The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 375 Chapter 377 Night Nobility

Chapter 375 Chapter 377 Night Nobility (27)

In the basement deep in the castle, the Earl of the Zmixi tribe stood on a high platform, looking at the blood tribe kneeling at his feet, with a wild smile on his face.

"You guys are doing a good job. I need a lot of vampires now, but it would be even better if I can capture high-level vampires."

Having said that, he stroked the gemstone ring on his finger, and smiled mockingly.

The blood clan kneeling at his feet lowered their heads, not daring to answer.

When the earl of the Zmixi tribe was pondering the meaning of the commandment and turned his attention to the bags brought back, the blood clan who was waiting on the side stepped forward to untie the rope with great winking.


When the bag was opened, a person was revealed inside, but judging from his face, it should be a blood race.

"Oh, a member of the Gangolo tribe?"

The Earl of the Zmixi raised his brows lightly, and glanced at the trapped blood with contempt.

So when Shen Mengdie followed Augustus into the secret room, what she saw was this.

Looking at the vampire trapped in the bag, her pupils shrank suddenly.Just because in that row of bags, at least half of the vampires have the characteristics of beasts.As far as she knows, the blood clan with the appearance of beasts is only members of the Gangelo clan.

At this moment, she finally understood where her missing clansmen had gone.

After Yi Wenwen noticed the gradually changing eyes of the person beside him, he held him in his arms and hid him behind a decoration.

The arrival of the few people did not startle the Earl of the Zmixi clan. He was looking at the trapped blood clan with a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It is said that the prince of the Gangelo tribe has appeared, but what's the use of it?" He smiled lowly at this point. "The blood prince actually sent his people to clean up those defective products. Sure enough, a woman is a woman. Even a high-ranking prince is just a brainless woman."


The members of the trapped Gangro tribe were a little emotional when they heard him slandering their prince so much.The existence of the king has always been the most important thing for the entire clan. Even if they have never met their king, they will never tolerate such slander by the neurotic guy in front of them.

The Earl of the Zmixi looked at the struggling vampires below, and raised his hand to beckon to the attendant next to him.


After being taken out of the clothes that were clogged in his mouth by the attendant, the blood clan of the Gangro clan spat a mouthful of blood at the person on the high platform.

Seeing this, the Earl of the Zmixi narrowed his eyes slightly, and winked at the waiter beside him.

The waiter who received the order swiftly tied the struggling vampire to the stone pillar beside him.

"Heh, do you still want your king to save you now? To tell you the truth, all your missing companions are here, but they are all there now..."

The Earl of the Zmixi tribe raised his finger to the center, then smiled lightly and pressed the mechanism on the jade platform behind him.


A scalp-numbing sound sounded, followed by a large hole in the center of the ground, and a strong smell of blood suddenly appeared in this hall.

Shen Mengdie sniffed the smell, frowned while sniffling.


Following this sound, the moving ground in the center of the hall finally stopped, and a circular pool of blood appeared on the spot.

"This is?"

Shen Mengdie looked at everything that appeared in front of her eyes, and moved her body forward in surprise.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen quickly stabilized her figure to prevent her from falling from a high altitude.

"Now feel the pain that your people have suffered." The Earl of the Zmihi clan smiled frivolously, and then ordered his subordinates who were standing by: "Do it."

The person who received the order stepped forward without saying a word, took out a special weapon, and cut the artery on the blood race.

Only special tools that have been concocted can bleed the vampires. After all, what he wants is the power of these vampires.

The earl of the Zmixi tribe looked at the flowing blood, his blue eyes gradually turned scarlet, and there was an irrepressible evil smile at the corner of his mouth.

Shen Mengdie looked at all that happened in front of her eyes, with burning flames in her eyes angrily, and her clenched fists rattled.


Suddenly, the familiar system prompt sounded, which brought her back to her senses.

"System?" She didn't understand why the system made a sound at this time, and she called softly in her heart.

'Special missions open...'

'Special task: Kill the count of the Zmixi tribe. (undone)'

A very simple task reminder, but it made her narrow her eyes slightly.

"System, is this Earl of the Zmixi clan the blood clan below?"

Since the system releases the mission at this time, it can only be said that the goal of the mission is close at hand.

'Count Zmish is the one you think of. '

"Okay. Although I don't know why I did this, but for the sake of mission points, I will definitely complete it well."

At this moment, the Earl of the Zmixi tribe who was giving orders has become a series of points in her eyes.Although she wondered what the purpose of the system was, it was exactly what she wanted.Although she doesn't like killing, she is very disgusted with people who do everything for their ends.

That kind of person only thinks about himself, and everyone else is just a pawn in his eyes.Since even the most basic human nature is gone, what survives is just a shell.Although the blood race is an existence cursed by the gods, how many of them are willing to do so?
Once the souls of the blood races also degenerate, they will be completely abandoned by the world.

After a few brief exchanges with the system, when she was about to choose a suitable time to make a move, Augustus, who had been hiding for a long time, made the move first.

After solving several blood guards, he turned his head to look at the Earl of the Zmixi clan standing on the high platform.

"Yo, here's a guest."

The Earl of the Zmihi tribe didn't even look at the blood guards who were killed in seconds, but looked at Augustus who was holding a dagger with great interest.

"Count Zmihi?"

Augustus asked in a hoarse voice.

"Am I already so famous? I'm still well-known among humans." The Earl of the Zmixi tribe didn't care about the tone of the other party at all, and there was a faint smile in his scarlet eyes.

Hearing this, Augustus narrowed his eyes hidden under the cloak slightly, and with a flash of thought in his eyes, he rushed towards the Earl of the Zmihi tribe on the high platform.

"It came just fine."

The Earl of the Zmihi clan was not nervous at all, his scarlet eyes slightly widened because of the upcoming battle, which meant that he was very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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