Chapter 299 Chapter 299 Three Lives About (25)
When Shen Mengdie came to the door in a hurry, and when her fingers touched the door, she paused suddenly, and then looked at her hands in a daze.

"Why am I here?" She clearly remembered that she was still sitting on the stool thinking about something just now, and she was very puzzled when she suddenly ran to the door of the room.

Her reaction at this moment has shown that she has forgotten all the things just now, and the matter that she originally planned to find Yi Wenwen can only be left as it is.But at this moment, she couldn't remember the picture that flashed in her mind just now, so she didn't know that she had regrettably lost a chance to find out the truth.

Just when she looked around her with some doubts, the door in front of her slowly opened.

Cuiping held tea in her hand, looked at her standing by the door suspiciously and asked, "Miss Shen, has Mr. Yi already left?"

"Well, just left."

Cuiping saw that the other party didn’t seem to want to talk too much. Although she was puzzled by this, she had no choice but to avoid the topic, raised the tray in her hand, and said with a light smile: “The dim sum just baked in the kitchen today is still hot. , I brought you some here, you can taste how it tastes."

"Come in." Shen Mengdie tapped her forehead lightly, no longer entangled with what happened just now, and walked slowly into the house.

After Cuiping got the order, she quickly followed.

After Shen Mengdie studied her special task for a while but failed, she had to give up after sighing.

In the next two days, there was still no progress in the main task, and Xiao Yi never came to her again.On the contrary, it was because of being bored these two days. When strolling in the garden, she often met Yi Wenwen. Since she would meet each other every time she went out, she also knew that it was definitely not a coincidence.

The few ghost generals who had been by her side also disappeared without a trace after saying goodbye to her the day before.She also used the system to detect it, and it was indeed what the eyes saw.

After meeting Yi Wenwen again, she stopped her pace and reached out to stop the person who was about to pass her.

"Why are you always dangling in front of my eyes?"

"How do you know that I'm dangling in front of your eyes?" Yi Wenwen didn't answer her words, but asked in a deep voice.

"Why do I meet you every time I come here for a walk? Didn't you do it on purpose?"

"Oh, I'm taking a walk too."

Shen Mengdie glanced at the person who answered her seriously, sighed lightly, and decided not to talk about this meaningless topic, but instead asked about the progress of the task.

"How about the things you helped me with?" She only cares about the progress of the task now, and she has already planned in her mind that it doesn't matter if she can't complete the special task. In short, she can't spend too much time here.

Yi Wenwen stared at some people who were guarding against him, feeling a little irritable in his heart.After the two have gone through so much, they shouldn't be what they are now.

"Well, what's the matter?" Seeing the other party's silence for a long time, Shen Mengdie looked at the other party's face suspiciously.

Upon hearing this, Yi Wenwen shook his head lightly, and continued to look at her silently.

Shen Mengdie raised her hand to touch her cheek, and whispered softly: "Is there something on my face?"

After confirming that there was nothing on her cheek, she looked up at the person opposite her, and asked again: "Didn't you promise to help me? How is the matter going? I'm very anxious."

The reason why she asked the other party so confidently was that she felt that this person would never hurt her.This kind of psychology comes from the fact that the loved one will have nothing to fear. Although the relationship between the two is not so close now, the feeling of lingering between the two is very obvious.

"Mengdie, look at me." Yi Wenwen couldn't help but raised his hand to fix the opponent's head, making him look at him.

"Ah?" After a moment of daze, Shen Mengdie was attracted by the obsidian-like eyes of the other party, unable to move her eyes away.

"Do you remember who I am?"

While Yi Wenwen asked aloud, a red light flashed quickly in his eyes.He is trying to hypnotize the person in front of him, wanting to prove why the other person forgets himself, and why he keeps shuttling through worlds.

Shen Mengdie was confused for a moment, and could only stare blankly into the other party's eyes.When the person in front of her asked aloud, a daze flashed in her eyes.

Seeing that Yi Wenwen seemed to have an effect, he continued with a bewitching tone in his voice: "I have always been by your side, and you know me. Read it with me, Yi Wenwen, Yi Wenwen..."

"Yi Wenwen?" Shen Mengdie's blank eyes flashed with thought.

"Yes, think about it carefully, how do we all know each other?"

"I know, Yi Wenwen..."

A period of vague memories began to flash in her mind, and the scenes made it hard for her to let go.

"Yi Wenwen, Brother Yi." Tears welled up in her eyes gradually, and she began to murmur.

Seeing that it was so useful, Yi Wenwen quickly asked again: "Why do you travel to different worlds again and again?"

Facing the questioning, Shen Mengdie's eyes became dull again. "Shuttle, mission."

"Mission?" Yi Wenwen murmured inaudibly when he heard this word, and a thought flashed across his slightly squinted eyes.Then he bewitched again with his voice: "Who gave you the task, and what is the purpose of completing the task?"

He wanted to use this opportunity to find out all the facts, and the other party would definitely guard against him next time, and it would be even more difficult to hypnotize this person again.

"Mission, mission..."

While Shen Mengdie was muttering non-stop, Master Brain No. [-], disguised as a system, had already sensed something was wrong with the host, and began to call crazily in her mind.


'The host wakes up...'

'The host should not be fooled...'

Seeing that the host hadn't responded, it became anxious. The existence of the system must not be known to the second person.

'Ding, the host is under mental attack, and the automatic defense mode is now activated...'

"Ah!" Shen Mengdie was answering the question blankly when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head and crouched down with her head in her arms.

Faced with the sudden change of the person in front of him, Yi Wenwen felt a flash of pity in his heart, and quickly untied his hypnosis.

The pain in Shen Mengdie's head came and went quickly.After breaking out of hypnosis, she still crouched on the ground with her head in her arms, but she kept calling the system in her heart.

"System, what's wrong with me? I'm so dizzy."

'The host was hypnotized just now, and the existence of the system was about to be exposed, so I had to start mental defense. '

"Hypnosis?" Shen Mengdie immediately understood who was hypnotizing herself after the system reminded her. She raised her head in surprise and looked at Yi Wenwen who was standing beside her.

(End of this chapter)

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