Chapter 280 Chapter 280
The next day, when there was noise outside the house, Shen Mengdie also woke up from her deep sleep.

The first thing she did after waking up and washing up was to open her system panel again and start studying her quests.

"System, this task looks very simple, so won't I be ready to go to the next world soon?"

'The host, in theory, is indeed the case. '

"Hmm..." After receiving the system's reply, she began to lower her head and think.She began to carefully plan where to go in the future.

After pondering for a while, she had some calculations in her mind.

"Well, it seems that we have to go to the Xiao Family Villa first." Only there can she get in touch with her mission goal and the mission can be carried out.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and she gave a sharp pause.

"System, how many years has Cheng Xianyu been guarding Xiao Yi?"

This time difference is very important to her, and directly determines her planned route in the future.

'Host, the current time is exactly the fifth year Cheng Xianyu has been guarding Xiao Yi, and it is also when her soul and body began to become unstable. '

"It's already the fifth year?" After Shen Mengdie got this answer, she began to feel a little headache about her task.

All ghosts wandering in people's homes will have a certain time limit, and once the time is over, that ghost will not be able to find its way to the underworld.

If that time really came, she would have nothing to do.

"No, I have to act quickly."

After making a decision, she hurried to Xiao's Villa.

After several days of traveling day and night, she finally arrived at her destination today.

This is a bustling ancient city, and it was full of people coming and going.And in the south of the ancient city, it is the site of the Xiao Family Villa.

In this world that respects martial arts, the city lords who manage the operation of the city are nothing more than puppets sent by the royal family. Although there are some city lords with names, they cannot command the original forces in this city.

The big families that took root in this city divided up this huge city and stood above the imperial power with an absolute attitude.

Among the families in this city, the Xiao family is the oldest and most powerful. Therefore, after taking charge of the entire south side alone, no one dares to object.

The above situations are all kinds of gossip that Shen Mengdie heard when wandering around.Among all the members of the Xiao family, Xiao Yi, the head of the Xiao family's generation, is the most well-known.

Xiao Yi was only thirty years old, but he crushed everyone in his father's generation, and sat on the top of the Xiao family as everyone expected.Because of his handsome appearance and strong martial arts, he is also the dream lover of most girls in the city.

After wandering around for a while, Shen Mengdie checked into the most prosperous inn in the city after inquiring about some useful information.

This inn is owned by the Xiao family, and Xiao Yi himself will come to sit on the [-]th day of every month to check the accounts.

Today is already fourteen, tomorrow is fifteen, she plans to play by ear after seeing Xiao Yi tomorrow.

After being prompted by the system for the past few days, she has been able to use her celestial eyes flexibly. After opening the celestial eyes, her glasses will not change significantly, but she can see the ghosts around her, and she can also hear those ghosts. Ghost conversation.

Along the way, she took the ghost generals who followed her as her training partners.Now, she began to practice silently again.

"The queen is watching us again."

"The queen is just an ordinary person, how could she see us who are already invisible?"

"But I can clearly feel the queen's eyes on us."

"What a fuss, the queen must be looking at something behind us."

"But I just think the Queen is watching us."

Shen Mengdie listened silently to the conversation of the ghost generals, and raised her eyebrows lightly.She found that the ghosts beside her began to talk more and more like a person.

"Okay, stop arguing." At this time, the ghost who was obviously the leader of the ghost general quickly floated over and interrupted the few who were arguing.When the others were quiet and looked at him silently, the leader of the ghost general continued: "The queen is going to rest, let's go out and guard."

"Oh, ok, get out now."

After all the ghost generals who followed floated out, Shen Mengdie, who had been watching the whole process, gradually withdrew his gaze.Everything can only start when she meets Xiao Yi tomorrow, she rested early today.

In the early morning, when Shen Mengdie was still combing her hair, the system kept reminding her.

'Xiao Yi will arrive this morning. '

'Xiao Yi is less than a mile away from here. '

'Xiao Yi is approaching quickly. '

'Xiao Yi...'

As the sound of ding ding ding kept ringing, Shen Mengdie put down the jade comb in her hand and sighed softly.

"System, I asked you to remind Xiao Yi's whereabouts, but that's not necessary, is it?"

After she said this sentence, the system really quieted down and stopped beeping.

"System, I already know, now you don't need to remind me." She said, straightened her sleeves, and walked quickly to the lobby on the first floor.

When she arrived, she happened to see a tall and straight man walking steadily towards the side room under the flattering expression of the shopkeeper.

And behind the man, an illusory shadow was floating back and forth.

"This is Cheng Xianyu?" Shen Mengdie casually found a seat and sat down, asking about the system in her heart.

'Host, this is the mission objective. '

While she was staring there, Cheng Xianyu, who had been wandering all the time, seemed to find someone looking at her, and suddenly turned her gaze over.

'Host, be careful to be discovered! '

After Shen Mengdie saw Cheng Xianyu turning her head again, she lowered her eyes subconsciously and avoided the other party's sight.She didn't really listen to the system's prompts.

After Cheng Xianyu glanced around and didn't find the master who was looking at him, she slowly withdrew her gaze, continued to stare at Xiao Yi's figure obsessively, and then drifted into the inner room.

"System, why can't she know that I can see her?"

Shen Mengdie was a little puzzled by the prompt the system gave her. She came here for a mission this time.In her mind, it's okay for Cheng Xianyu to discover herself in advance.

"Host, because Cheng Xianyu has stayed in the human world for too long, so although she can't attack humans, she is very disgusted with so-called warlocks. '

"This... shouldn't it be?"

'A sorcerer wanted to subdue her before, and staying by Xiao Yi's side was her biggest obsession.This is an unsolvable problem. '

When Shen Mengdie heard that there was such a thing, she frowned all of a sudden.

(End of this chapter)

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