The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 404 406 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 404 Chapter 406 The Miracle Comes ([-])
The experienced students and the teachers who led the team got on the horses arranged by the school as a gift, and then quickly galloped towards the forest of magic.

During this part of the journey, Shen Mengdie also briefly met the other two male teachers who will get along with each other for some time in the future.

These two teachers are third grade teachers, one is a martial arts teacher and the other is a magic teacher.Martial arts teacher Lionel and magic teacher Herman are both specially arranged by the principal, and they are also very kind.Therefore, when she asked the two of them about their next route in the Forest of Magic, she respected her opinion.

When a group of people were sent to the entrance of the magic forest, the sending team began to return slowly.

Shen Mengdie looked at the team gathered at the entrance, and looked up at the forest ahead.

Here, she will embark on a jungle adventure that will last at least one month.Because she is not worried that she is in danger, she is very interested in the rest of the journey.

This kind of wild adventure was something she had never thought of before.

"Students, bring your belongings, we are ready to go."

After looking at the forest for a long time, she looked back at the team behind her.

At this time, the people in this team have assembled the team under the order of Mr. Lionel.

This time I came to the Forest of Magic to practice, and I basically brought space accessories, so there was no scene of big bags and small bags.Each student holds his own weapon in his hand, waiting to start.

Seeing that the team had assembled, Shen Mengdie glanced at the other teams that had already started to move forward, quickly looked away, and said to the students in her class: "The team leader for this experience is Dongfang Junyu, and I and the other two The teacher will not interfere with your actions, even so, but everyone must go together and not disperse..."

"Is everything clear?"

After explaining a few words briefly, she asked loudly the twenty students who were standing neatly.

"It's clear, teacher."

The students answered in unison.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie showed a satisfied look, and then signaled Dongfang Junyu to come out.

"I will leave this team to you, and the teacher will not interfere with your affairs."

Listening to her words, Dongfang Junkui responded lightly, and then turned his gaze to his classmates.

Shen Mengdie walked slowly to the side of the other two teachers, nodded politely, and silently watched how Dongfang Junxuan made arrangements.

Although she is leading the team this time, she doesn't need to practice with her classmates. She just needs to quietly record the performance of each student so that the school can rate this experience.

Dongfang Junxuan didn't say much. After explaining a few words briefly and arranging the division of labor for his classmates, he waved his hand.

"Set off."

Following this order, the team began to move quickly into the forest.

Shen Mengdie followed behind the team, walking forward at a leisurely pace.However, the martial arts teacher Lionel and the magic teacher Herman were in the sight of everyone after a dodge, and they would not show up unless necessary.

Because it is only the periphery of the forest and there is no danger, everyone is very relaxed.

As the team deepened, the voices of other teams gradually faded away until they never met other teams.

At the same time, living creatures gradually appeared around them.

When Shen Mengdie saw the rabbit here for the first time, she was quite surprised.

The rabbit, which was supposed to be very small, was actually as big as a Shiba Inu, and after discovering their existence, it fled away at lightning speed, leaving only a faint afterimage.

During this period of time in the morning, they successfully reached the middle area of ​​the forest, and met a few small animals along the way, and they were the ones that ran away on their own initiative, so the expressions on everyone's faces were very relaxed.

"Everyone take a rest here now, and then set off as soon as possible to find a place to rest tonight."

Dongfang Junkuo observed the surrounding environment and explained to the students.

After hearing his words, the rest of the students began to look for a place to rest.

Shen Mengdie looked up at the sky. Although the sun was blocked by the dense forest, it seemed that it was already noon.So after finding a shady place, I was ready to start enjoying my lunch.

At this moment, the sound beside her made her turn her gaze away.

"The environment here is really good, you all come and sit, you are welcome."

Miss Melville took out a big parasol and a seat from her space accessories, greeted several female students beside her, and also took out a grill.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie stopped drinking water and couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

"Is this person here for an outing?"

She sighed softly in her heart, but she didn't plan to step forward to say anything.Now this team is under the command of Dongfang Junxuan, she just needs to watch silently.

"Come here and help." Just as Miss Melville took out a large amount of food from her own space, and was about to invite the students around her to go camping together, after Dong Fangjun inspected the surroundings, she slowly He walked over to Miss Melville who was preparing for a barbecue camp.

"What are you doing?"

Dongfang Junxuan couldn't help frowning as he looked at the busy people.

When Miss Melville heard the words, she glanced back at the person who asked the question. "Don't you see? I'm camping."

"Put it away." Dongfang Junxuan looked at the person who ignored him, and said in a deep voice.

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Because I am the captain now, you have to listen to my arrangements."

"Hmph, no charge."

Miss Melville snorted lightly, and turned her head to go about her own affairs.

Dongfang Junxuan stood in place and looked at the person who turned to leave, and was silent for a moment.

At this time, Emily, who had been paying attention to the situation here, slowly walked over.

"Dongfang, you..."

Dongfang Junxuan looked back at the person beside him, and stroked his cheek lightly. "It's okay, you go to rest. I will take care of it here."


Emily responded in a low voice, but did not leave, but stood silently aside.

Seeing this, Dongfang Junxuan glanced at the people who were happily preparing for camping, and pulled the people beside him to the side to start having lunch.

After Shen Mengdie noticed the movement here, she thought that Dongfang Junxuan had nothing to do with Miss Melville and was not going to deal with it, so she slowly looked away and looked at the place where the two teachers were hiding.

Miss Melville saw that Dongfang Junxuan only said a few words, then turned and left, humming a song in a happy mood, and began to get busy.

After seeing the confrontation between the two before, the other students avoided collectively, and none of them participated in the fight between the two.

Miss Melville didn't care when she saw that no one was camping with her, she was busy on her own.

(End of this chapter)

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