The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 402 404 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 402 404 The Miracle Comes ([-])
"It's troublesome."

Shen Mengdie couldn't help raising her hand to her forehead when she thought that Dongfang Junxuan and Miss Melville would definitely spark sparks when they met.

"Forget it, forget it. As long as it doesn't affect other students, let them go."

After thinking about how she should deal with it next, she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

After simply screening out the items he needed, he moved half of the large amount of gold coins in the space ring to the system store and began to exchange them.

Before setting off, she was suddenly in a bad mood, and she always felt that this ordinary experience would not go too smoothly.

The selected people of each grade packed their bags and assembled in the school cathedral on time.

Shen Mengdie watched the principal's routine speech on stage, but her thoughts gradually drifted to other places.

I still remember that on the second day after the auction ended, the principal invited her to the office to discuss matters.

The moment she stepped into the office, she clearly felt what was hidden in the other party's eyes.

"Principal, what's the matter?"

She walked to sit opposite the principal with a calm demeanor, waiting for the other party to give her an answer.

Principal Howard, however, gave her a deep look before showing a meaningful smile.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie's eyes flickered, but she didn't ask directly.

Principal Howard may have waited enough, or felt that the time is right now, he sighed and said, "Mr. Hathaway, you should also go to the routine auction held by Melville Auction House last night."

He used the words of inquiry, but in an affirmative tone.

Seeing the other party looking at her with a smile, Shen Mengdie pondered for a moment, then asked softly, "Principal, why did you say that?"

"Angel Feather..."

Howard, the principal, continued to look at her with a smile, and mentioned the last auction item last night.

After Shen Mengdie heard the other party's words, she raised her eyebrows lightly, seeming very indifferent.

"Oh, and then what?"

Her nonchalant rhetorical question made the headmaster speechless, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Shen Mengdie smiled lightly and shook her head.

"Principal, you didn't come here for the auction last night, did you?"

She understood that when she decided to take out the three feathers, the principal would definitely know about it, but all this did not affect her next actions at all.

When Principal Howard heard this, he sighed softly, shook his head, and changed the subject.

"Mr. Hathaway, I'm looking for you today to discuss the next training."

Shen Mengdie heard that the principal was about to start talking to him about business, and slowly shifted his gaze to the other's cheek.

"Oh, I don't know what the principal wants to discuss with me?"

When Principal Howard heard this, he gradually frowned, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"My people sent news from the Forest of Magic that low-level monsters began to appear there. This time, I'm afraid I will trouble the Archangel. We..."

After Shen Mengdie heard the cause of the incident, doubts flashed in her eyes.

"Principal, since you found the trace of the monster, why didn't you directly notify the Holy See to clean it up?"

"Hey..." The headmaster sighed heavily and shook his head lightly. "After thousands of years of baptism, the Holy See has begun to decay from the inside out. They will only dispatch after they find a large number of monsters."

Hearing this, Shen Mengdie narrowed her eyes slightly, stroked the ring on her ring finger, thought for a moment before answering: "Yes, I will participate in this experience, and I will never let those demons Appear."

"So, that would be great."

Principal Howard sighed softly, with a slight smile gradually appearing in his eyes.

Shen Mengdie's mentality is not as good as the principal's, because according to the records given by the system, the demons came from the end of the forest of magic.

The Forest of Magic is the most extensive forest on the Magic Continent. Up to now, no one knows what is in the center of the Forest of Magic.It was a place where danger and opportunity coexisted, a paradise for the strong and hell for the weak.

In the limited information of the system, the son of destiny, Dongfang Junyu, will explore the central area of ​​the forest of magic in the later stage, and then discover the inheritance left by the gods in ancient times, here has the ability to fight against the demons, thus Saved thousands of lives.

After Shen Mengdie finished thinking, she saw that the principal was silently waiting aside, not intending to speak.

"It seems that Child of Destiny is still too weak and needs to grow up."

She sighed softly in her heart, and when she was about to say goodbye to the principal, a thought suddenly flashed in her mind, which made her stand up abruptly.

When Principal Howard saw this, doubts flashed in his eyes, but they were quickly hidden in the depths of his eyes.


Shen Mengdie gave a soft cry, and fixedly looked at the person opposite her.

"Mr. Hathaway, do you have anything else to say?"

"Principal, I wonder how much you know about Destiny's Child?"

After hearing her inquiry, the principal Howard took a long breath and said with a little fatigue: "For 1000 years, there has been a prophecy that when the sky is eroded by darkness, the child of destiny will appear from the light, Save a world in war..."

The principal didn't finish his words, but Shen Mengdie already knew what it was.

Because of that legend, it is already well known on this continent.

Although with the passage of time, fewer and fewer people believed that this prophecy was true, but it still spreads among the people of the world.

Shen Mengdie just stared at the silent principal, did not ask any more questions, but quietly waited for the answer.

Principal Howard seemed to have sighed enough, raised his head and gave her a chuckle, and continued to narrate the facts he knew.

"Although the Holy See and the royal family have always believed in this prophecy and have been looking for the savior, there has been no progress."

"He showed up."

Shen Mengdie said the answer abruptly.

"Ah?" The headmaster was drooping his eyes in thought, but he didn't react for a while, and looked up at her in surprise.

When the headmaster finally understood the meaning of her painting, the sorrow on his face disappeared, he looked at her in surprise, and asked with some excitement: "Master Angel, what do you mean..."

"The Child of Destiny has appeared."

Shen Mengdie looked at the principal's surprised expression, but she was extremely calm.

"Then he..."

Before the principal Howard finished his inquiry, Shen Mengdie quickly took the words and gave an answer that made the principal very excited.

"He's at this school."

"Who is he? Why have I never felt his presence?"

(End of this chapter)

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