The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 336 Chapter 336 Head Start

Chapter 336 Chapter 336 Head Start (31)

Because Shen Mengdie didn't know how much the popularity in the online distribution circle had to do with her being in the entertainment circle, so she didn't tell Cai Qing about it.

After hearing her explanation, Cai Qing was speechless for a moment. After shaking her head lightly, she said helplessly: "The people in the online distribution circle are all young people, and they are also the people who are most likely to become your die-hard fans. So it’s not as dispensable as you think.”

"Is that so?" Listening to the other party's string of words, Shen Mengdie suddenly realized.

"If you don't understand or are uncertain about anything in the future, you can tell me."

As her manager, what Cai Qing has to do is not only arrange her work, but also pay attention to the actions of her fans, so as to create momentum for her at the best time.

Listening to Cai Qing's words, Shen Mengdie responded lightly, acquiescing to the other party's words.

After clarifying the cause and effect of the matter, Cai Qing bid farewell to Shen Mengdie, and hurried to the company by herself.

After Shen Mengdie glanced at the door closed by the other party, she began to meditate inwardly: "According to the current situation, the task is going well, but it's too slow."

She never stayed in a world for a long time for a mission, even if she wanted to, the system would take her away forcibly.

"We must speed up the progress."

Saying this to herself in her heart, she began to cooperate with the team to promote her solo album in the following days.

"Mengdie, there will be a talk show at eight o'clock tonight, please prepare."

Cai Qing flipped through the itinerary in her hand, and reminded Shen Mengdie softly.

"Okay." Listening to the other party's reminder, Shen Mengdie raised her eyes and answered.

She has participated in this type of program several times, and it was all for the company to promote her unreleased album.

When the hour hand hanging on the wall reached the six position, several people set off in a mighty manner.

Since she came to the head office and received attention from above, every time she went out to participate in activities, there was a large group of people following her.

Today's talk show has a certain status among all the talk shows, so the guests invited every time are famous celebrities, and the show is played live, which requires the guests of the day to adapt to the situation without making mistakes At the same time, you can also enjoy the scenery here once.

Shen Mengdie was surrounded by people and walked towards the dressing room, attracting the attention of many TV station employees along the way.

"Who is she? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"This is the newcomer Xingyao is promoting this year, you don't know?"

"What's the background? It doesn't look simple."

"It is said that the words were sent by the president of Xingyao, you can guess the specifics yourself."

"Oh I got it."

Shen Mengdie glanced at the person who was whispering, then calmly withdrew her gaze, and continued walking towards her destination.

When the makeup was halfway through, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Hearing the sound of "Dingling" on her mobile phone kept ringing, she interrupted the makeup artist with a wave of her hand, and took the mobile phone out of her pocket.

Her own private mobile phone only stored a few numbers, all of which were acquaintances.When she saw that the name displayed on the call notification was Shen Youran, she was puzzled for a moment and connected the call.


Before she could ask in the future, the other party hastily asked her back. "Mengdie, do you have time now? I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter? Tell me." Shen Mengdie didn't think that the other party would really bother her with anything, and the most likely thing was to let the dubbing.

And the implication in the other party's next words was, as expected, for dubbing.

"You haven't been online recently, so I can only call you." The person on the other side of the phone murmured, then suddenly raised his voice and continued: "This time we contacted the great god of the Internet circle, and we have already got Her authorization, and Tangtang has already changed the new script, I have found other personnel, so..."

"So it's just me." Shen Mengdie naturally understood what the other party was going to say when she heard this.

After hearing Shen Mengdie's words, the person on the other side of the phone no longer hesitated, and directly stated his purpose of coming. "So I want to ask if you have time to record the sound for me."

"Okay, but I don't have time now, maybe it will be later." Shen Mengdie thought that there will be a live broadcast later, and she should be busy until late today.

"It doesn't matter if it's later, we can wait. I've sent you the file now, remember to receive it when you go back."

"Okay, got it."

"Then don't bother, you can continue to work."

"alright, bye."


After hanging up the phone, looking at the gradually darkening phone screen, she shook her head slightly and put the phone back in her pocket.

"Go on." Beckoning to the makeup artist who was waiting, she closed her eyes lightly and let the other party continue.

When everything was packed, she came to the backstage entrance.

Because the people invited for each episode will not be disclosed in advance, so the loyal viewers of this show are waiting in front of the TV early, wanting to see who is coming.

"Mengdie, you can just follow the script I gave you just now. Be confident."

Cai Qing stood beside her, admonishing her with some uneasiness.

The previous few programs were recorded in advance and then edited later.With the pressure of "Xingyao", the TV station did not dare to release clips that were not conducive to Shen Mengdie, so so far, everything has been going well.

Shen Mengdie looked at the person beside her, bent her mouth, and said with a light smile: "Sister Qing, don't worry, I know it well."

Cai Qing breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and continued: "You should pay attention to controlling the rhythm yourself, and don't be led away by the host."

"No problem." Shen Mengdie also understands what the other party is worried about. After all, she can say that she has nothing to reveal now. The only thing that can attract the audience's attention as a topic is her relationship with Yi Wenwen.

As long as the host can get a little topic out of himself, the pretentious things will get out of hand.

After the two had a brief conversation, warm cheers came from the front desk.

As the cheers fell, the door in front of her slowly opened.

Shen Mengdie looked at everything in front of her, and knew that it was time to play by herself.So after taking a deep breath, he walked out slowly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.At the same time, music sounded on the scene.

She is very familiar with this song, it is one of her albums.Following the previously arranged plot, she softly sang her own songs, walked out of the thick fog made of dry ice step by step, and appeared in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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