The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 383 Chapter 385 Night Nobility

Chapter 383 Chapter 385 Night Nobility (35)

"How not?"

After Shen Mengdie opened the system space, when she habitually prepared to take out the book, it was empty.

Looking at her empty system space, she couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Where did you put it?"

At this time, she had to think about where she would throw the books.

"This book, which records everything about the blood race, must not be seen by other blood races."

She couldn't think of anything for the time being, and began to rummage in the bedroom she was in.After searching for a while, she sat back on the sofa decadently.

"No, why not?"

"I remember that I only took it out here to read it, shouldn't it?"

Just when she was at a loss, a picture flashed through her mind.

"It seems, it seems that I took out the book that night."

She was a little uncertain about what she said, because the memory of that time was really vague when recalled at this moment.

"Could it be that he took the books away?" Shen Mengdie squinted her eyes slightly, and said her conjecture suspiciously, but shook her head at the end. "Impossible, he will definitely ask me when he finds out. But, he always looks a little strange these two days, could it be..."

The object of her suspicion now is naturally the only Prince Yi Wenwen of the Van Zhuo clan who can share the same room with her.When she thought that her biggest secret had been found out, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered in her heart.

She stood up, pursed the corners of her mouth lightly, her drooping eyes gradually fell into deep thought.

"What are you doing?"

A call made her jump, and she raised her head in surprise.

After Yi Wenwen stayed outside alone for a long time, he felt bored.But when he stepped in here, he saw a person standing still. After a plain inquiry, the other party showed a frightened expression, which made him care.

Shen Mengdie looked at the person who was slowly walking towards her, and because of the panic in her heart that she might be seen through and the sense of oppression brought by the person in front of her, she involuntarily took a step back.

Seeing her sudden violent reaction, Yi Wenwen frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with you? Is it because you haven't eaten for too long and become weak?"

Listening to the other party's words, Shen Mengdie moved the muscles on her face and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing her current reaction, Yi Wenwen's eyes darkened, and he walked over slowly.

Shen Mengdie looked into the other party's concerned eyes, and her flustered mind gradually calmed down.After shaking his head lightly, he replied slowly: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"Oh, that's good, just tell me if you need anything."

Yi Wenwen confessed in a deep voice as if he didn't see the panic in her eyes.

"Thank you."

After thanking Shen Mengdie, she sat quietly at the side, secretly looking at the people beside her from time to time.

Naturally, her self-proclaimed hidden gaze did not escape Yi Wenwen's eyes, but the man just smiled and continued to busy himself with his own affairs.

She looked at the other person's side face, hesitated to speak several times, and retracted her raised hand countless times.

Yi Wenwen has been paying attention to the movements of the person beside him. After waiting for a long time but not seeing the other person speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the other person with burning eyes.

Under the gaze of the other party, Shen Mengdie shrank her outstretched palm.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen's eyes darkened. "Is there anything you want to tell me? I'm listening. Tell me."

Shen Mengdie bit her lips lightly, under the gaze of the other party, her eyes flickered, and she lowered her eyes with a hint of dodge.

Seeing her move like this, Yi Wenwen couldn't help frowning slightly, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"Are you looking for this, or are you going to ask me how much I already know?"

Shen Mengdie listened to the other party's whispers that seemed to be whispering in his ear, and he could hardly maintain the calm appearance on his face.After quickly raising her eyes, she was about to say something when she was suddenly attracted by the book in the opponent's hand.

"Do you mean to ask this?"

Yi Wenwen watched her every move, shook the book in his hand and asked.

Shen Mengdie only felt that her throat was a little dry, and all the words she wanted to ask were stuck in her throat at this moment.

Yi Wenwen silently watched the people around him, waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry."

She originally wanted to say something, but suddenly hesitated.

Yi Wenwen put the book in her hand lightly, raised his hand to gently rub her soft hair, and said with infinite affection: "You are not wrong, so you don't need to apologize to me."

Feeling the strength of the opponent's palm, Shen Mengdie lowered her head obediently, and the red book in her hand was suddenly hot.

At the beginning, she never thought that the relationship between the two would become like this.

I thought that my secret would be found out, and I would be very panicked, but I would run away from here.But when she actually met her now, she felt a kind of feeling in her heart: "Ah, it's finally known, so it's not a big deal."

This kind of mentality made her feel very at ease when facing the person in front of her, although she was a little awkward.

"Why do you feel this way?" She couldn't help asking herself in her heart.

Yi Wenwen sensed her gradual relaxation, and a slight smile gradually formed on the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry, I have everything. Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Shen Mengdie listened to the other party's promise, and after being stunned for a moment, she snorted softly.


Yi Wenwen originally thought that he would not get a response, but the other party's reaction was unexpectedly gentle.While feeling joyful in my heart, I was also irritated by the things I was about to face.

"Is there anything you want to ask me?"

"I..." Shen Mengdie slowly raised her head, and for the first time began to face the person in front of her.

Many times in the person, maybe because of the mission, maybe because of the status, she always consciously avoids the other person's gaze.So in this face-to-face, she discovered something that she had neglected for a long time.

The eyes of the person in front of him are always slightly cold, and when looking at him, there is always warmth and warmth.He stared closely at the other person's eyes for a long time, as if something came out of his own memory.This feeling becomes more and more clear as time goes by.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of the person in front of him, Yi Wenwen gradually took on a familiar look, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly uncontrollably.


Shen Mengdie suddenly hugged her head and howled, breaking the original warm atmosphere.A series of messy memories kept churning in her mind, and the sweat caused by the pain quickly spread all over her forehead.


After clenching the book in her hand for a while, it fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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