Chapter 276 Chapter 276
'Ghost King, the ruler of the ghost city, the most powerful existence among all wandering ghosts. '

The simple introduction of the system directly frightened Shen Mengdie who was standing dumbfounded. She never thought that she would meet such a powerful person, and now she is still related to that person... No, it should be said that the ghost has something to do with it .

"No, I have to leave quickly." She had to leave quickly while there was no one there.

If someone comes in a while, I'm afraid they won't be able to get away.

Now she didn't care about the heavy things on her body, and hurriedly ran to the door.

Just as she was about to reach out to open the door, the door in front of her suddenly creaked and was opened from the outside.

"Oh, how did the bride get into this?"

The person who came was a middle-aged woman, but she had a very beautiful appearance, and her light eyes were charming.

The other party is now looking at her messy hair in surprise, looking very surprised.


Shen Mengdie looked at Kairen, and suddenly didn't know what to say. She clearly understood that she had missed the best time to escape, and now it would be even more difficult to leave under the eyes of the other party. .

And from the time she woke up to the time she planned to escape, only ten minutes had passed. It can only be said that it was too unfortunate that she woke up.

"Come in, two people, and redress the bride."

The beautiful middle-aged woman didn't stop what she said, but turned her head and waved to the door, shouting loudly.

It was at this moment that Shen Mengdie saw clearly the situation outside the door.

Outside the door, several men who looked like guards were guarding the door, and a group of girls who looked like maids were waiting outside.

"There are so many people, it seems that I can't leave." She sighed slightly in her heart, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​leaving.

When she was surrounded by a few girls who looked like maids, adorned up and down, she could only keep a blank face and let them move.

The glamorous middle-aged woman stood aside, commanding from time to time, and kept muttering: "Our king has a good eye. Look at this bride, she really looks like a fairy girl when she is dressed up."

While talking non-stop, he kept sighing.

When Shen Mengdie listened to the thoughts of the people beside her, she understood that this beautiful middle-aged woman was not a human being, but a resident of a ghost town.

Silently raised her eyes and glanced at the people around her, she couldn't help guessing secretly in her heart: "Could these people be all ghosts?"

Although she didn't believe it in her heart, the facts in front of her proved that she was right.

"Is the bride ready? I'm about to prepare for worship."

At this time, a voice of inquiry came from outside the house.

The beautiful middle-aged woman heard the words and quickly replied: "Okay, okay, I'll come out right away."

"Oh, then hurry up," the people outside the house stopped urging after receiving the answer, but stayed outside the door silently after a reply.

"Hurry up, move quickly. Help the bride cover her head."

With the urging of the beautiful woman, a bright red hijab was quickly covered on Shen Mengdie's head.

Facing the suddenly darkened light, she blinked uncomfortably, and then walked slowly towards the door with the support from one left and one right.


After she heard a slight sound from the wooden door, the noise outside the door also came quickly.

"The bride is out, out."

"Get out of the way, we're going to worship soon."

"The time is coming soon, if you are not ready, hurry up and get ready."

Shen Mengdie heard that after a series of noisy sounds, there were footsteps in twos and threes around.


She was suddenly very puzzled by this voice.

"Ghosts usually float around, so how can there be footsteps?"

She lowered her eyes and looked at the feet of the person beside her through the gap exposed by the slight shaking of the hijab when she walked.

She suddenly found that except for the few people beside her, the soles of the people running back and forth had landed on the ground.

After all, there were too few things that could be seen through the gap to bring her any useful help.

Just as she was secretly thinking about her current situation, she heard bursts of noise coming from the front.

"Bride, watch your step."

After being reminded by the person beside her, she suddenly found that she had come to a door, and the threshold was high under her feet.

After stepping into the room, the warm atmosphere here is completely related to the ghost town in memory.

"Here comes the bride, here comes the bride."

Following the bursts of noise, she clearly felt that someone was approaching her.

When a pair of black boots stopped in front of her, she could only hold the palms hidden in the wide sleeves tightly.

Yi Wenwen looked at the woman standing quietly in front of him with great joy in his eyes.

He followed this person, and the first time he woke up, he found that there were many memories in his mind that did not belong to him, and the structure of this world was also very strange.

His current identity is the ruler of this mysterious ghost city, so he is the highest existence among wandering ghosts.In addition to his original strength, he also has a mysterious power that is exclusive to ghosts.

And after getting used to his current strange power a little bit, he couldn't wait to look for this person in front of him.Fortunately, he found the other party, and he, who had long wanted the other party to truly belong to him, arranged for the wedding to be held as soon as he returned here.

So all of this is why Shen Mengdie woke up in the wedding room.

Shen Mengdie didn't know who the person in front of her was at the moment, and she was inexplicably nervous.It wasn't until the person in front of her stretched out her palm that she regained her senses slightly.

After Yi Wenwen calmed down his lost and recovered mood, he slowly stretched out his left hand. "Come with me."

Shen Mengdie didn't pay much attention to what the other party was saying to her. In this noisy environment, the first thing she saw was the ring on the other party's finger.

"Why does he have the same ring as me?" Puzzled, she secretly touched the ring on her ring finger with her left thumb.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond to him, Yi Wenwen frowned slightly, turned his head and pressed his palms against the noisy crowd, and he didn't speak again until the scene became quieter, "Mengdie, come with me."

Shen Mengdie didn't care about guessing how the person in front of her knew her name, and obediently stretched out her right hand.

Now at this time, she can only continue to follow the development of the matter, and then wait for the right time to leave again.

"The newcomer pays homage!"

With the sound of shouting, she felt that a piece of red silk was stuffed into her hand, while the other end was obviously in the hands of the person beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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