Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 32 New Year's Eve

Chapter 32 New Year's Eve (3)
"The two are Miss Yixin, Mr. Yixuan?"

"We are, who are you?" Ling Yixuan and his sister were happily building a snowman when they heard someone's voice.

"Oh, I was sent by Mr. Mu Jin to share your year-end profit."

"Well, let's hurry in!" When Ling Yixin heard that she was here to give money, she became happier than when she was making a snowman.The three came to the room, and Father Ling received the man who came to give the money.

"This is the account book for this year." The man took out the account book and handed it to Ling's father. Ling's father opened it and looked. This is the invoice for remittance.” The man took out a piece of paper again and handed it to Father Ling, and Father Ling saw that it was indeed 50 taels, and the total profit was also recorded as 15 taels in the ledger. There was no problem in all aspects. , and the man returned to his life.

The rest of the Ling family was shocked. They didn't expect to make so much profit this year. Seeing this invoice, the whole family was filled with emotion.After getting the profit share, Liu Shi and Ling Yixin happily went to the town to raid again.Father Ling and Ling Yixuan shook their heads as they watched, wondering why they love shopping, of course they don't understand that it's a woman's nature.In the past, the family didn’t have much money, so they saved everything they wanted to buy. Now that they have some money, of course they would let go and buy them. However, the two of them are still clear-headed, and they have bargained the price of everything they bought. They didn’t buy anything meaningless. , otherwise Father Ling and Ling Yixuan would really have a headache.

If you have money, you should be happier during the Chinese New Year. On New Year's Eve, Father Ling first brought Mrs. Liu and his siblings to the grave of Father Ling's parents, kowtowed to pay homage, visited many fruits, cooked meals, There are things that old people like in life, and these things are done every year.

After returning home, everyone started to cook the New Year's Eve dinner happily again, even Ling's father and Ling Yixuan joined in, and they started to fight, Liu Shi and Ling Yixin were in charge of cooking.Looking at the delicious New Year's Eve dinner, the whole family is very satisfied, but the custom of the New Year's Eve dinner must be eaten slowly, so this meal is also very anxious.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, the most important thing is of course to watch the New Year's Eve, and have been receiving the arrival of the New Year's Day.There is not only a feeling of nostalgia for the past years like water, but also a good hope for the coming New Year.

When staying up late, Ling Yixin was in very good spirits. After more than a year of practice, staying up late is no longer a problem.But Ling's father, Mrs. Liu, was very curious. Ling Yixin is usually a sleepy person. Since last winter, she has stopped sleeping in. I thought she just became more diligent, but I didn't expect that she would not doze off this year. It really changed a lot. big!However, everyone is happy with this change.

The time was spent in the laughter during the process of watching the new year. Looking at the early morning and the first day of the new year, Ling Yixin thought that she could finally rest. Although she could persist, it is better to rest as long as she can. I can only say Ling Yixin's laziness is deeply rooted in her bones.

Just as Ling Yixin was about to go upstairs to sleep, she was stopped by Mrs. Liu. Ling Yixin looked back, her face was so downcast, her good mood for sleeping was ruined.

"Girl, don't worry, today is the first day of the new year, and you still have to get red envelopes!" Ling Yixin became energetic again when she heard that there was a red envelope, and hurried down from the stairs. What to do if you fall while running.

"Mother, the red envelope." Although Ling Yixin was not short of money, she was still very happy to have the red envelope. Ling Yixin stretched out her hands to ask for the red envelope. She really didn't know what to ask Liu Shi to say about her.

(End of this chapter)

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