The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 359 Chapter 361 Night Nobility

Chapter 359 Chapter 361 Night Nobility ([-])

The Earl is the seventh generation of the blood family. His conversion from a human to his current appearance is due to his deliberate deliberation.

Human life is too short, and the vampire who is immortal is his best choice.

From the first day he had the surname of Zmixi, he abandoned his past self, and his reason and thinking were approaching the blood race.

His ideal is to capture the fourth generation of blood and replace them himself.He also peeked at the legendary third generation in the blood clan, but the third generation is really elusive and has not appeared in the blood clan for a long time.

He looked at the vampires who had been deprived of their abilities below, with an arrogance that could no longer be concealed in his eyes.

"I will be the greatest existence in the blood race, and all human beings will become our food."


His stern laughter echoed in the empty hall, and a group of vampire bats were startled flying.

Shen Mengdie didn't know what happened in the castle deep in the dense forest after she left.At this moment, she was sitting face to face with Yi Wenwen, fighting for her right to go out for activities in the future.

"Are you listening to me?"

After talking a lot, she couldn't help feeling a little irritable, and tapped the table to vent her frustration.

Yi Wenwen pursed his lips tightly, looking very serious.

"As I said, you can go out if you want, but I must be by your side."

"But I have personal matters to deal with." Shen Mengdie didn't want the person opposite to notice her anomaly and destroy her humanity.

There have always been fights between the blood clans, not to mention that she and the other party belong to two clans.

"I won't affect your actions." Yi Wenwen said these words calmly, but in his heart he kept telling himself to restrain himself.It's not clear whether it's the influence of his current status, as long as he thinks that the other party will leave his sight, all kinds of dark thoughts will surge in his heart.

When Shen Mengdie saw that the other party started talking with her, she kept a straight face, and even the slightest smile that she had originally had disappeared completely at this moment.I couldn't help sighing softly in my heart, and a look of helplessness flashed in my eyes.She really didn't understand why the other party insisted on keeping her by her side when they could be said to have nothing to do with each other.

"Hey, why don't you just let him together? Anyway, there will be no loss." She said to herself in her heart, then stared at the other person's face, and gradually fell into deep thought.

Yi Wenwen couldn't help raising his brows lightly as he looked at the man who was distracted again.For the fact that the person in front of him is particularly distracted, he has really adapted well from the initial surprise to the current habit.

"I agree with you to act with me, but you cannot interfere with my decision."

After Shen Mengdie thought for a while, she said to the other party in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yi Wenwen nodded his head lightly. "no problem."

"After dawn, I will go back to my old castle."

She is in urgent need of manpower now, and she is alone. It is not easy to complete the main task. After all, it does not involve one or two families.

"Okay, but you will be hurt if you come into contact with the sun, then..."

Before Yi Wenwen could finish his concerned inquiry, he was interrupted by Shen Mengdie.

"Of course I have a way, and you will know when the time comes."

"Since you've said that, I won't say anything more. You can arrange it yourself."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Shen Mengdie didn't bother to explain anything. "That's it, I'll rest first."

Yi Wenwen watched her start to fall asleep like a human again, went to the bookshelf to take out ancient books as usual, sat down on the sofa and started to read.

Shen Mengdie closed her eyes lightly, but she was not actually asleep.As a vampire, she no longer needs sleep, and her current behavior is just a matter of habit.

Listening to the rustling sound of the man outside turning the pages of the book, all she could think about was how to face her current clansmen after going back in the daytime.

So far, the only person she has really come into contact with is the person who is reading a book over there, and her understanding of the blood race is only limited to the books.

She couldn't think of a reason for coming alone, and she couldn't help calling the system in her heart, hoping to get a reliable proposal.

"System, what do you think I should do next?"

The system did not directly answer her question, but released the side mission she had been looking forward to for a long time after a "ding".

'Ding, the side mission series is on...'

'Sub-quest [-]: As the prince of the Gangro tribe, how could it be possible that he doesn't have his own followers?Task requirements: Gather your own men and regain control of the power of the Gangolo tribe. (undone)'

'Sub-task [-]: The Holy See discovered the traces of the blood race and began to hunt and kill them wantonly. At this time, the power of one person seems so weak.Task requirements: form an alliance with at least one clan to fight against the enemy together. (undone)'

'Sub-task [-]: A large number of blood-sucking monsters appear, bringing panic to human beings.And these are human beings who have been sucked blood by the vampires but failed to transform.Task requirements: clean up these monsters, and rectify the interior of the blood clan. (undone)'

'Subsequent branch task triggers open...'


Shen Mengdie listened to a few side tasks suddenly released by the system, and suddenly opened her eyes, with a smile on her face.

While these side tasks clearly pointed out what she should do next, they could also bring her points, which was a good thing.Although there are not many points for side missions, they can add up to more.

After calming down, she began to think about her main mission.

"System, I want to check my main mission."

'The task interface is open...'

'Main task: After a long period of reckless behavior, the blood race was exposed to the eyes of the Holy See. Facing thousands of humans, the blood race alone suffered a fatal blow.Task requirements: rectify the internal affairs of the blood clan, follow the torrent of history, and establish a secret party.The main task, don't give up. (undone)'

"Secret party." She could not help narrowing her eyes slightly as she muttered the word silently in her heart.

Although she is communicating with the system now, because of the person reading a book outside the bed curtain, it is impossible to shout out directly.Now that she is a blood race, she naturally understands that the person who is similar to herself must be able to hear the whispers in her mouth.

"If it's really because I accidentally exposed myself, wouldn't it be impossible to continue the mission after that?"

But she didn't know that it was because of her cautious attitude that the task could go on smoothly.

Ruoyi Wenwen knew that there was a system in her body, and she could only leave after completing the tasks given by the system.Yi Wenwen, who wanted to keep her by his side, would do everything possible to prevent the continuation of the mission.

(End of this chapter)

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