Chapter 155 Praise (1)
As Ling Yixin played, everyone was indulging in the cheerful rhythm, even Mr. Lian looked intoxicated.In this regard, Ling Yixin is very happy. The music she played is waiting for everyone to like it. This kind of joy is self-evident.

After the song was over, everyone came back to their senses. While they were sighing and surprised at Ling Yixin's ability, they were also worried about themselves.Ling Yixin plays so well, if he is not as good as her when the time comes, won't that make my husband dissatisfied?This puts pressure on many students.Some people even think that if they knew it earlier, they would play it first, lest Ling Yixin would have a strong comparison with the previous ones, but unfortunately, money is hard to buy if they knew it earlier!
"Enen, very good, I like it very much!" For Ling Yixin's performance, the husband praised Ling Yixin without hesitation.

"Thank you, sir!" Ling Yixin stood up politely and said, which made the husband even more satisfied with Ling Yixin.Ever since Danqing received Ling Yixin's painting last time, she has had a crush on Ling Yixin, and now she likes it even more.

"Okay, next one, I hope you don't let me down." The gentleman didn't stop here, he was still in class now!
After hearing what Mr. said, everyone felt even more stressed. How could it be that Mr. Else was disappointed!This is really not an easy one to grasp. Now everyone is a little evasive. With Ling Yixin's comparison, the next person will definitely be miserable.

Seeing that no one was getting ready, Ling Yixuan stroked the piano unceremoniously, and the preparations began. Everyone saw that they were in complicated moods.Ling Yixuan's performance has always been very good, if he doesn't perform well this time, forget it, if he still performs well, it will only increase the pressure on the students behind.But now there is no other way, I only blame myself for thinking too much, Ling Yixuan has already started.

The music played by Ling Yixuan is still very beautiful, not inferior to his younger sister Ling Yixin, which makes the husband look at the two brothers and sisters with admiration.

The two brothers and sisters are excellent in all aspects, they are also very good-looking, they are both calm and generous, and their future prospects are bound to be limitless.It's just that such an excellent family seems to have a mediocre family background, which is a bit unreasonable. Compared with a family that can cultivate such a powerful brother and sister, it is not ordinary!Since it is not a known big family, it may be a hidden family.

If Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan knew that they were considered by the husband as members of the hidden family, they would not know what expressions they would make.But Mr.'s guess is still somewhat reasonable.

First of all, the Ling family was originally a small unknown family, not even a family, but a small family, and it was considered a hermit in the present capital.

Secondly, with a master named Yichen, Yichen was originally a hermit, and Ling Yixin and Ling Yixuan were Yichen's apprentices, so it made sense to say that they belonged to the hermit family.It's just that there are only a few people in this family.

Listening to the piece played by Ling Yixuan, Ling Yixin was also intoxicated by it, thinking that he could play a good piece of music, one is because he has known pieces in his previous life, and the other is because he has the magic tool of space, the result of a lot of practice.However, Ling Yixuan only started learning various other knowledge when he was 12 years old with Yichen as his teacher. To have such an achievement in six years is absolutely amazing.

"Okay, okay, that's great, both of you brothers and sisters played very well." After Ling Yixuan finished the song, the husband still looked very happy, and also praised him from his mouth.

"Thank you, sir." Ling Yixuan also stood up to thank him. At this time, the gentleman's smile couldn't be stopped, and his eyes almost narrowed into a line.

At this moment, Nie Xiaoqian didn't care anymore, she watched Ling Yixuan sit down, and immediately started playing her own tune.As a princess, Nie Xiaoqian seldom receives training like a princess at home, but she has talent in her bones.Therefore, although the music played is not particularly good, not as good as Ling Yixin's, it is not bad.So although the husband is not surprised, he is still satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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