Chapter 278 Chapter 278
"Stop talking nonsense, let me go!"

Shen Mengdie flicked the mahogany sword in her hand, and said softly.

In this dark house, she could only hear her slightly rapid breathing, and her whole nerves were tense, as long as there was a slight disturbance, she would immediately flee from here.

After the scene was silent for a long time, when she couldn't wait to prepare for action, a long sigh came from the opposite side.

"Since you want to leave with all your heart, then I will let you go."

After Yi Wenwen said these words, he felt very helpless.Forcing a person who doesn't remember him to stay by his side, he doesn't know if the other person will resent him, but the indifference in that person's eyes now makes him very anxious, if the clear eyes are filled with resentment, he I don't know what will happen to me.

He still didn't want to hurt the person in front of him, even if it was just a little bit of persecution.

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's sigh, her heart tensed slightly, but she quickly calmed down again.

"Then I'll take my leave."

After saying something in a deep voice, she raised her hand and tore off her phoenix crown, ignoring her messy hair, and strode away.In order to prevent that person from going back on his word, she couldn't stay here any longer.

Yi Wenwen stayed on the spot silently, listening to the sound of the phoenix crown rolling down beside him and the "squeak" of the door opening, one after the other, but he seemed not to have heard it, and continued to lower his head.

After Shen Mengdie ran out of the room in a panic, all she saw were the bright lights and the ghost general standing guard.

Those ghost generals didn't seem to see her, they just stood there straight, allowing her to leave unimpeded all the way.

Faced with this situation, she didn't care too much, and quickly ran towards the direction the system gave her.

"My lord, do I need to bring my concubine back?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Wenwen waved his hand, indicating that there was no need for it.

"King, do you need to send ghost generals to follow?"

When the steward asked again, Yi Wenwen's lowered eyes slowly lifted up, and after a moment of silence, he sighed softly, "Go and arrange it!"

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange it."

The steward also understood Wang's thoughts, so after taking the order, he quickly resigned and arranged for follow-up matters.

And when Shen Mengdie quickly moved out of the ghost city, she didn't know that several ghost generals with high cultivation bases followed behind her.Now she is speeding through this ghost town that looks like an ordinary city.

And those ghosts wandering in the street hesitated for a moment when they noticed the stranger, and then moved towards that side suddenly after reacting.

But after moving a bit, they all sensed the coercion of the high-level ghost general, and had to give up regretfully.

Shen Mengdie still doesn't know how much commotion her appearance has caused. Looking at the city gate that is close at hand, she can't help but quicken her pace.

"Huh... finally came out."

She patted her heart and sighed. After breathing smoothly, she turned her head and looked behind her.

At the original location, where is the city gate?

Not only that, but the majestic and majestic city seemed to have evaporated, disappearing without a trace.

The scene that caught her eyelids was a wasteland full of weeds, the messy grass was gently swayed by the breeze in the quiet night.There were bursts of shrill crows coming from all directions. Looking up, I saw a few crows suddenly flying above the gloomy trees against the night, and then flew away quickly with their shrill screams.

A gust of wind hit her face, making her shiver.

"There's something wrong here, you have to get out of here quickly."

She always felt a little cold around her, after rubbing her arm lightly, she started to leave quickly.

I don't know if it's because of her special status this time, but she feels that she can be said to be as light as a swallow.In addition to not being used to it at the beginning, it can be applied flexibly now.

I don't know how long it has passed, but she gradually sees people, and there is a small town in front of her. Although the sky has darkened now, there are still cars and horses entering.

She hid behind the big trees in the forest and secretly looked at the situation over there.

"Let's stay here tonight, but..."

She pulled the cumbersome clothes on her body, glanced at the guards in the town again, and sighed softly.

"You still have to change your clothes. It's too eye-catching now." Even though it was night, she still looked very eye-catching when she was dressed in joy, and anyone would feel that something was wrong with her.

She wrapped her wedding gown and put it away, took out another one from the interspatial ring and put it on again, straightened her clothes, and walked slowly towards the town.

After finding an inn to rest, she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief lying on the bed, and finally could start to check this mission.

"Open the system panel."

As soon as the words fell, the familiar interface unfolded in front of her eyes.

"Check the background information of the world..."

The background of the world this time is a bit similar to ancient times, but it has a little taste of Xianxia.

The system information this time does not have much introduction to this world, only a general explanation of the situation.

But this time the task mainly revolves around two people, it seems very simple.

Living in the modern age, Cheng Xianyu and Xiao Yi were originally a couple. After chasing each other for many years, they planned to get married again, but when Xiao Yi's mother found out about this, she strongly opposed it.

Here I will introduce their identities and backgrounds. Xiao Yi is a son of a big family with a noble status, while Cheng Xianyu is just the only daughter of an ordinary well-off family. The two got together because of fate, and Xiao Yi has been protecting her during this period. looking at each other.

So when the relationship between the two was revealed, it was Xiao Yi's mother who reacted the most.

When the middle-aged lady made an appointment with Cheng Xianyu and failed to write out a check asking him to leave her son, she decided to send Cheng Xianyu to die without doing anything.The method is to create a car accident so that this woman can no longer pester her son.

When the driver who had been arranged in advance hid in the dark for a long time, watching Cheng Xianyu and Xiao Yi separate, the car rushed past amidst the screams of the crowd.

And Xiao Yi, who turned around and walked a dozen steps, also sensed something was wrong at this moment, turned around abruptly and ran towards Cheng Xianyu.

The final result was not that Xiao Yi rescued Cheng Xianyu at a critical moment, but that both of them had an accident and fell into a pool of blood together.

This is the first life of the two, a regretful life.

Why do you say it is the first life?

That's because they have three lives in total, but they can't ask for three lives.

(End of this chapter)

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