The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 418 420 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 418 420 The Miracle Comes (32)

After Shen Mengdie dealt with the matter, she looked around her surroundings, and after looking up at the sky, she explained to the busy team members: "Assemble, prepare to evacuate from this forest."


Everyone has no objection to this. After encountering so many unusual things, everyone understands that this experience cannot continue.

With her order, the team assembled quickly.

"Set off."

After Shen Mengdie made a final confession, she ran ahead at the head of the horse.

Because the magic forest has dense trees and lush grass leaves, if you want to move forward quickly, you have to jump between the branches.Although this will make people feel very strenuous, but at this moment, everyone can't worry too much.

In this way, the crowd started to run wildly all the way, only to rest for one night after dark, and they would go on their way again the next day.

Under such a tense rush, it only took three days for everyone to arrive at the outskirts of the forest of magic.

"Everyone take a break first, we can go out in the afternoon."

Shen Mengdie took everyone to a flat place and explained softly.


After everyone responded collectively, they quickly found a place to rest.


Vice-captain Mark breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the grass a little tiredly.

The other members of the team were also sitting on the ground without any image at this moment.

These two days of non-stop raids made this group of students feel very tired, but in order not to let themselves be the ones holding back, they tried their best to keep up with the large army.

"Captain, do you know why Teacher Hathaway asked us to go back?"

While wiping the sweat from his forehead, the vice-captain Brant asked Dongfang Junyu who was sitting beside him.

After hearing the other party's question, Dongfang Junxuan did not answer immediately, but after pondering for a while, he sighed leisurely: "I don't know about this matter, but we actually met the magician in the forest of magic. family, this is not normal at all. Maybe Teacher Hathaway asked us to evacuate early because of our safety?"

Upon hearing his words, Brant nodded slightly.

"It may be so. After I go back today, I should know what's going on."

A few people here are guessing the intention of Shen Mengdie's move, but the person they are discussing slowly turns his gaze to the direction of the forest.

After seeing her movements, Mrs. Herman couldn't help asking softly, "Mr. Hathaway, did you find anything?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but clenched his staff tightly, and turned his gaze to the forest.

Teacher Herman's move was really helpless. Among them, only Shen Mengdie had the most sensitive perception.

Shen Mengdie heard the words, but shook her head lightly, and replied calmly: "People from other teams have come out."

"Other teams..."

Teacher Herman murmured, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The reason why their team ended their training early and returned to Stephens City was mainly because they encountered creatures from the demon world.He didn't know why other teams would also come out early.


While Teacher Herman was thinking secretly in his heart, the sound of tree branches shaking gradually approached them.

With the sound of the sound, the students who were still sitting on the ground immediately picked up their weapons and looked at the forest seriously.

In the past few days, they have been made a little nervous by this sound. As long as they hear the sound, they will attack subconsciously.

So when a small team supporting each other slowly came out through the branches, what they saw was a person holding a weapon and ready to attack at any time.

When Shen Mengdie saw the faces of the people who came out after seeing them, there was a look of astonishment on their faces, she shook her head lightly, and sighed silently in her heart.

She then slowly raised her hand, waved it, and signaled everyone to stop.

After seeing her gesture, the members of the team let out a breath, retracted their weapons, and slowly approached the positions of the three teachers.

Shen Mengdie's reaction to the students around her was naturally in her eyes.However, at this moment, she put more attention on the team that appeared later.

This is an incomplete team. It should have been a team of 20 people, but there are only seven people at this moment.Moreover, these people are all scarred and tired, and they don't have the high spirits before departure.

When these people saw them, they collectively froze for a moment, and then their faces were filled with excitement.

"Classmates, which grade are you in? We are going back to school now, together?"

Shen Mengdie looked at the excited expression of a male student on the opposite side, and did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Which grade are you students in, and where is your leading teacher?"

"We got separated from the teacher." The male student replied dejectedly.

Shen Mengdie's eyes flickered when he heard this.

"You all come here to rest first, and just tell me what happened."

"Okay, Mrs. Hathaway."

When the male classmate saw Shen Mengdie, he recognized her identity.

So, during the period when everyone was resting, Shen Mengdie had a simple exchange with the male classmate who just answered her words.

The male student's name is Asrilat, and he is the captain of the second-year training team.Because of their own strength, they did not go deep into the forest of magic.Having said that, but in the outlying places, I have encountered crazy monsters many times.

In the difficult battles, they and the teacher who led the team managed to cope with it. Although some people were injured, no one was killed.

It's been tough, but okay.

It was only in the last battle that their team unfortunately encountered the Mozu.

In Asrilat's words, he probably didn't know the level of the demons, but the battle was extremely difficult, and the team was also disrupted when they finally evacuated.

Shen Mengdie roughly understood the situation, nodded her head lightly, and said soothingly: "This forest is not safe anymore, you guys should go back with us."

Asrilat heard the words and responded lightly.

"Thank you, Teacher Hathaway."

"Take a break, we're leaving soon."

After Shen Mengdie said this, she slowly stood up.She was about to turn around and leave this side, but when she saw the scars on the bodies of these people, she stopped in her footsteps.

After slowly raising his hand and waving it in the direction of these people, he began to heal.

Feeling the rapid recovery of physical strength, Asrilat and several of his teammates turned their attention to the wound wrapped in white light.After seeing the wound healed quickly, he and his companions looked at Shen Mengdie in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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