The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 355 Chapter 357 Night Nobility

Chapter 355 Chapter 357 Night Nobility ([-])

Shen Mengdie leaned lightly on the sofa behind her, and cast her eyes on the people who were shuttling back and forth in the tavern.

Looking at the decoration style here, it is not just a tavern.In the middle, there is also a high stage. At the moment, there are several dancers dancing, and a group of applauding men are underneath.

Yi Wenwen has been frowning since entering this tavern.This kind of smoky environment made him very unhappy, and only when he turned his eyes to the people around him, his eyes would soften a little.

While one of the two was observing the surrounding environment and the other was staring at the person next to him, a waiter came over with a tray.

"Two, your wine is here. Welcome to taste, the salvation of the soul."

After Shen Mengdie heard the waiter's words, she turned her gaze to the two glasses of wine on the table.

When Yi Wenwen heard the words "salvation of the soul", he couldn't help raising his brows lightly, and a playfulness flashed in his eyes.

After the waiter placed the drinks, he said a few more words of courtesy.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen took out a silver coin from his pocket and threw it to the other party. "You are not needed here, go down."

The waiter didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Yi Wenwen's words, but happily took the silver coin, bent down and retreated with a smile.

In this turbulent period, the words spoken by the nobles are basically the law, and it is not easy to survive. No one can't think of offending a person who may be a noble.

Yi Wenwen swayed the wine in his glass, but his eyes were always on Shen Mengdie.He didn't understand why the other party suddenly wanted to come to this kind of place, but since the other party wanted to come, he just wanted to accompany him.

Shen Mengdie doesn't care what the people around her think, she is currently looking for possible blood clans in the largest tavern.

"There really is."

She sighed softly in her heart, and looked at the blood race in the middle of the dance floor.It was a young man whose handsome face had already attracted a group of women to dance with him.

But having said that, there is no ugly person among the blood clan.It seemed that during the transformation, those inferior genes were eliminated.

After swimming around in the crowd, the vampire seemed to have finally found the prey he wanted. With a wicked smile on his lips, he walked towards a beautiful woman.

After the two danced together for a face-to-face dance, they walked out of the crowd together, and then came to the dark corner of the tavern.

From such a distance, she naturally couldn't hear what the two said, but looking at the people who were already hugging each other, she could also guess a general idea.

"Is this hunting?"

She murmured a little uncertainly, then continued to stare over there.

Yi Wenwen, who was taking a sip of the wine in his glass, raised his head after hearing her murmur, and saw her staring at something.Dang followed her gaze, his face darkened when he saw the situation over there.He stretched out his palm, covered her eyes, and growled, "Don't look."

When Shen Mengdie saw the vampire covering the woman's eyes, kissing her lightly, and gradually revealing her sharp fangs, she was blocked by the outstretched palm behind her.

"Why? Let go of me."

Just as she stretched out her hand to gently push the person behind her, there was a loud noise from the side she was paying attention to.


"What's wrong?" After she pushed away the hands covering her eyes, what she saw was the wall knocked away by external force.

The place where the vampire man was originally staying is now a mess, the vampire has disappeared, leaving only a woman holding a sharp knife.

When Shen Mengdie was wondering what happened, a figure suddenly shot out from behind the wall with a hole in it.

Although the opponent's speed was very fast, she could see clearly who it was.That person was none other than the vampire who was hunting at that time.At this moment, the other party's neat clothes had a big hole at the waist, with blood stains on the side.The sharp fangs were also exposed, and he looked at the woman in front of him fiercely.

"Ah! There are vampires!"

An exclamation made everything in the tavern mess up, and the crowd ran towards the door in horror.Among them, there are also some brave people staying behind, all wanting to see what the legendary blood race looks like.

Shen Mengdie looked at the chaotic tavern, and when he was hesitating whether to leave, she was embraced by the person next to her, blocking the eyes of the people around her.

"Who are you?" The blood clan screamed, it was impossible for ordinary people to hurt him.

The glamorous woman smiled coldly, with strong disgust in her eyes, and looked contemptuously at the somewhat embarrassed vampire. "Holy See, Lilith."

"Holy See, I'm going to tear you apart!" the blood clan roared angrily, and rushed over quickly.You came and I fought with the woman, and all the objects around were completely destroyed.



"This is a vampire? It looks like this."

"Ha, his teeth are so sharp, it must hurt people who get bitten."

Shen Mengdie twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly when she heard the sighs of those onlookers.


After a fight over there, the Blood Race finally lost to Lilith and was slapped heavily to the ground.


The blood man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the woman who hurt him bitterly, and rushed to the door quickly.

"Where to escape?"

Seeing this, Lilith snorted lightly and quickly chased after her.

Seeing the target leave, Shen Mengdie also wanted to go out to have a look, but just as she stood up, the person beside her grabbed her arm.

She glanced back at the person who was pulling her, and said eagerly, "Let's follow quickly."

When Yi Wenwen saw her in such a hurry, he didn't ask why, he pulled her lightly, picked her up firmly, and quickly chased her out.

The few guests left in the tavern, after seeing their wind-like speed, exclaimed and ran out quickly.

"Hey, wait, let's go."

They haven't watched enough, and want to continue watching the follow-up episodes.

Shen Mengdie was held in Yi Wenwen's arms, and quickly chased forward.

When the two stopped, they saw Lilith crucifying the blood clan to the ground.


The blood clan roared in pain, and slowly weathered from the pinned heart.With a gust of night wind, the remaining black ash was blown away.

Looking at this scene, Shen Mengdie couldn't help but shudder.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen took the man into his arms.He wanted to use his body to warm the person in front of him, but he forgot that his current body was not warm.

Shen Mengdie was brought back to her senses by the actions of the person behind her, and after sighing softly in her heart, she turned her head to look at him.

(End of this chapter)

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