Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 158 What is it

Chapter 158 What is it (2)
"Hey, everyone has their own way of life, we don't need to care about these, and I think he is still living well like this." Originally, Ling Yixin didn't want to care about it, but Nie Xiaoqian said so, so I just responded !

"You're right, just like me, heartless, I live happily!" Nie Xiaoqian is quite self-aware of herself, but the smiling face is really what she said As I said, I lived happily.

"Yes, yes, life is alive, as long as you live happily. Don't talk about this problem anymore, it's almost time now, let's go to eat!" Ling Yixin looked at the bright sun outside, whether there are any students, now go to the dining hall A good time to be there.Because of Zhou Xiaoxue's existence, it is also good for Zhou Xiaoxue that there are fewer people.

"Okay, eat, I'm starving to death." Speaking of eating, Nie Xiaoqian was extremely excited, looking at the dining hall in the distance, and swallowed.

"Hey, by the way, there are no people in the dining hall now, we can eat a lot of delicious food, no one will grab it, and Xiaoxue also eats more cleanly." Although Nie Xiaoqian did not forget the benefits this brought to herself, she also remembered this The benefits to Zhou Xiaoxue.

"Yes, there are few people, and it is clean." Zhou Xiaoxue felt very warm when she heard Nie Xiaoqian's words, and it felt really good to be remembered by a good friend all the time.

"Haha, it's okay. With us here, although it's clean, it won't be deserted." Nie Xiaoqian's words are becoming more and more warm now, but this is only limited to a few good friends.

"That's right, although it's clean, it's not deserted. Xiaoqian, what you said is really good. I never thought that you would be so artistic." Ling Yixin also teased and praised, which made everyone very happy. The road to the church was full of laughter and laughter.

Such a scene was imprinted in Fu Tingting's eyes, full of emotions, including envy and jealousy.Fu Tingting's status is not low, which should make her have many superficial friends.But Fu Tingting is also a proud person, she doesn't like these superficial friendships, but she didn't tear her face off.So looking at such a sincere friendship, Fu Tingting wished that she was one of them.

Several people went to the dining hall to enjoy a lot of delicacies. As the number of people in the dining hall increased, several people were already full and walked out of the dining hall for a stroll.

"Oh, I'm so full, I'm almost stuffed to death." Nie Xiaoqian touched her belly, and heard that the big belly looked like a pregnant woman, and Ling Yixin thought it was a bit of a joke.However, I'm afraid that only Ling Yixin would think so, and everyone else is very pure.

"You deserve it right. You eat so much, and you're not afraid of holding on. But, you've always been holding on, and today it's just one more time." Zhou Xiaoxue is now more and more able to tease Nie Xiaoqian.

"Oh, don't laugh at me. It's not that you don't know that I am a person who likes to eat. Oh, as long as I have delicious food and some drinks in my life, I will be satisfied. By the way, plus a A big comfortable bed, this is my happy life."

Nie Xiaoqian said very satisfied, it seems that Nie Xiaoqian is a girl who likes to eat, drink, and sleep.

"Pfft, Xiaoqian, according to what you said, why do I think you are some kind of animal? Eat and drink, drink and sleep, wake up and continue to eat, and so on and on." Ling Yixin couldn't help it, Nie Xiaoqian It is too straightforward to say anything, and it is easy to think of other aspects.Because of this, Ling Yixin laughed.

"Yixin, why do you say that about me? Don't forget, you are my friend, so if I am...then you too..." Nie Xiaoqian is not a person who will accept bad comments, but now Nie Xiaoqian is becoming more and more tactful.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything. I find that you are getting better and better now. I can't even say enough about you." Ling Yixin is also very happy now. In the past, Nie Xiaoqian never cared about others when speaking, but now she at least occasionally tactfully A little less, but without appearing weak, such Nie Xiaoqian is more like a princess with both talent and appearance.

"Hey, isn't it, I also think I'm pretty good!" Nie Xiaoqian proudly accepted the compliment, and her arrogant look really showed Nie Xiaoqian's feminine and coquettish side.

"Pfft, well, Xiaoqian, I really can't stand you anymore, you're really becoming more and more narcissistic." Ling Yixin acted as if she couldn't stand seeing Nie Xiaoqian like this.

"You're talking about her, aren't you quite narcissistic?" Ling Yixuan remained silent, but what she said suddenly made Ling Yixin jump.

"Brother, why do you say that about me?" Ling Yixin said with a blushing face, slowly becoming embarrassed, "And I'm not narcissistic, okay?"

"Really? Aren't you narcissistic? I don't know who said that when I was a child, I will be... well, but that's what happened when I was a child, and it's much better when I grow up." Ling Yixuan didn't say it out, but it was a slap in the face Satisfied everyone's appetite.

"What? What did Yixin say when she was a child?" Nie Xiaoqian was still very gossip, looking at Ling Yixuan with bright eyes, wanting to know the answer.

"You should ask your sister about this. If he wants to tell you, he will tell you. If he doesn't want to, then I have nothing to do." Ling Yixuan handed over the initiative of this matter to Ling Yixin, seemingly helping Ling Yixin avoid this problem, but But it made Ling Yixin very embarrassed.

"Ahem, it's nothing, it's just that when I was young, I was ignorant and liked to talk big, you all forget about it!" Ling Yixin now deeply feels what it means to be self-inflicted, and the most annoying thing is that her brother actually helped to make things worse.

"I won't forget, so just wait for my cross-examination!" Nie Xiaoqian is not a person who let go easily, "Xiaoxue, tell me, do you want to know too?" Not only did Nie Xiaoqian not want to let go, I have to drag Zhou Xiaoxue into it.

"Yeah, I also want to know, what exactly is Brother Yixuan talking about?" Zhou Xiaoxue kept nodding her head, expressing her strong curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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