Chapter 288 Chapter 288

When Shen Mengdie came to Xiao's Villa, she only brought a burden with her on the surface, so after a brief tidying up, the two left here slowly and headed towards their destination.

Along the way, she found that Xiao's servants saw her obviously differently, which was an indescribable feeling.

"It's here, it's here."

When Cuiping beside him stopped in front of a door in front of a courtyard and said so, Shen Mengdie also stopped and began to look at everything in front of him.

This is a yard surrounded by vegetation. Although it looks small, it is exquisite everywhere.Through the open courtyard door, you can see busy figures.

"Miss Shen, please come inside."

Shen Mengdie nodded and looked at it lightly, and walked in naturally.

The servants who were busy were stunned for a moment when they saw her figure, and then quickly realized that they bent down to salute her.

Looking at the reactions of these people, she understood that she should have informed them of the specific matters when they were arranged in advance.

"Go ahead and get on with your work."

She waved her hand to let the people around her leave.As far as the current Xiao family villa is concerned, she doesn't want to contact other irrelevant people. The less she contacts people from the Xiao family, the less trouble she will have to find herself.

Although she is not afraid of the troubles that come to her door, one more thing is worse than one less thing, so there is no need to make yourself unhappy.


After everyone responded in unison, they all turned around and left quickly.They still have a lot of things to do, and they have to finish it before it gets dark today.

Shen Mengdie looked at the person who was busy again, silently withdrew her gaze, and turned to look at Cuiping who was waiting beside her.

"Let's go."

"Miss Shen, please." Cuiping nodded her head lightly, and continued to lead the way with a smile.

Shen Mengdie responded with the same smile, and silently followed behind her.


After Cuiping raised her hand and pushed open the door, she stepped aside, bent down and signaled: "Miss Shen, please come in. If you have any dissatisfaction, feel free to speak up. The old lady has already explained what you want , we will do our best to satisfy you.”

Shen Mengdie looked up at the environment of the house and looked at the decoration inside. She understood that this place is no longer a place for ordinary guests to live in, so she just shook her head and declined politely: "There is no problem, I am very satisfied here."

"Then you can rest first, I will wait outside the house, if you need anything, just call me."

"Well, let's go." Shen Mengdie replied softly, and then walked slowly into the room.

Cuiping ordered, and slowly bent down and retreated.

Listening to the sound of the door closing, Shen Mengdie just raised her eyes for a glance, and then looked away.

"The standards here don't seem to be low. Then Mrs. Xiao must really regard me as her daughter-in-law. Hey, when Xiao Yi comes back in a few days, I have to explain it clearly. Now go and talk to Mrs. Xiao Say, she won't listen to my words, will she?"

She casually threw her little bundle on the table, paced back and forth in the house, thinking about her next move.

Just as she sat down at the table, thinking about something while resting her chin on one hand, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Miss Shen."

When Shen Mengdie heard Cuiping's voice, she slowly sat upright and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Shen, the old lady sent someone to bring you something."

"Something?" Shen Mengdie murmured, and while wondering what it was, she softly shouted to the person outside the door: "Come in."

"Da da da……"

After the door opened with a "squeak", there were groups of footsteps.

"Let's put everything here first." Cuiping directed the people who were carrying things behind them to put down their things in the middle of the house, and then let these people leave first.

"What?" Shen Mengdie asked, looking at the boxes all over the floor in the room, raising her eyebrows.

"Miss Shen, these are items prepared by the old lady for you, I'm afraid you won't be used to living here."

Listening to the other party's explanation, she frowned subtly.She understood Mrs. Xiao's thoughts in her heart, but she really couldn't accept these things, but if she returned them now, it would be inappropriate, so she nodded her head and replied: "Well, I see , let’s put it here first. You go and tell Mrs. Xiao that I don’t lack anything here, so you don’t need to bother to prepare anything.”

"Yes, Miss Shen." As a qualified maid, Cuiping knew that she was not qualified to ask anything.According to the word of mouth of the servants of the Xiao family, the master in front of him is already the wife-to-be of the Xiao family.

"Go out." Shen Mengdie waved his hand to let the other party go out.

Looking at the boxes piled up in her house, she sighed softly and began to familiarize herself with the environment.If there is no accident, she will stay here until she completes the main task.

In the next few days, she was often invited by Mrs. Xiao to get together, and every time the other party was talking about the Xiao family and everything about Xiao Yi from childhood to adulthood.During this period, although she stated many times that she and Xiao Yi were not in that kind of relationship, Mrs. Xiao, who had already planned the wedding in her heart, did not believe it. , Help her teach each other a lesson.

Although Shen Mengdie didn't want to admit it, everyone in the Xiao family seemed to agree that she was the Young Madam and regarded her as a member of the Xiao family.And those cousins ​​who are also sponsored by the Xiao family, every time they see her, they fly towards her with sharp eyes.

In such a situation where one person is talking and one person is listening, time flies by, and it will soon be the day when Xiao Yi returns.

During breakfast that day, everyone in the Xiao Family Villa got into action, and there were busy sounds everywhere.

Although Shen Mengdie knew that today was a good opportunity to meet, she didn't want it to be like this at all.

Right at the gate of the Xiao Family Villa, Mrs. Xiao stood in the middle of the crowd, looking anxiously at the gate, and all around her were all the young lady cousins ​​who were full of fragrance.

What made Shen Mengdie most helpless was that at this time, Mrs. Xiao still did not forget to pull her to her side and let them wait together.This also increased the jealous eyes around her a lot, all from these cousins ​​around her.

"Ah sneeze..."

She was a little unbearable by the strong aroma around her, and suddenly sneezed, and raised her hand to rub the tip of her nose lightly.

After hearing her voice, Mrs. Xiao, who was paying attention to the movement outside the gate, stretched out her hand to hold her palm, and asked with concern: "Mengdie, are you suffering from the cold? It seems that there is only one servant girl serving you." Okay, I will send a few more people to serve you later."

(End of this chapter)

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