The love of fast-wearing has thousands of eons

Chapter 520 522 Great God, Please Stay

Chapter 520 522 Great God, Please Stay ([-])


Shen Mengdie swiped at the opponent's palm, and when the opponent turned his gaze, he seemed a little hesitant.

Seeing this, Yi Wenwen gently stroked her small head.

"We'll leave later."

Shen Mengdie looked at the other's open and closed lips, and slowly lowered her eyes.

"Okay, I will follow your arrangement."

Yi Wenwen heard the words, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he gently rubbed the other's ear.

The two began to collect carrots, while Shen Mengdie began to look around, looking for the figure of the Rabbit King.

"You guys, stop for me!"

When a few people had collected almost everything and were about to turn around and leave, an angry shout suddenly came from behind.

After hearing the words, Yi Wenwen slowly raised his eyes to look at the visitor.He was not interested in such a provocation.

I saw more than a dozen people approaching them quickly, and in the middle of the team, a woman in pink gauze was particularly conspicuous.

This person is Wei Tang who met in the restaurant last night, and now she has brought a helper to relieve her anger.

Yixiaozui came to help as a last resort, but after seeing the three people standing still in the distance, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Shen Mengdie pulled Yi Wenwen's fingers, looked up at the people who came, and recognized the group of people at a glance.

So she tapped Yi Wenwen's palm, and after calling the other party's attention, she whispered: "It's these people, they are the ones who robbed me."

When Yi Wenwen heard the words, his careless eyes flickered for an instant, and his moving steps stopped for a moment.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked dangerously at the group of people in the distance, and whispered softly: "Are these people?"

Shen Mengdie thought that the other party was confirming to herself, so she nodded heavily, and said affirmatively: "It's them, I can't make a mistake."


When Yi Wenwen heard the words, he slowly evoked a dangerous smile.

Under the reminder of the system, although he could know who was who, but because he didn't have a clear image in his mind, he couldn't recognize it immediately.This is why he has always maintained a high-cold personality, which can save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Shen Mengdie hugged Yi Wenwen's fingers tightly, and looked nervously at the group of people who were walking forward.

"What are they going to do? They shouldn't have such a big fight just to snatch pets, right?"

In her eyes, she looked like an ordinary little white rabbit from the outside, so she really couldn't understand what was going on in those people's minds.

"Surround them around me, and don't even think about leaving."

With a trace of pride in the corner of Wei Tang's mouth, she waved her hand and ordered.

When the others heard the words, they turned their eyes to Yixiaozui who was in the middle.

Yixiaozui naturally understood the meaning in his subordinate's gaze, so he lowered his eyes and nodded slightly.

Under his signal, a group of more than a dozen people cheered and surrounded the three people over there.

Yi Wenwen glanced at the people around him calmly, and retracted his eyes calmly.

Shen Mengdie saw that the atmosphere was a bit stagnant, and she felt a little flustered in her heart, but she squatted firmly in the palm of the man, motionless.

But with her current appearance, it is difficult for people to perceive her thoughts.

"Hand over the little white rabbit yourself, and then kowtow to me for what happened yesterday."

Seeing that the three of them were under control, Wei Tang said arrogantly.

Yi Wenwen lightly stroked the little white rabbit in his palm, Shen Mengdie raised his head, squinting his eyes slightly to enjoy the other's caress.

Yixiaozui frowned imperceptibly after hearing Wei Tang's words.

Dressed in white and Feng Yin also took out their weapons with a "shua" at this moment.

Wearing white clothes Although always wearing white clothes, the staff is fiery red.As a fire mage, he didn't like to carry a staff with him for this reason.

The original words in his mouth were, how could his aura like a banished fairy be destroyed by this magic staff like a burning stick.But after he finished saying this, he received Feng Yin's pat on the head.

After showing the weapon, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Seeing this, Yixiaozui quickly raised his hands, and said in a calm tone: "Three, please hand over your things, so as not to hurt everyone's peace."

"Yes, hurry up and hand over the little white rabbit from yesterday. Where did you hide it?"

Wei Tang saw that she was drunk with a smile, and while agreeing, she did not forget to look for the fluffy figure.

"If you don't invite yourself, it's not appropriate to discharge stones, right?"

Feng Yin took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

"Since you already know our reason for coming, why continue like this?"

Yixiaozui looked at Yi Wenwen, who had never said a word, with a look of frivolity in his eyes.

Listening to the conversation of these people, Shen Mengdie pulled Yi Wenwen's arm that was in front of her and stretched out her probe.

Under such circumstances, she was not at all worried that this person would really surrender herself.

Yi Wenwen sensed her actions and gently lifted it up so that she could watch it easily.

With the appearance of the subject of the topic, Wei Tang's eyes obviously lit up, and then she pulled Yi Xiaozui beside her, and whispered in the ear of the other party: "That's it, you have to bring it for me."

In Wei Tang's eyes, that small and exquisite white rabbit is already her property.

Listening to the murmur in his ear, Yixiaozui slowly raised his eyes and turned his gaze away.

After seeing that snow-white point, his slightly narrowed eyes were gradually filled with thoughts.

"It looks familiar."

Although he was in a herd of rabbits and there were rabbits everywhere on the ground, after seeing that snow-white figure, his intuition told him that there must be something wrong with it, so his eyes gradually became scrutinized.

Shen Mengdie was looking around, and when she met that scrutinizing gaze, she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

"Is it impossible that he recognized me?"

As she thought so, her eyes slowly turned to the leisurely group of rabbits on the grass, unmoved by the players.

Yi Wenwen looked at Yixiaozui's straightforward eyes, and his eyes were full of dissatisfaction.He didn't want to show his belongings to others, so he gently put the little white rabbit back into his arms.

"Xifenghui, Smile Drunk Leader..."

Hearing the words with a drunken smile, he raised his jaw slightly.

"Now that you know who I am, don't delay any longer."

Yi Wenwen didn't take up the other party's topic, but continued to say calmly: "Take my things and hand them over by yourself. Don't let me do it."

Hearing the words with a smile, a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.Before he could open his mouth to ask, the decisive battle next to him yelled.

"Who are you? Don't talk nonsense about things that have no basis."

As he said that, he glanced at the players who were watching from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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