The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 430 Chapter 432 Wake up, Yi Wenwen

Chapter 430 Chapter 432 Wake up, Yi Wenwen

Among the whole family, the most sentimental person is this gentle Mrs. Yi.She is the object of the whole family's protection, and it is precisely because of this environment that the other party has always maintained a girlish feeling.

Yi Wenwen raised his eyes to look at his father standing beside him, gave him a light nod, and comforted his mother.

"Mom, I'm fine."

"You have been in a coma for half a year, how could you be fine? From now on, you are not allowed to do any tests yourself."

When Yi Wenwen heard the word test, his eyes darkened.Just because his mother's reminder reminded him of the person he kept looking for in the game.

Although he was thinking about his own affairs, he didn't show it on his face.

"Mom, I'm really fine. If you don't believe me, you should believe the doctor's words, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the family doctor who was waiting at the side took a step forward knowingly, and said slowly: "Madam, the young master is in good health, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"It's good that there is no problem, but you have to go to the hospital for a physical examination, so I can rest assured."

Listening to his mother's words, Yi Wenwen knew in his heart that if he didn't give a result today, the other party would not give up, so he nodded his head lightly and replied, "Okay, go to the hospital."

"We'll go now."

"Okay, let's go now."

After he answered his mother's request, the family quickly drove to their hospital.

Under the pressure of his mother, Yi Wenwen had no choice but to suppress the company's plan.

He basically spent the first day after waking up in the hospital, and only returned to his residence when the doctor confirmed that he was fine.

The next day.

Before it was too dark, he had already left the Yi family mansion and embarked on the journey to the company.

When he arrived at his company, he looked at the tall buildings in front of him, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

During the years he stayed in the game, he completely regarded those virtual worlds as the real world, and everything he experienced became his life.

"Will you be who I imagined you to be?"

Now that he has carefully analyzed Shen Mengdie's situation, he suddenly feels that the person who has been slamming behind and manipulating everything should be the system that every tester comes with.

If things are really as he analyzed, the person who can't ask for it may be an employee of his company.

When he thought about meeting that person in real life, he couldn't help feeling a rush of urgency.The thought of eagerly wanting to see that person filled his brain, making his steps move forward a lot faster.

On the top floor of Yi's Building, there is only one office on the entire floor, and this office belongs to the office of the president.

At this moment, in the spacious office, this group of staff is standing.

They are all from the virtual world planning team. As early as the moment the president had an accident because of the test, everyone had a thought that something bad happened. After such a long time passed with trepidation.

Everyone finally waited for the president to wake up. They thought this matter would be over, but they didn't think that the first day the president came to the company after waking up gave everyone a big shock.

"Da da da……"

In the empty office, there was only the sound of Yi Wenwen tapping his fingers on the table unconsciously.

As time passed, the beating sounds were like beating on everyone's hearts, and no one dared to speak out.

Yi Wenwen was thinking about the answers these people gave him just now, and his eyes gradually became erratic.

Everyone watched the president's expression clearly thinking about something, and kept quiet in a tacit understanding.

After not seeing each other for half a year, the president in front of him became even colder and more unpredictable.

The stronger aura once overwhelmed the people present, so they could only stand aside nervously, waiting for the president to continue asking.

After Yi Wenwen pondered for a while, his deep eyes turned to the subordinate standing in front of him.

"Are you sure all testers are on this list?"

He asked, shaking the roster in his hand.

On that roster, the detailed information of each game tester is impressively on it.

After receiving the question from the president, the manager of the testing department breathed a sigh of relief, suppressed the tension in his heart and replied, "President, all the testers' information is on it."

"No, there is one person missing from the list, let me check."

Upon hearing this, Yi Wenwen stared at the person in front of him with dark eyes, and said coldly.

When the manager of the testing department heard the president's words, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but wonder if a hacker had invaded the main brain.

"President, there are 20 testers this time, and the number 020 of the last one is on the last page. As for the lack of one person's information, I can only say that your information is missing."

As tester 001, Yi Wenwen originally ordered 20 testers plus himself, and this number was determined by him for the stability of the virtual world.

At this moment, after hearing the words of the manager of the testing department, the slightest hope that was originally ignited in my heart was completely extinguished.

"Forget it, you all go down and find someone from the technical department."

After waving the others away, he called someone from the technical department.

The technology department is in charge of the research and development of the virtual world. The keynote of the virtual world comes from the idea of ​​holographic online games.After many generations of Yi's efforts, he finally has a clue that he can introduce the human spirit and at the same time create very real worlds from data.

All of this is based on the powerful computing power of the Mastermind No. [-]. The Mastermind No. [-] manufactured by Yishi can be said to be a high-speed central processing unit.It stores all the data in its own database and performs analysis and processing.

If the Yi family can develop a network virtual world, it will bring huge changes to the entire empire.

The time in the virtual world is many times that in the real world, which means that one day in the real world and several days in the virtual world.However, since the technology in this area is not yet mature, the debugging of the time ratio has not yet been determined.

Testers not only need to find out the existing bugs, but also record their senses in the virtual world in detail, which is also to determine the most appropriate time ratio in the future.

When the people from the technical department walked towards the office under the pityful eyes of the testing department, they were very puzzled.As for why the president wanted to find themselves, the first thing they thought of was that the president wanted to ask about the progress of the network virtual world technology.

After all, it has been half a year since the president asked about these matters last time.


When Yi Wenwen saw the person coming, he glanced casually, and then asked straight to the point: "As for the data on the virtual world, can you call it from 'No. [-]'?"

(End of this chapter)

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