The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 389 391 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 389 391 The Miracle Comes ([-])

"what is that?"

Shen Mengdie suddenly stood up and squatted, staring at the moving lake.

"Is it just fish?"

She murmured alone, not knowing that she was only half right.

Suddenly, there was movement behind him, and upon careful listening, it turned out to be human conversation.

Although the language spoken by the visitors was not the kind she was familiar with, she understood what they said.

"Senior, I don't think something is right here."

"Don't worry, there are so many of us, and teacher Rosa is here, don't worry."

Shen Mengdie's current situation is naturally not suitable for dealing with the students who came, and since she became what she is now, her senses have been greatly improved, and it can be clearly heard that there are at least ten people.

Therefore, in order to reduce possible troubles, she asked the system for her destination and the direction of the Academy of Magic, then spread her huge wings, waved them lightly, flew into the sky, and quickly moved away from here.

Just after she left the place, a group of students appeared here.

"Wow, there's a big lake here."

"It's looking good here and we can finally get some rest."

The rest of the students were sighing, but one of the black-haired men raised his head, looking towards the sky and making a sound.

"Dongfang, what's wrong with you?"

The man who was called Dongfang slowly looked away, looked at the beautiful woman beside him with gentle eyes and said, "Mr. Rosa, I'm fine, but I saw a giant bird and beast."

"It's good that I'm fine. Didn't I tell you to call me Talis? Why don't you change your name?"

This group of students are the students of the Magic Academy, and now they come out to practice with the head teacher.The full name of the teacher of the Magic Academy is Tamara Rosa, and she is a senior magician with fire attributes.Such an achievement at the young age of 28 is quite remarkable, after all, the average life expectancy of ordinary people in this continent is two hundred years old.

"Talis, I'm fine, you go and see them."

The man chuckled and pointed to the classmates who were about to set up camp over there.

"Okay then, call me if you need something." Rosa smiled at him ambiguously, her eyes were seductive.

When there was no one left by his side, the man looked at the sky, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes and whispered: "Could it be that I was wrong?"

With his keen senses, he had sensed that someone should have stayed here before, but when he looked up, he could only see a blur of white wings, which is why he was not sure what he was thinking. .

After all, the angels guarding the God of Light had already left with him thousands of years ago.

Just when a group of people by the Hubo were happily setting up their camp for the night, a sudden change occurred.

"There are monsters in the water, everyone be careful."

An exclamation made everyone vigilant, and they all gripped their weapons tightly, staring at the surging lake as if facing a formidable enemy.

The dark-type fish monsters who were terrified by seeing angels were resting in their caves. After noticing that there was another movement by the lake, they stopped being reckless and carefully lurked up to observe the situation. After confirming that they were just a group of ordinary humans , before attacking.

This is why this group of people was able to have time to set up tents here, instead of launching an attack the first time they stepped here.

As a teacher, Talis Rosa unilaterally confirmed that it was not a strong enemy when she saw the monster appearing in the water for the first time.

"Students, attack."

As her words came out, a fierce battle began.And the result has already been decided at the beginning, these people naturally can't get out unscathed.

Shen Mengdie didn't know what happened near the lake that she rated as a beautiful environment after she left.

Just because she has returned to her original appearance now, she exchanged gold for an outfit from the system mall, and stood silently at the gate of the Magic Academy.

"This is the Academy of Magic?"

She looked at the tall and majestic school gate in front of her, her eyes were full of admiration at first, but after seeing the name of the school standing beside her, she couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

It's just because the four characters "Academy of Magic" are engraved flying and dancing on it.

"Hey, forget it, let's go and have a look first."

She stood at the school gate for a long time, but the students coming and going around didn't seem to notice her. Although they would subconsciously avoid her standing position, none of them noticed the abnormality.Even the teacher guarding the school gate didn't notice that such a person who was not from his own academy had been standing at the gate for a long time.

Shen Mengdie walked slowly towards the opened school gate with her usual expression, but at the moment she was about to enter, she stopped her pace.

Squinting her eyes slightly, the corners of her mouth gradually raised into a chuckle. After closing her eyes lightly, she opened them and saw the barrier at the gate clearly.

This barrier invisible to the naked eye is the school's way to prevent outsiders from entering, because every current student will be issued a jade badge representing their identity on the day of enrollment, which is also a proof of identity.As long as you have that small jade token, you can freely enter the academy.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie just frowned slightly.After all, the enchantment in front of her is of no use to her at all.


She chuckled and walked in slowly.

And after the enchantment that prevented outsiders from entering came into contact with her, there was no slight fluctuation and it just let her in.

After entering the campus, there is a road paved with bluestone slabs in front of you, surrounded by magical plants that are relatively rare for ordinary people in this world.

"Now it's appropriate to go directly to the principal, but which direction should we go?"

She looked at the roads leading to different directions in front of her, and a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes.

At this time, a man who looked like a student suddenly came behind her.Judging from that appearance, he should still be a freshman who has just entered school.

She stopped the student who was about to pass by, and asked gently: "Student, how can I get to the principal's office?"

The man looked at the woman who was talking to him, and his eyes were obviously taken aback.Just because when he walked over just now, he didn't find anyone here.Although he was puzzled in his heart, after seeing the woman's face in front of him, he answered her words a little shyly.

"The principal's office is over there. After you pass by, turn left first, then go straight, then turn right again, and when you see a giant tree, then..."

Seeing that the other party spoke very carefully, Shen Mengdie quickly waved her hand and said, "Can I trouble you to take me there directly? You're talking so complicated, I'm worried that I'll get lost."

(End of this chapter)

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