The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 509 511 Deep Sea Overlord

Chapter 509 511 Deep Sea Overlord (End)

Although the speed of the two people's progress is slow, they will eventually arrive.

When Shen Mengdie saw the entrance that appeared in his field of vision, although he had already guessed in his heart, surprise also inevitably flashed in his eyes.

"It's really amazing."

She looked at the entrance in front of her in amazement, and stretched out her palm hesitantly.

I saw a vortex standing alone in the empty sea area ahead, and the surrounding seawater did not flow back at all because of this vortex, which meant that this vortex had no suction.

She made a detour to the back of the vortex to look, only the sea water.

Yi Wenwen watched her movements quietly, and said with a smile, "Let's go in."

Shen Mengdie stopped observing after hearing this.

"it is good."

She replied, took the other's palm, took a deep breath, flicked the fish's tail, and swam slowly over.

With the gentle shaking of the water waves, the two disappeared in place.

In another space, two figures swam out of the vortex.

Shen Mengdie glanced back at the vortex she walked out of, and then turned her gaze to her surroundings.


All he could see was desolation.

At the entrance where they came in, there were many mermaid bones piled up.

Shen Mengdie naturally knew what these bones were all about, and it was precisely because of knowing that she couldn't help but want to let out a long sigh.

Not far away, a large number of rocks can be seen everywhere, and among them, stone statues buried by mud can be seen from time to time.

As the two gradually went deeper inside, the clear appearance of the stone statue appeared in sight.

I saw that the stone statues standing among the piles of rocks all had the appearance of mermaids.They are either sitting or standing, and their expressions are also different.

Shen Mengdie looked at everything in front of her, and suddenly felt a heavy feeling in her heart.

"Are these the dead mermaids?"

She is very emotional that she is not in the right mood now, but there is no way to quickly adjust it.She knew that the reason why she felt this way was entirely because her current identity was a member of the mermaid clan.

Yi Wenwen noticed her strangeness, and gently patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"Let's go in and see."

In this space, it seems to be isolated, only the endless desolation and the bones left by the mermaid.All the mermaids who feel that their lives will end will arrive here ahead of time, waiting to return to the embrace of the Sea God.

Those mermaids who died outside due to accidents will be sent to this mermaid cemetery by the great witch himself.

However, during the period between the death of the previous great witch and the appearance of this great witch, no one sent it in.

And because of the special nature of the mermaid cemetery, in the past so many years, the clansmen could only reluctantly throw it into the entrance of the vortex.

This is why there are so many bones at the entrance.

Mermaids who die naturally will turn into stone statues, while mermaids who die accidentally will only leave their bones.

All the mermaids believe that only here can the soul return to the embrace of the sea god.

Around the stone statue, the red pearls buried by the sand are very eye-catching.

Shen Mengdie looked at everything in front of her eyes, and slowly lowered her eyes.


'Main task: go to the mermaid's cemetery with the deep sea overlord. (completed)'

After hearing the notification that the task was completed, she paused, then turned to look at the person who had been by her side all the time.

"The Overlord of the Deep Sea..."

She frowned and said silently in her heart.

The other party should be the overlord in the deep sea, but because he has been following her all the time, he became a bodyguard.

Shen Mengdie knew very well in her heart why the other party did this, and it was precisely because she knew that when she looked at the person beside her, her eyes were full of tenderness.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen gently rubbed the top of her hair.

"Why, do you have something to say to me?"

Hearing this, Shen Mengdie smiled, and took the initiative to nestle into the other party's arms.

Yi Wenwen saw that she didn't want to talk too much, so he stopped asking.After hugging him tightly in his arms, he took a deep breath.

When he entered this cemetery, he already knew the separation he was about to face.In this regard, he does not feel regretful, and the two will meet in another form in the next world.

Shen Mengdie relied on the people behind her, but her mind was communicating with the system.

"System, submit a special task."

'Ding, uploading...'

'Special mission: The creatures in the deep sea are full of fantasy and danger at the same time.Requirement: Explore the secrets of the deep sea.The more things you see, the more points you get for completing tasks. (completed)'

'Settlement task points...'

'Get ten mission points...'

Shen Mengdie lowered her eyes, silently listening to the system's non-stop beeps.

'Ding, do you want to leave this world? '

When she heard the system's mechanical notification, a trace of hesitation flashed in her slightly narrowed eyes.

After looking at the arm of the person behind her around her waist for a long time, she let out a breath, and said to the system: "Open the profile interface, I want to check my profile."

After doing a series of tasks issued by the system, she has not seen how many total task points she has obtained.

After receiving her order, the system responded immediately.

'Ding, open profile...'

Name: Shen Mengdie (mermaid)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Obtained task points: 435 points for completing the main task 20 points, side tasks 10 points, special tasks 1-20 points, which can be used to exchange items in the mall. )
Number of Worlds Experienced: 14
Shen Mengdie glanced at her personal information, and after a quick glance at the other columns, she focused on her total points.

"430 five."

She murmured silently in her heart, with a touch of joy in her eyes.

Compared with the [-] set by the system, there is less than [-] difference between the mission points obtained now and the [-] set by the system. If all goes well, she can go back and return to the real world after passing through the next world.Even if the target value is not enough for the next world, it will be almost enough in one more world.

All this means that she is one step closer to returning home.

Yi Wenwen looked down at the man who was obviously distracted, and after taking a breath, he tightened his arms.

Shen Mengdie closed the system panel, moved her body, but found that she was hugged tightly, and could hardly turn her body.

"Relax, I have something to tell you."

She patted the arm of the person behind her lightly, indicating to let go of herself.

Yi Wenwen let go of his arm, but did not let go.

"I'm listening."

Seeing the other party like this, Shen Mengdie smiled lightly and shook her head.After holding each other's cheeks with both hands, she looked directly into the deep eyes of the person in front of her, and said word by word: "I'll wait for you in the next world."

No need for her to say anything, Yi Wenwen understood the meaning in an instant.

"it is good."

Listening to the other party's answer, Shen Mengdie raised her head with a smile like a flower, and kissed the other party's chin intimately.

"I'm waiting for you."

She whispered softly, and then ordered the system: "System, get out of this world."

System: 'Begin to leave this world: 3, 2, 1...'

As the system counted down, Shen Mengdie's body began to emit a faint light.

Shen Mengdie saw the change in herself, leaned against Yi Wenwen's arms, and closed her eyes.

Yi Wenwen looked at the person who was slowly disappearing into his arms with a calm expression, and then closed his eyes.

At this moment, the two people embracing each other turned into little stars and dissipated together.

(End of this chapter)

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