The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 363 Chapter 365 Night Nobility

Chapter 363 Chapter 365 Night Nobility ([-])
"This world doesn't seem so complete?"

After reading through the thick "History of the Blood Race", Shen Mengdie finally noticed something strange in it.Everything in this world seems to revolve around the blood race, and it is gradually developing towards deformity.

"Is this world real?"

At this time, she couldn't help but have such a thought in her heart, and this feeling became more and more obvious as time went by.


"Whether it's true or false, I just need to complete my task well. After all, I will never stay in one place."

After silently comforting herself in her heart, she lightly closed her eyes to suppress the irritability that was rising in her heart.

"But having said that, do blood races exist like this?" Caressing the huge words on the cover of the book in her hand, a look of sudden realization gradually appeared on her face.

The existence of vampires is even more mysterious than in human legends, and high-level vampires have never dealt with humans.Without exception, these blood races have a common characteristic, that is, when they were still human beings, they were all either rich or noble.

A vampire with a title already possessed a title when they were still human beings.And when he converted to a blood race, the power in his hands was still well preserved.Faithful servants are given blood and become followers.

She knew before that every vampire has supernatural powers, and the level of ability depends on the strength of the previous vampire's ability, that is, the vampire who first embraced it; The longer you survive, the stronger your ability will be.

Although the level suppression among the blood clans does not mean that the higher one can control the lower ones, but the king of each clan, that is, the third generation blood clan has absolute control power.

All members of the clan will be suppressed in front of the king, and there is no solution.

"Level suppression?" When Shen Mengdie saw this, the corners of her tightly pursed mouth gradually raised, and she was very pleasantly surprised.

She has been worried that because of her lack of ability, she will not be able to completely control the tribe, but once the prerequisite of level suppression is established, there will be no voices of opposition in the tribe.

It was also at this time that she finally understood how to use her rights was the most correct way.

As for the abilities that every blood race has, she naturally has them as a three-generation blood race, but because her mentality as a human has always affected her, she can't use them well.

In addition to being able to control the wind, she also has other abilities hidden in her blood.And she has also clearly noticed the changes in herself recently.

With more strength and faster speed, I will not be tired but my five senses will be sensitive.

After confirming that she had memorized all the knowledge in the book, she took a deep breath and took it back to the system space.When she inadvertently scanned the items she stored in the system space, she couldn't help reaching out and caressing her space ring.

"Looking at the current situation, if I want to use the system mall, I don't seem to have enough gold."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help thinking about the old castle that belonged to her.

"It seems that we have to collect some gold as a backup."

After confirming what time it is in the system, Shen Mengdie raised her hand to straighten her wrinkled clothes, and slowly opened the curtain in front of her.


With the sound of the sound, Yi Wenwen, who had been keeping one movement all the time, finally moved.He turned his eyes to the person who was walking towards him, and put down the ancient book in his hand with a smile.

"Shall we set off now?" Shen Mengdie turned her head and glanced at the sky outside the window, and asked softly.

Yi Wenwen also turned his gaze to the sky outside the window after hearing the words.

At this time, the sunset in the sky had already set, and the gray sky was just right for them to leave.However, Yi Wenwen did not answer directly, but said in a deep voice: "No hurry, wait for Ake to come back first."

When Shen Mengdie heard that she wanted to wait for Ake, the pocket bat, she lowered her eyes and said lightly: "Well, let's wait for it to come back. But... when will it come back?"

Yi Wenwen glanced at the pendulum clock in the bedroom, then looked at the sky outside the window, and said firmly: "Soon. It will come back when the sky is completely dark at the latest."

"En." Shen Mengdie responded in a low voice, then sat down beside the other party, staring at the open window and lost in thought.

Yi Wenwen watched the people beside him silently. After a long silence, he said softly, "You haven't eaten for a few days. I'll ask my servant to prepare blood for you."

Shen Mengdie was thinking about how to control the situation domineeringly tonight, and then make all the Gangluo tribe obey her orders.When she suddenly heard the people beside her talking about eating and blood, she unconsciously pursed the corners of her mouth before she could react, as if she had already tasted the sweet blood.

When she suddenly realized what she had just done, she was struck by lightning.

"I, I was expecting blood, my God!"

Shouting in her heart, she froze her face, looked at the person who was looking at her with concern, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled dryly.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen returned a gentle smile, and then pulled the rope by his hand.This rope is attached to a bell, and the bell is outside.All he had to do was tug on the rope, and in a moment someone was coming.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"King, what are your orders?"

Shen Mengdie knew that the voice from outside the door was the housekeeper here, and she could find this person for any needs.

Yi Wenwen kept staring at Shen Mengdie, and said a few words to the people outside the door. "Prepare blood."


After the people outside the door heard his order, they responded lightly, and turned around quickly to prepare.

Shen Mengdie was very flustered at the moment, she didn't want to become a blood-sucking monster.No matter how much the world beautifies the blood race, it is an indisputable fact that they need to drink blood to survive.

"What's the matter, why is your face so ugly?"

Seeing her frowning tightly and anxious eyes, Yi Wenwen asked softly.

Shen Mengdie was brought back to her senses by the words of the person beside her, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to caress her cheek.The moment her palm touched the skin, the movement in her hand suddenly stopped.

"The blood race can't be regarded as a living person, how could his face change? But how did he see that my face is not good?"

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, withdrew her palm in frustration, and replied in a deep voice: "I'm fine, I'm just a little worried about tonight's affairs."

Yi Wenwen heard the words, stroked her hair lightly, and said with a smile in his eyes: "Don't worry, everything is up to me. Rebels who don't obey orders, just kill them."

(End of this chapter)

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