The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 361 Chapter 363 Night Nobility

Chapter 361 Chapter 363 Night Nobility (Thirteen)
"System, how should I recall my clansmen?"

Shen Mengdie is really not very clear about the contact method between blood clans.

'Ding, please follow the side mission prompts to complete the mission. '

The system didn't directly answer her question, but after a "ding", let her pay attention to the side mission.

"Sub-quests..." After hearing the prompt from the system, she couldn't help but whispered in her heart, and then began to think about the side-quests she started this morning.

"The side missions are to control power, make allies, and clean up the interior. But how to do this, you still have to rely on yourself."

Thinking about her side mission, she slowly raised her hand to caress her chin, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

Yi Wenwen stood aside and stared silently at the other person's cheeks for a long time, seeing that the person in front of him always looked preoccupied, he couldn't help feeling a little doubtful in his heart.

After hesitating for a moment, he slowly stretched out his palm, stroked the hair of the person in front of him and asked, "Are you bothered by something? Tell me, and I can help you."

Shen Mengdie felt the strength on her head and the murmur in her ears, and slowly raised her eyes to look at the person who asked her.After biting the corner of her mouth and hesitating for a while, she asked a question that she hadn't gotten an answer from the system.

"I want to recall my people now, what method do you think is the fastest?"

What she needs to seize most now is time. As time goes by, the Holy See's wanton hunting and killing of blood races will become more and more obvious, and in the later stage, ordinary people will be mobilized to resist the blood races.The vampires living in human society have nowhere to hide, thus being exposed to the eyes of the Holy See.

"The fastest?" Yi Wenwen asked in a deep voice after hearing the words.

Shen Mengdie nodded, and replied: "Yes, the fastest."

After getting her reconfirmation, Yi Wenwen didn't answer her question immediately, but called softly, "Ake, come out."

Shen Mengdie was wondering who the person next to him was calling, and slowly crawled out a pocket bat from the other person's pocket.

This pocket bat shook its head and stared straight at Yi Wenwen with its big eyes, as if waiting for an order.

"Ake, take the other bats to inform the Gangro people to come back."

After he finished speaking, the bat nodded its head, flapped its wings, and quickly flew away from the window.

Shen Mengdie looked at all this, and looked at Yi Wenwen with puzzled eyes.

"Was that what you were just now?"

"Ake is my blood servant, so he can understand what I say."

"Oh." She replied, but began to worry about her common sense.

The "History of the Blood Race" obtained from the system basically included everything about the Blood Race, and it was a very useful textbook, but because of this, the book was quite thick.

She just browsed through it before, and didn't have time to read it in detail in the future, so she also has a half-knowledge of some common sense about blood races.

"Phew, it's a good thing I'm with him, otherwise my current situation would definitely be exposed."

She silently lamented the reality in her heart, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and became more determined. After returning from here, she must immediately read all the books carefully, and she must never make such an oolong again. coming.

When she was thinking secretly in her heart, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened.

"Is it going to rain?"

While she was wondering, a group of small figures flashed past the window.Seeing this situation, she couldn't help but stepped forward and came to the window sill.

"This is... a swarm of bats."

She looked at the group of bats in front of her and said hesitantly.

Wherever she looked, a large group of bats were circling in the air, gathering more and more, and the sound of flapping wings gradually became a sound here.

After circling in mid-air for a while, the group of bats spread out quickly, flew away in all directions, and then all disappeared.

"They should be able to find your people soon."

Standing behind her, Yi Wenwen naturally saw the swarm of bats just now, and now explained to her why this phenomenon occurred.

"I know."

Shen Mengdie replied softly, and didn't ask any more questions.She still understands the truth that the more you say, the more mistakes, the less you say, the less mistakes.

The two stayed in the castle for a while, seeing that the time was approaching noon, they both left here.

Shen Mengdie knew that as long as the bats brought the news, from tonight onwards, members of the Gangelo tribe would return one after another.So now she will go back to the old castle where Yi Wenwen is, and then read "History of the Blood Race" carefully, and the time is almost up.

When asked why she didn't just stay here and wait for the return of the tribe, she always felt that she was not used to being here alone.And Yi Wenwen, who had always wanted to keep her by his side, would never let her stay like this.

After leaving the old castle that belonged to her, the two walked back along the dense forest.

Feeling the breeze of early autumn, the speed of the feet gradually slowed down unknowingly.Suddenly, the sound of fighting from the front made the two of them stop.

"Shall we take a detour?" Hearing the sound of fierce fighting ahead, Shen Mengdie couldn't help turning her head to look at the person beside her and asked.

Yi Wenwen turned his head to look at her, then turned his gaze to the dense forest in front of him and said, "No need to detour, let's go and see what happened there, after all, this is under my jurisdiction."

Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie saw that the other party had made such a decision, and replied softly: "Okay, then let's go and have a look."

"Let's go." Yi Wenwen said, gently took her palm, and walked towards the direction of the fighting sound together.

"Bang bang bang..."


"Damn it, Lord Earl will not let you go."

Listening to the screams from over there, Shen Mengdie guessed that this matter should be related to the blood race.After sweeping away the branches blocking her eyes, she finally saw the situation there clearly.

I saw a group of people wearing black cloaks besieging the people also wearing gray cloaks in the middle, and the fighting scene seemed to be quite intense.


After observing the scene for a while, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and murmured.

In her eyes, it should be the person being besieged chuckled, and then swiftly knocked down all the other people around him to the ground.

Whether judging from the body shape or the movement of the shot, it should be a man.The man in the gray cloak stomped on the head of one of them, and said in an awkward manner: "Heh, your Lord Earl will come to trouble me for you guys?"

Having said that, he directly kicked the person under his feet away, exposing him directly to the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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