The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 400 402 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 400 Chapter 402 The Miracle Comes ([-])
Dongfang Junxuan lightly pressed the ring on his index finger, his eyes darkened under the cloak.

This is the first treasure I got after coming to this world, a space ring that can be planted.In this ring, there are not many other items, but there are many medicinal materials planted in the ground, and his first bucket of gold is the high-grade medicinal materials in the ring.

Although the high-end medicine was valuable, he didn't want to reveal too much without absolutely being able to protect himself.

"It seems that we have to spend money tonight."

Dongfang Junqian sighed softly, and called out the price increase again.

"Four thousand gold coins."

After hearing his sudden price increase, everyone who was still slowly increasing the price fell silent for a moment, and then continued to shout fiercely.

"Four thousand one hundred gold coins."

"4000 two hundred gold coins."

"Four thousand three hundred gold coins."

"Five thousand gold coins." Dongfang Junxuan raised the price again.

"Five thousand one hundred gold coins."

"Five thousand two hundred gold coins."

When the price reached [-], fewer people raised the price, and the rate of price increase gradually slowed down, and those who joined in the fun began to stop raising the price one after another.

"Six thousand gold coins."

"Six thousand five hundred gold coins."

"Six thousand seven hundred gold coins."

When the price reached [-], only a few people left to increase the price.

Miss Melville has remained silent since the initial increase.Just because every time she raised the price, she would meet Master Hodgson's serious gaze. After many times, she gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

In Master Hodgson's eyes, if this meteorite, which even he could not identify, could be auctioned off for five thousand gold coins, it would be very good.After all, when they obtained this meteorite, it was by accident, and the Melville family didn't make much effort.

Shen Mengdie looked at the rising prices, and couldn't help stroking her forehead.

"If this goes on like this, I doubt whether Dongfang Junxuan can afford to buy this meteorite. After all, according to the detailed information, he only spent two thousand gold coins to win it. Except for the initial fight with Miss Melville , things went very smoothly afterwards.”

"This is Destiny's Child's weapon embryo. If this continues, I will be the only one who will take a picture of it and give it to Dongfang Junqi."

She covered her head and sighed, feeling very helpless in her heart.

"Ten thousand gold coins!"

After Dong Fangjun gritted his teeth and said this value, finally no one competed with him for the ownership of this meteorite.

Seeing this, he took a deep breath, looking at the meteorite on the stage with more expectation.

This period is the period when he slowly rises and begins to show his prominence to attract the attention of the strong.So as far as he is concerned now, he really doesn't have much money to compete with those powerful people.

Shen Mengdie couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief when she saw that Dongfang Junxuan had taken the ownership of the meteorite.

"Finally, there is no major problem. Next, it's time for my auction item to appear."

After two more very valuable items were auctioned off, the finale was finally on the stage.

Master Hodgson straightened his robe and tapped the gavel in front of him.

"Everyone, now please come to the finale of tonight."

After hearing his words, everyone in the hall looked towards the backstage in doubt.

As the staff brought a very precious box onto the stage, the scene was silent.

"Tonight's finale is this, Angel Feather."

After Hodgson finished speaking, he slowly opened the box.

After hearing the words "Angel Feather", the people in the hall were obviously taken aback.There was deep suspicion in their eyes. In their understanding, this kind of legendary item should not appear in the auction, let alone a routine small auction like this tonight.

The reactions of the distinguished guests in the box were completely different from those in the hall, their eyes were full of surprise.

A well-dressed man caressed the gem ring on his finger, with a smile in his eyes, he sighed softly and said: "It turns out that this item really went to the auction. If so, then I must get it."

The man's thoughts were also the thoughts of other people present, so the scene was silent for a moment after Hodgson uttered the words of introduction, which aroused the enthusiasm of everyone on the scene.

"Everyone, I don't think I need to introduce you. Everyone understands how precious this item is. Melville Auction House guarantees its reputation. This is definitely a genuine item."

As Hodgson said, he touched the feather of the box lightly, causing it to fly out.

Shen Mengdie looked at the items that were about to start bidding with a pleasant smile in her eyes.The more enthusiastic the people at the scene, the happier she is.In this way, these few feathers can be sold for a large price.

"I don't know how much surprise you can bring me?"

Just as she was muttering, several people in black cloaks suddenly jumped out from the audience, and they rushed to the high platform purposefully and organizedly.From the looks of it, he should be the one who got the news early in the morning.

Hodgson was introducing the role of Angel Feather to everyone, when he suddenly saw the person attacking him, he subconsciously frowned.

As the appraisal master of the Melville family, he is not very high in magic attainments, but he is not afraid of the current unexpected situation at all.

After considering the special nature of tonight's finale item, the auction house has already activated the highest defensive enchantment on the auction stage.


When those people rushed out with weapons in hand, there was a moment of chaos in the hall, but this chaos was quickly stopped by the strong man hiding aside to maintain order.

Shen Mengdie looked at those who wanted to rob, her eyes flickered, and she smiled lightly as she rubbed the corner of her mouth with her finger: "It seems that no matter where you are, the phenomenon of people making money and killing birds for food exists."

Hodgson didn't make any other movements except for his unsightly complexion.The Angel Feather that had been floating beside him also remained the same, and had not been taken back into the box.

After dealing with those uninvited guests, he waved to the guards in the audience, motioning to take them down first.


After coughing lightly, he tapped the gavel in front of him to call everyone's attention.

"Everyone, the auction continues now. The three angel feathers are auctioned together, and only one can get it in the end."

"The auction starts now. The starting price is [-] purple gold coins, and each increase must not be less than [-] purple gold coins. This time, only purple gold coins are accepted..."

Shen Mengdie listened to Master Hodgson's words, but focused on the three words "Purple Gold Coin".

In this world, the conversion system between currencies is a thousand.

One thousand copper coins are equal to one silver coin, one thousand silver coins are equal to one gold coin, and one thousand gold coins are equal to one purple gold coin.There are so many categories of coins, and one silver coin can live for half a month for an ordinary family of three.

(End of this chapter)

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