a video conference with Huo Bin who was far away in Kyoto.

As time goes by, the weather is getting colder and colder, but the footsteps of the New Year are approaching quietly.

On the day of the new year, the whole city became lively. Although the weather became colder and colder after the end of the world, it couldn't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

After Shen Mengdie opened the window, what she saw was the white snow outside.There were snowflakes flying non-stop in the sky, but in the courtyard, there was a group of busy people in full swing.

Everywhere in the house, they were hung with fiery red colors, looking like they were decorated with lanterns and festoons.

"In a blink of an eye, it's already this time." She sighed softly and left the window, ready to go downstairs to have a look.

And the moment she turned around, the long-lost system notification suddenly sounded.

'The main task is completed, and the task points are awarded ten points. Has the host left this world? '

"System?" She was suddenly at a loss for the system's prompt.

'Is the host out of this world? '

"How come? I didn't make any major decisions, how could the task be completed suddenly?"

'Host, this system will automatically detect the completion progress of the task, and this time...'

When Shen Mengdie was inquiring about the system, the conference hall far away in Shanghai was full of people. On the huge screen on the stage, Huo Bin and others who stayed in the capital were impressively on top.

It turned out that they were having a video conference, and important members of both parties had arrived.

They have decided to recognize today, the last day of the last year, as the last day of the last days, and starting tomorrow, it will be the New Era Year.

After this decision is passed unanimously, a new chapter for humanity is about to begin.

Yi Wenwen has been busy recently because of this matter. He wanted to surprise Shen Mengdie, but he didn't know that the other party was about to surprise him.

He has already secretly planned the world after the two of them, and tonight is the day when he proposes again.

As soon as the meeting here was over, he hurried home.

After Shen Mengdie understood the whole story from the system, she smiled wryly and shook her head.The person who made her restless was destined to be let down by her, and she dared not see that person again.

So after taking a deep breath, she sighed softly and said to the system: "Since the task has been completed, let's go."

'Confirm to leave this world, yes OR no? '


After she seemed a little helpless and confirmed to leave, she clearly saw that her body gradually began to become transparent, and little spots of light overflowed from her body.

At this time, Yi Wenwen, who walked downstairs to the gate, seemed to have noticed something, and quickly rushed in as an afterimage.

"Don't leave!" He looked at the increasingly transparent person, reaching out to grab the little light in vain.

Shen Mengdie looked at the man with a mad face, opened her mouth, and she heard herself say in a soft voice, "Sorry."

She really didn't know what to say about this.

And just after she finished saying this, the transparent body turned into dots of light and dissipated in the house.

"No!" Yi Wenwen roared, and at this moment, his dark eyes turned scarlet like a hell demon.

"Don't try to ask me."

He evoked a wicked smile that he had never shown in front of Shen Mengdie, raised his head to feel the situation in the house, his whole body was shrouded in black mist, then tore apart the space, and followed closely.

In the empty room, the two people who should have existed suddenly disappeared like this, leaving nothing behind.

New Era Year.

When everyone is celebrating the new year, the two chiefs are always at this special time, and no one knows their whereabouts.

In the eyes of all the survivors, those two people had equally mysterious and unfathomable origins, and they were the ones who brought peace.

So after their end, the hard-won peace remained.

And this couple in the eyes of everyone has become the object of everyone's envy.

As the number one general of the leader of the demon clan, Du Zhenhao still implemented the original peace treaty after the leader's death.

Huo Bin once again took over the position of the leader of the human race and continued to lead the human race, and that mysterious woman has also become a beautiful memory in his heart forever.

(End of this chapter)

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