The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 423 425 The Miracle Comes

Chapter 423 425 The Miracle Comes (37)

Through the white light, Shen Mengdie could clearly see that the pope looked very relaxed, his dilapidated body began to heal quickly, and his body functions began to return to a youthful state.

"Time began to flow backwards on him, or..."

She murmured, with deep doubts in her eyes.

After feeling the remaining divine power in her body, she couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

"It's like discharging a battery. It received power from the God of Light and released it to the Pope. There is still a little power left, which seems to be enough for the next action."

When she was sighing silently in her heart, the Pope over there had slowly opened his closed eyes.

"Pope, can we talk business?"

Shen Mengdie was relieved a lot when she saw the vitality of the other party exuding from the inside out.

After feeling his physical condition, the Pope smiled and nodded.

In the following time, the two had a long conversation.

The content of this conversation is mainly to discuss how to deal with the large-scale invasion of the demons.During this period, Shen Mengdie also briefly mentioned the news about Destiny's Child.

She doesn't care whether the person in front of her finally believes it or not, as long as she helps spread the news.

When the Pope first heard the news, he was obviously stunned for a moment and quickly recovered.

"Pope, let's call it a day."

After Shen Mengdie quickly explained her affairs, she said goodbye to the other party.

"Okay, I look forward to meeting you next time. This matter is our duty, and you don't need to worry about it."

"Well, farewell."

After the two said goodbye briefly, Shen Mengdie was about to turn around and leave.


The moment she opened the door, the large group of people standing outside the door stopped her from leaving.

"You are this?"

Shen Mengdie looked at the serious faces of these people and asked softly.

When a bishop waiting outside the door saw her coming, he "plopped" and fell to his knees on the white stone floor.

Shen Mengdie was taken aback by this man's actions, and looked at the pope who sent her out with some puzzlement.

"Okay, everyone, don't stand in the way here, the envoy still has important things to do when he goes back, so let's go."

Following the pope's order, all the people outside the door fell to the ground.Before kneeling down, he still did not forget to get out of the way.

Shen Mengdie looked at the reaction of the group of people, turned her head and nodded slightly to the Pope, and slowly left here with a calm expression.

She came to the Holy See not to control the core of power of the Holy See.For playing tricks, she prefers to raise points behind her back and watch those people move forward according to her plan.

Just like when she came, after walking out of the gate of the Holy See, she spread her wings and flew back to the Magic Academy.

Because the Pope's body returned to normal, the battle between the two cardinals over the Pope's position can be said to have ended without a problem.

After Shen Mengdie returned to the Academy of Magic, she contacted Principal Howard immediately.

After explaining things clearly, she began to make arrangements.

Just a few days after she came back with her training team, the Forest of Magic experienced turmoil.Countless monsters flocked to the outskirts of the forest in panic, and many small towns stationed in the outskirts were wiped out overnight.

None of the people who lived there originally lived there, only those with strong strength escaped and sent the news back.

"Mr. Hathaway, the royal family and the Holy See have sent teams to go, you just need to go and check the specific reasons for this."

Principal Howard frowned, and explained in a deep voice.

Shen Mengdie stroked her staff lightly, and responded lightly.

"Principal, I think this matter is most likely to be alleged by the demons, so while I am away, the school must strictly guard against the demons' sneak attack."

Before the demons invaded on a large scale, there were many demons lurking in the crowd disguised as humans.This is exactly what she was worried about. After all, once something happened in school, it would really affect the whole body.

After listening to her reminder, Principal Howard replied with a sigh: "I will pay attention to this matter, don't worry."

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'm going."

Seeing that the principal had understood the meaning of his words, Shen Mengdie turned around and left quickly.

Behind this monster riot, she was worried that the plot had already advanced to the time when the demons invaded and the two clans fought.

After all, before this, there were high-level demons, and now, she also understands that the information given by the system is basically useless.

When the combat team sent by the school heard the news, they were about to set off urgently to rescue them.

Shen Mengdie naturally missed the opportunity to walk with the team after talking with the principal for a long time.

Looking at the blue sky, she sighed leisurely, and slowly spread her wings.

"call out……"

The moment she soared into the air, the figure quickly disappeared in place.

"Quick, a few people here."

"The archers are on the list."

When Shen Mengdie came to the location where the magic academy team was, what she saw was the team that was preparing intensively.

In this group of defensive teams, there are not only the shadows of the students of the Magic Academy, but also the shadows of the royal army and the Holy See knights.At the same time, the presence of Pastor Guangming is naturally indispensable here.

Everyone who is busy is serious and ready to fight at any time.

"Ms. Hathaway."

"Ms. Hathaway."

"An angel."

When she walked in slowly, the people she knew kept whispering her name.

Shen Mengdie responded by nodding to those who greeted her.

"Ms. Hathaway."

Dongfang Junxuan, who was leading his own team and waiting beside her, greeted her respectfully after seeing her figure.

"Well, go ahead and leave me alone."

Shen Mengdie said so, but her gaze was on Dongfang Junxuan's cheek.

Those who don't know, after seeing Dongfang Junyu's respectful expression towards her, may think that this student respects her teacher very much.

But for her who has a mission, the classmate in front of her who is carrying an epee is not as simple as it seems on the surface.After all, she had only seen her side quest not long ago, and the [-]% quest progress clearly marked on it made her a little frustrated.

Yes, Dongfang Junxuan cast his new weapon, the epee, not long ago.

The broken sword caused by the fight with the demons before made Dongfang Junxuan increase the weight of the new weapon by more than one-third of the original plan.

When Shen Mengdie left the crowd, she glanced at Dongfang Junxuan's epee from time to time.

"Even if you can't kill it, you can kill your enemy with its weight."

After she slowly withdrew her scrutinizing gaze, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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