Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 137 A Shocking Encounter

Chapter 137 A Shocking Encounter (3)
Nie Xiaoqian didn't give any face, she said it very directly, even with some derogatory meanings in it.

"Xiaoxue, come out! It's okay, I'm an acquaintance." Nie Xiaoqian originally wanted to fight, but what's the point of fighting now, she has no energy at all.

Zhou Xiaoxue in the cabin heard Nie Xiaoqian's call and came out slowly. After coming out, she saw who was coming, and Zhou Xiaoxue immediately relaxed.

"Yixin, let me introduce you. These two are... Yixin? What's the matter with you?" Nie Xiaoqian wanted to introduce the visitor, but Ling Yixin didn't respond at all, so she called Ling Yixin, but Ling Yixin still didn't respond.

Now Ling Yixin looks at two people, and to be precise, it is mainly one person. Although it has been so many years, the temperament and posture of that body have not changed at all, giving people the feeling that they are still perfect and dare not approach.

"Oh, Xiao Jin, look at us two to see them, we don't have a good face. Sister Xiaoqian, sister Xiaoxue, don't you have something delicious? Let's go and eat with my brother."

As soon as the man in red opened his mouth, Ling Yixin came back to his senses. He had never heard this familiar tone for so many years.

"Cut, Lan Mo, you still want to eat our food, so I won't give it to you!" Nie Xiaoqian didn't buy it from him, and this man in red was Lan Mo, who was 20 years old now, and the man in white was of course the old man. Mu Jin is gone.

"Hey, sister Xiaoqian, what's wrong with eating some of your food, and sister Xiaoxue, brother is always very good to you, right? I think it's okay to reward me with something to eat!" Lan Mo walked up to Nie Xiaoqian and Zhou Xiaoxue hooked her shoulders and her back, and didn't care about the defense between men and women.

Lan Mo hooked Nie Xiaoqian and Zhou Xiaoxue to go into the cabin, Nie Xiaoqian turned her head and said, "Hurry up and come in, Lan Mo wants a gun for us to eat."

"Oh, don't worry, it's useless for him to come, I still want to eat your food." After speaking, the three of Lan Mo had already entered, and only Ling Yixin and Mu Jin were left outside.

Looking at Ling Yixin who said nothing and didn't move, Mu Jin asked, "Why, don't you recognize me?" Mu Jin looked straight into Ling Yixin's eyes, which made Ling Yixin a little distracted.

"I really don't know you anymore?" This time Mu Jin walked in a little bit, and Ling Yixin could see Mu Jin's entire face very freshly.

Seeing the distance between the two of them approaching, Yinping and Asuka behind Ling Yixin turned around silently. If it wasn't for the fact that they couldn't enter the cabin now, the two of them might have to hide in the cabin.

Mu Jin saw the small movements of the birds on the silver screen, and praised them for being "sensible".

"Ahem, of course we know each other." Seeing the faces getting closer and the voice getting louder and louder, Ling Yixin came to her senses at that time, feeling her own state, Ling Yixin was very embarrassed and blushed a little.

"Okay, it's windy outside, let's go in!" After speaking, Mu Jin walked to the cabin first.

As for Ling Yixin, she feels that the wind outside is not strong at all, and even feels that the wind is not strong enough.But it is true that there are many people outside.

"Cut, where the wind is strong, there are obviously too many people." Ling Yixin complained in a low voice.

"There are too many people, and there is wind in talking, so the wind is strong." Mu Jin, who was walking in front, heard Ling Yixin's complaints, and then said this.

"Pfft..." So I can't tell, you are so funny!Ling Yixin said silently in her heart, this time Mu Jin naturally couldn't hear it.

Afterwards, Ling Yixin also walked into the cabin and saw that Nie Xiaoqian and Lan Mo had already started to fight with each other.

"Lan Mo, let me tell you, you have to pay me for eating my food." Nie Xiaoqian looked at Lan Mo and said angrily.

"Sister Xiaoqian, I need to give you money to eat your food. We are a family, and we still care about this little thing." Lan Mo was not convinced at all.

"Ah bah, who is your family?" Nie Xiaoqian was really helpless when she heard Lan Mo's shameless words.

"Of course we are a family. Are you and Xiaojin cousins? Are Xiaoxue and Xiaojin cousins? You and Xiaoxue are cousins, right? We Xiaojin are cousins, so we are all cousins." Brothers and sisters? Aren't we a family? So let's not be so alien." What Lan Mo said was plausible, and Nie Xiaoqian didn't turn the corner for a while.

In fact, think about it, what Lan Mo said is quite reasonable, these people are brothers and sisters, sisters, brothers, isn't it a family?
"Actually, what Lan Mo said is quite reasonable. We are all one family." Zhou Xiaoxue felt very good about Lan Mo, because Lan Mo did not look down on Zhou Xiaoxue again, and even went to see him with Mu Jin, although he had never met But for Zhou Xiaoxue who lacks friends, Lan Mo is already a good friend.

"Yeah, because we are a family and want to love each other, so Xiaoqian, don't be so alien." Lan Mo saw that Zhou Xiaoxue was also speaking for him, and the land was full.

Looking at Lan Mo's slick tongue, Ling Yixin really thought it was quite funny, a man with both femininity and heroism, pretending to be good, the picture was so beautiful that he dared not look at it.

However, Mu Jin can't understand Lan Mo's appearance, and always likes to tear things apart, "Brothers will settle accounts, not to mention, you can't be regarded as a family, so..." Mu Jin didn't finish the sentence, everyone said the rest Know.

(End of this chapter)

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