The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 380 Chapter 382 Night Nobility

Chapter 380 Chapter 382 Night Nobility (32)

Yi Wenwen looked down at the man who was completely drunk, and the other party's flushed cheeks were so cute in his eyes at the moment.So he couldn't help but slightly bent his waist, and kissed the lips of the person in front of him.

But at this moment, Shen Mengdie, who was so drunk that he was almost unconscious, turned his head suddenly, and he kissed the other person's cheek as a matter of course.

In this regard, he just shook his head with a light smile, and tucked the corner of the quilt for the other party.

Sitting quietly on the bed, he looked at the person beside him, the light in his eyes flickering.After a long time, he lightly closed his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

He raised his hand and shook Shen Mengdie, who had fallen into a coma, and shouted softly with a bewitching tone in his voice: "Mengdie, Mengdie..."

Shen Mengdie heard someone calling her, opened her dazed eyes, and blankly looked at the man in front of her who gave her a sense of familiarity.

Yi Wenwen seemed to see her current state, so he continued to coax softly: "Mengdie, have you completed your mission?"

As early as when he learned that the other party needed to complete the so-called task, he already wanted to ask.But many times in the past, he hesitated in the end.Now is a rare opportunity to ask what you want to know without hurting the other party.


Shen Mengdie was at a loss for a moment after hearing the other party's inquiry.In her sluggish brain, the remaining rationality told her that this matter meant a lot to her, and she must never say anything about it.

"Mengdie, is the mission complete?"

Looking at her blank gaze, Yi Wenwen continued to ask patiently.

Shen Mengdie blinked her eyes, and in her blurred vision, a familiar face came into her eyes.After realizing that the person beside her was harmless, she said slowly: "The task, no, it has not been completed."

After hearing her answer, Yi Wenwen let out a breath and continued to ask, "Who gave you the task?"

"Who?" There was a flash of hesitation in her eyes, and after thinking for a moment, the two words she spit out surprised the other party. "system……"

"System?" Yi Wenwen murmured when he heard the words, and there seemed to be a dark light in his eyes.

"The system is the system. I want to go home, go home..."

'Ding, it is detected that the host is about to leak the existence of the system, and now we are going to make an emergency remedy...'

Only Shen Mengdie could hear the system's notification sound. At this moment, she felt dizzy and noisy in her head, which made her a little irritable, so she didn't listen to the system's notification in detail.

Yi Wenwen narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression very gloomy. "Oh, the system? It's actually a system."

After experiencing so many worlds, he also has a certain understanding of the so-called system in the other party's mouth.Regardless of whether it is an artificial intelligence system or any other system, there must be someone behind it who is leading all of this.

When he thought that everything about himself and the people around him was being manipulated by others behind the scenes, a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes.

In order to find out how much the people around him knew about the so-called system, he decided to continue asking.

"Mengdie, tell me, what did the system ask you to do?"

"System, task..."

"What's the mission this time?" Yi Wenwen asked eagerly.


Shen Mengdie murmured and took out "Blood Race History" from the system space, with a dazed smile on her face.

Seeing that she didn't take out the book from her space ring, Yi Wenwen couldn't help but have a strong look of inquiry in her eyes.At this moment, his attention was all on the other person's cheek, so he didn't carefully check what book was taken out.

Shen Mengdie was still murmuring incessantly, while Mastermind No. [-], who was disguised as a system, began to urgently deal with the current emergency.

'Start processing: 3, 2, 1...'

Just when the system's notification tone fell, Shen Mengdie, who was still whispering, suddenly fell unconscious.

After Yi Wenwen noticed this sudden change, he nervously stepped forward and whispered, and stretched out his hands to shake him slightly.

"Mengdie, Mengdie..."

He felt nervous for not getting a response. After careful confirmation and finding out that the other party was just asleep, he let out a soft breath.

"Is it the system?" He picked up the books on the bed and murmured, with a dangerous smile on his face.

No matter what the hidden system is, he must find it out.

Early the next morning, Shen Mengdie woke up in a familiar environment. In her clear eyes, she didn't see the blurred appearance when she was drunk last night.

She raised her eyes and looked around her, but she didn't see the person who had been by her side all the time, so she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.I don't know whether to sigh or breathe a sigh of relief.

"Did he call my name last night?"

Shen Mengdie said uncertainly, she didn't remember what happened last night very clearly, so she couldn't be sure.

"Drinking is a mistake, I don't want to be contaminated with it in the future."

She sighed softly, straightened her clothes, and sat up slowly.

Yi Wenwen is in his own study at the moment, holding the "History of the Blood Race" that he got from Shen Mengdie.

After turning the book from beginning to end for several hours, he couldn't help but be deeply puzzled.

I originally thought that the world I was traveling through was just an inferior small world, but now it seems that things are not as simple as they seem on the surface.

"In this way, what will be her mission this time?"

He murmured, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.At this moment, everyone watched what the other party had done before, and the task was most likely related to the blood race.

Even though he guessed in his heart, he wasn't quite sure.If it wasn't for the fact that the other party would forget himself every time he changed a world, he would be happy to accompany him in this way.

Now that he has noticed the enemy hidden in the dark, he will naturally pay more attention to the abnormalities of the other party while fulfilling that person's wishes.

So in the next few days, Shen Mengdie noticed that the people around him always stared at him with probing eyes.Although before that, the other party had been looking at her all the time, but I don't know if it was an illusion. There were many emotions in the other party's eyes that she couldn't understand.

"Prince of the Fanzhuo clan, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Mengdie couldn't help asking under the other party's more and more obvious gaze.

Hearing her question, Yi Wenwen shook his head lightly and sighed leisurely.

Seeing the other party's expression, Shen Mengdie couldn't help but bewildered across his eyes.

Just when the two were looking at each other speechlessly, Shen Mengdie's heart suddenly trembled, because the system's prompt sounded suddenly in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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