The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 516 518 Great God, Please Stay

Chapter 516 518 Great God, Please Stay ([-])

Seeing the boss smiling like this in white clothes, he felt a shudder behind his back for no reason, and felt that someone was going to be unlucky.

Seeing his friend's reaction, Feng Yin shook his head lightly and sighed, and rubbed his long ice-blue hair vigorously.

Shen Mengdie knew that with her current small size and completely non-aggressive state, it was basically impossible to take back those things that were robbed of her yesterday.

Now that the backer is here, it is natural to sue.

Therefore, she lowered her ears and slowly narrated: "Yesterday, a group of people wanted to kill me..."

When Yi Wenwen heard this, his body felt cold.

"They not only took away the items I collected before, but also took away the pearls I collected in the last world..."

Yi Wenwen's face was frosty at this moment, if that group of people appeared in front of him, they would definitely face the wrath of thunder.

Although he knew that Shen Mengdie would not be harmed even if he died in this world, but when he thought of the other party being bullied by these virtual characters in a place he didn't see, he felt very angry.

But the pearls that were robbed in Shen Mengdie's mouth were the tears of mermaids from the previous world.In his heart, it also has an extraordinary meaning.

After Shen Mengdie told the other party what happened to her, she raised her ruby-like eyes and looked at the other party expectantly.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen already had a decision in his heart.After restraining the cold air around him, he gently held the other party in front of his eyes.

"Get out of here with me now."

"it is good."

Shen Mengdie nodded and hugged the other's fingers.

While the two of them were talking, Yi Yi, who was dressed in white, opened his eyes wide in surprise, pointed at Shen Mengdie and said tremblingly: "It, it, it, it can talk!"

When Yi Wenwen heard the words, he glanced lightly at the person behind him.

Seeing that his friend started to act stupid again, Feng Yin rubbed the top of the other's hair carelessly and spit out a word: "Stupid."

"My hairstyle."

Dressed in white clothes, under Feng Yin's rubbing, he no longer cared about the fact that the rabbit can actually talk.

Shen Mengdie hugged Yi Wenwen's fingers and tried to raise her head to look at the two people she didn't know.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen rubbed her rabbit ears lightly, and said gently, "Let's go now."

Shen Mengdie heard the words, but turned her head to look at the rabbit boss on the high ground.

After pondering for a while, she said to Yi Wenwen, "Wait for me."

"it is good."

Yi Wenwen responded lightly and put her back on the grass.

Seeing this, Shen Mengdie jumped on her short legs and quickly came to the boss rabbit.

"Boss Rabbit, I'm leaving, and I will come to see you again when I have a chance."


"Okay okay, I got it."

Shen Mengdie stretched out her paw and patted the other party's nose.


She is very grateful to the other party for taking him in yesterday, and also likes this stupid big guy very much.

Before Shen Mengdie turned to leave, she saw the puzzlement in the other person's eyes, for which she could only say sorry in her heart.

After she returned to Yi Wenwen's side, she was gently held in the palm of his hand.

"You will follow me from now on."

Yi Wenwen stroked Shen Mengdie's small rabbit body at the moment.

Shen Mengdie heard the words, nodded and replied: "Okay, you can take me to upgrade later."

"it is good."

While the two were talking, the game system prompt suddenly sounded.

Game system: "Do you want to bind player Wen Wen?"

After Shen Mengdie was stunned for a moment, she quickly made a choice while thinking about her mission.


After she made a choice, a moment of hesitation clearly appeared on Yi Wenwen's face.After watching her ponder for a while, a slight smile appeared on her face.

Game system: "The binding is successful, and the pet interface is opened..."

Shen Mengdie was still staring at the smile at the corner of the other party's mouth, but the game system sounded a reminder again.

Of course, she was not the only one who could hear this voice, because Yi Wenwen raised the corners of his eyebrows a moment later and murmured softly: "Pet?"

Shen Mengdie's original plan was to follow the side missions, and she would naturally come to this point, but after hearing the other party's whisper, she suddenly felt a little shy.

But fortunately, she is now a little white rabbit, and the fluff on her body conceals what she is thinking in her heart, so she doesn't show it.

Shen Mengdie scratched her ears with her paws awkwardly, but at this moment she heard the notification that the main task was completed.

'Submission [-]: As a monster of the healing department, how can there be no helper if you want to upgrade.Requirements: Find a great god, and stay with him as a pet. (completed)'

'Sub-task [-]: Transform into an adult. (undone)'

'Sub-quest [-]: Not open. '

Shen Mengdie felt that she was about to be confused by these two systems now, and couldn't tell who was who.

She looked at her brief mission prompt this time, but her eyes burst out with joy.The existence of side mission [-] just confirmed her previous guess.

"I will definitely not stay like this forever, and I will definitely recover."

After Shen Mengdie secretly encouraged herself in her heart, she suddenly felt a lot happier.

After regaining his senses, he turned his gaze to the person in front of him, but when he saw the system panel in front of him, he was suddenly taken aback.

I saw that the data panel that Yi Wenwen was researching was just the pet interface that had just been opened, and the original data had also changed a little.

Name: Little White Rabbit (can be changed)

Occupation: None
Skills: none

Rating: 2
Experience: 0/40
Race: Monster Beast (Jade Rabbit)

Vitality: 60/60
Hunger: 25%
Health: 100%
After browsing the so-called pet information, Yi Wenwen tapped the cute Shen Mengdie at the moment.

"So you are the Jade Rabbit."

"I do not know either."

Shen Mengdie said that she knew nothing about it. Before this binding, there was obviously no word "Yutu" behind her race.

"It doesn't sound good to be called Little White Rabbit, let me change your name."

Yi Wenwen rubbed her little head lightly, and said teasingly.

Shen Mengdie heard the words, and replied indifferently: "It's up to you."

After finishing speaking, he hugged the messy fingers on the top of his head, put them to his mouth and gnawed them with rabbit teeth.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen just frowned slightly, and then let her continue.

"Dream, dream dream..."

After Yi Wenwen thought about it for a while, he looked at the little guy who was holding his finger and nibbling with relish.Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

Game system: "The naming is successful, Mengmeng."

After Shen Mengdie heard the beep, she ground her teeth for a moment, and looked up at the other party in surprise.

"Hey, Mengmeng, come home with me."

Yi Wenwen didn't think there was anything wrong with it, he took out his finger and pointed at the freshly baked cute little white rabbit, his eyes were full of joy.


Seeing that the matter was settled, Shen Mengdie stopped entanglement.

(End of this chapter)

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