The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 310 Chapter 310 Head Start

Chapter 310 Chapter 310

After everything was ready, she began to wait for the time to go to the class reunion.

With the "tick tick" of the clock hanging on the wall, the time soon reached six o'clock in the afternoon.Because the previous appointment was to meet at [-] o'clock in the evening, after the drive on the road was eliminated, she slowly got up to change clothes.

After more than half an hour, she packed everything up, took her wallet and keys and walked out of the house.

When she arrived at the destination, she paused in front of the door and looked at the door of the restaurant for this party.After taking a deep breath, she walked in slowly.

As the automatic glass door slowly opened, the restaurant's welcome guests came up.

"Welcome, are you alone?"

Shen Mengdie waved her hand when she heard the words. "I have a date..."

"Hi, Mengdie, here."

Just when Shen Mengdie was about to ask about the specific location of the welcome box, a person walked out of it and greeted her.

She raised her eyes to look at the sound, and it was Shen Youran.

"Mengdie, you came just in time, let's go in together." Shen Youran raised her hand to grab her arm, and enthusiastically pulled her in.

When she came to the door of a box and looked at the tables and chairs placed at the door, she walked up slowly, stretched out her hand to unzip her wallet, and paid for the dinner.

"Okay, let's go." Shen Youran didn't wait for her to sign on the sign-in list, and hurriedly pulled her towards Li.

After Shen Mengdie signed her name neatly, she followed the other party into the door of the box.

After opening the door, loud noises reached her ears.

In the spacious box, about 20 students have already come here, and they are gathering together in twos and threes to chat.Some of the classmates sitting at the table near the door noticed the open door. After casting their eyes, seeing the two of them came, they smiled and nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie didn't remember who the other party was, but she still responded politely to that person.

Following Shen Youran's guidance, the two came to a corner table and sat down.

"Mengdie is here, come and sit down."

The women who were already sitting at the table hurriedly greeted her when they saw her.

Regarding this, Shen Mengdie could only tap her forehead and smile slightly.

After a few students here greeted each other, they continued to talk.

"It's been a long time since our last drama, when will we start a new drama?"

"The planning has already started, just recently."

"Oh, then you must bring us with you then?"

"Of course, hahaha..."

Shen Mengdie sat quietly at the side, lightly holding the teacup in front of her, and took a sip. She didn't know what the people around her were talking about.

"Mengdie, what have you been up to lately? I heard that you have become an agent?"

After chatting with her classmates for a while, Shen Youran turned to look at her.

Shen Mengdie heard the words, slowly put down the teacup in her hand, and sighed softly. "I resigned yesterday, and not anymore."

"Oh, then you come to our radio drama, I have a small supporting role here, are you coming?"

"I haven't touched this before, is it suitable?"

"What's wrong with this? You're also a student of acting. It's a small thing to do a voice acting. Come on, come on."

Faced with such a warm invitation from the person in front of her, Shen Mengdie's eyes flashed with hesitation, and after thinking about her current situation, she nodded and agreed.

"When the time comes, don't dislike me."

"How come, Anla Anla, don't worry, I have everything."

"Okay." Just as she was responding to the person beside her, a large group of people walked in the door.

"Look, Su Wanbai is actually here." Shen Youran tugged at her sleeve, motioning her to look over there.

When Shen Mengdie heard the words, she turned her head and saw Su Wanbai with a proud face.I saw the other party slowly walking towards them after scanning the circle of classmates around them.When he glanced at Shen Mengdie, he snorted softly, turned his feet, and walked aside.

"Mengdie, you were in the same company as her before, right?"

"Yeah, it's still her manager."

After Shen Youran heard her answer, there was deep surprise in her eyes. "You actually acted as her agent? I can see enough of her appearance."

"So it's not anymore." Shen Mengdie replied calmly, and slowly withdrew her gaze from that side.In her eyes, Su Wanbai took a different path from her own, and there will be no intersections in the future.

As the number of people arrived one after another, the box quickly became lively, and the classmates who had made friends began to talk about the current situation and future plans.

In such an atmosphere, while Shen Mengdie was chatting and laughing with everyone, the dinner time soon ended.

He raised his hand and looked at the time displayed on his watch, it was already 09:30 in the evening.

"Mengdie, shall we go to karaoke?"

"No, I'll go back first." Faced with the invitations of the people around her, Shen Mengdie refused, and she didn't want to get too close to these people yet.

"In that case, don't pay attention to safety, go back slowly."

"Okay, you guys have fun." After Shen Mengdie bid farewell to those people, she walked out of the restaurant door quickly.At the same time, she also saw Su Wanbai sitting in a luxury car on the opposite side of the street.

Seeing this, she just shook her head slightly, lamenting that everyone has his own ambition.


The class reunion last night allowed Shen Mengdie to get to know the classmates around her roughly.But today, staying at home during the day, after opening her chat software, she saw Shen Youran's invitation to her.

"Shen Youran invites you to join the Wuyou Xianjun planning group."

Seeing this system prompt, she froze for a moment, then clicked to confirm.

"One Dream Millennium has joined this group."

This is naturally her screen name, since she never thought about changing it to anything, she has always used this.

Leisurely Seeing Nanshan (planning): Welcome, welcome, sprinkle flowers. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Yuyu who loves cats (director): Welcome newbies, let's spread flowers. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Tangtang (screenwriter): Welcome to Mengxin, Sahua. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Yaya (later stage): Welcome to Mengxin, sprinkle flowers. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Guoguo (Propaganda): Welcome newcomers, let’s spread flowers. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Shen Mengdie looked at the messages that kept popping up, and was a little dazed about this situation.

Leisurely Seeing Nanshan (planning): You scare the newcomers so be reserved, it's the first time they have come into contact with our circle.

Tangtang (screenwriter): What? ⊙▽⊙

Yaya (later stage): Eh? ⊙▽⊙
Guoguo (propaganda): No********* Yuyu who eats cats (director): The three of you are enough, you have exposed your stupid and cute attributes. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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