The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 392 394 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 392 Chapter 394 The Miracle Comes ([-])

Principal Howard's feelings are only understood by himself, maybe both, but at this moment he has no time to think too much.

The latter group of people were all the teachers he sent to notify today, just to discuss the list of students arranged, so as to facilitate the arrangement of the next things in advance.

"Principal, you, what are you?"

The person who led the way was the principal's assistant. Seeing that the principal's office looked like this, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Principal Howard faced the eyes of a group of people, and his attitude was very indifferent.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just sparred with each other just now."

"No, nothing?"

Everyone really didn't know how to answer the principal's words, so they could only chuckle in embarrassment, and slowly withdrew their slightly embarrassed gazes.

"Principal, who is this?"

A woman with curly brown hair raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen Mengdie who was standing still in the distance.

"Mi Yashi, this is our school teacher."

The headmaster replied without changing his face. In his heart, after he complied with the other party's request, the person in front of him would be the teacher of the School of Magic.

Listening to the principal's answer, Shen Mengdie didn't have any other strange expressions, but after hearing the conversation between the two, she turned her gaze to the woman who asked the question.

"So she is Mi Yashi?"

She sighed softly in her heart, looking at the pure and lovely woman in front of her, her eyes darkened.

It was because the name of the person in front of him happened to be on the pile of information given to him by the system.

How could Destiny Child have no helpers when he was saving the world?
So apart from the necessary younger brothers, the ones who appeared the most were beauties.When Destiny's Child is gradually showing his prominence, all the women who meet him basically become his harem.

Shen Mengdie didn't care that Destiny's Child would do this.Now she only cares about when the so-called demons will land on this magic continent, and when that time comes, it will be the time for her to leave this world.

After receiving the principal's reply, Mi Yashi looked at Shen Mengdie with a flicker of eyes, not knowing what she was thinking about.

When the atmosphere was silent, a woman with heroic eyes came out slowly, and asked in a casual tone: "Principal, is this teacher new here?"

The headmaster turned his eyes naturally, and nodded slightly. "Yeah, I just came to report today."

After the principal said these words, everyone present understood that the so-called discussion was with the woman in front of them.Looking at the completely destroyed office, one can basically imagine how fierce the battle was at that time, and the eyes looking at Shen Mengdie gradually became dim.

"I don't know what to call this new teacher?"

The heroic-looking woman continued to ask the principal, with unreal emotions in her eyes.

Shen Mengdie was keenly aware that both the woman in front of her and Mi Yashi just now were hostile towards her.Although she didn't quite understand the reason of the matter, she still kept a warm smile and waited for the principal's answer.

Principal Howard saw that the teachers of the college cared so much about the new teacher, his eyes were filled with satisfaction, but after opening his mouth, he suddenly turned to Shen Mengdie and asked, "What's your name?"

When Shen Mengdie saw the principal's appearance, she knew that the other party didn't know her name and wanted to divert everyone's attention.

She didn't care too much about this, she raised a slight smile, and replied slowly: "Hello, I'm Hathaway."

She knew that her original name looked too strange in this place, so in order to save trouble, she decided to choose a name at random.


After the woman said her name lightly, she said in a deep voice, "Welcome, I'm Fanny."

When Shen Mengdie heard the words, she tapped her forehead calmly, as if she had answered.But because of the words of the person in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh silently.

"I met the two women of Destiny's Child on the first day. It seems to be fate, but this has nothing to do with me. I don't want to get too involved with these women."

According to the records in the data, all the women involved with this group of women either became the harem of Destiny's Child, or died at the hands of these ruthless women.

No matter which ending it is, it is not the result she wants.

She analyzed the situation in front of her in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface, so except for the principal himself who gave her a second look, everyone else responded politely.

I don't know if it's because of the principal's different attention to her that the rest of the people noticed something.In the following time, everyone stood and introduced themselves like this.

"Okay, come down and talk about something. Today's meeting is canceled and postponed to tomorrow."

Everyone looked at the destroyed office, and after a collective silence, they responded in unison.

As the others slowly left, Shen Mengdie still stayed where she was.

Now she still has to talk to the principal about which class she needs to be assigned to. She came to the school to be the teacher of that Destiny Child so that she can get in close contact with him.So things have progressed to this point, how could she give up halfway.

If they were assigned to other classes, it would be a lot more troublesome to complete the task.

Principal Howard looked at the people who were leaving, turned around and glanced at his office, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.At that time, thinking that the demons had boldly come to provoke him, he didn't have too many scruples and attacked directly.When everything is over now, he can only sigh softly.

Because everything here is his masterpiece, if he hadn't issued those powerful wind magic, these walls reinforced by earth magic would naturally not be as dilapidated as they are now.


The assistant principal returned here after seeing off the other teachers.Seeing the headmaster frowning, he called out cautiously.

"What's the matter?" Principal Howard asked back without knowing it.

"Does the office need to be remodeled?"

"Of course, otherwise, how can I use it now?"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now. Then Mrs. Hathaway..."

The principal's assistant has been working beside the principal for more than ten years, so he can naturally see that the principal treats the new teacher Hathaway differently.

"You go..." The principal turned around and looked at the assistant after saying two words, then suddenly paused, and after a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, he changed his initial decision and continued, "I'll leave it to you to deal with it here." , I will take Teacher Hathaway out to get acquainted with the environment now, and arrange accommodation casually."

The headmaster's assistant jumped in his heart when he heard it, but he quickly replied: "Okay, leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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