Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 338 No red envelopes during Chinese New Year

Chapter 338 No red envelopes during Chinese New Year (9)
However, the red envelope was interrupted...

"Father and mother, Xuan'er wishes you a happy new year and good luck in everything!"

"Father and mother, Xiaoqian wishes you a happy new year and a happy new year!"

Ling Yixuan and Nie Xiaoqian knelt together in front of Father Ling and Mrs. Liu, speaking auspicious words, so Ling Yixin's red envelope was interrupted like this.

"Okay, it's good if you have the heart. Here, this is a red envelope from your father and I. It's not much, it represents a heart." Liu took out a few red envelopes, and then each of them had two.

Ling Yixin couldn't wait to open it and take a look. It was like the feeling of looking forward to the red envelopes when I was a child. When I opened it, each red envelope was 1000 taels. Although it wasn't a lot, it was definitely a lot.

"Wow, I've got so much money." Ling Yixin jumped up happily, looking like a little girl.

"Just be happy." Seeing the children so happy, Liu and Father Ling were also very happy.

Nie Xiaoqian is also sincerely happy to see such a loving family.

"Xiaoqian." Nie Xiaoqian was happy when she heard Mrs. Liu calling herself, and immediately said: "Mother"

"This year, you have to hurry up. Mom doesn't want to rush you, but you should work harder and let me have a grandson!" Liu said very kindly, but the words she said were not so kind, which would always give Nie Xiaoqian affirmation. pressure.

"Understood, mother." Nie Xiaoqian said with embarrassment in her voice like a mosquito.

"Okay, go and see your master!" Yichen didn't like to join in the fun, so he didn't come here, and stayed in his room by himself.

"Okay, mother." After Ling Yixuan finished speaking, he took Nie Xiaoqian and Ling Yixin away.

On the way, Ling Yixin said: "Brother, it's because you came one step later than me, so I got the red envelope later." Ling Yixin said deliberately puffing up her cheeks.

"Really? I'm sorry for that song, what do you want?" Ling Yixuan looked at Ling Yixin and said amusedly.

"Whatever, the key is to see your sincerity." Ling Yixin's words are not simple, anyway, you are giving less, and you have no sincerity, so you have to give more.

"My sincerity, then I'll let Xiaoqian accompany you for a day!" Ling Yixuan said this seriously, which shocked both Ling Yixin and Nie Xiaoqian.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Ling Yixin felt that Ling Yixuan was just insincere.

"Xiaoqian is my wife and one of the most important people to me. Am I not sincere in giving her to you?" Ling Yixuan said with a smile.

Now Ling Yixin knew that she was 'tricked' by her brother.

And Nie Xiaoqian looked shy, just because of that sentence, "Xiaoqian is one of my most important people." '

"Okay, brother, I can't say no to you, let's go get it from the master." Feeling helpless for the time being, Ling Yixin could only move forward, and when she finds a way, she will settle accounts in the 'autumn'.

When he came to Yichen's room, Yichen was already waiting for several people.The three of them knelt in front of Yichen, said auspicious words, then looked at Yichen hopefully, waiting for the red envelope.

Seeing Yichen take out something from behind, everyone thought it was a New Year's gift or something, but they didn't expect it to be a book.

Ling Yixin's disappointed look, Ling Yixuan's slightly disappointed look, and Nie Xiaoqian's puzzled look, the expressions of the three people are really rich!
"This is for you." Yichen put the book in front of Nie Xiaoqian, and Nie Xiaoqian caught it, but her doubts did not diminish.

"This is a secret book of martial arts, you can practice it yourself, but you can't tell it to anyone, to be precise, anyone." Yichen was very serious when he said this.

This let Nie Xiaoqian know the importance of the matter, and promised that she would never tell anyone.

Then Nie Xiaoqian took a look at Ling Yixuan and Ling Yixin beside them. They didn't have anything. Nie Xiaoqian was very puzzled and asked, "Is this cheat book used by the three of us together?"

Yichen said with a smile: "They don't need such low-level cheats. If your level is low, start with the lowest level."

Yichen's words shocked Nie Xiaoqian, because she had already seen the martial arts of the two brothers and sisters, and it was really high.

"Oh, then why didn't they have any?" Nie Xiaoqian asked curiously again.

"Because they don't need it anymore." Yichen said concisely.

"Oh!" Nie Xiaoqian replied stupidly.

"Okay, let's go, shouldn't we eat glutinous rice balls this morning?" Yichen said lightly, but he didn't feel like leaving.

When the three of them left Yichen's room, Nie Xiaoqian asked, "Why didn't you?" This was something Nie Xiaoqian hadn't thought to understand.

"Because the master has never given a New Year's gift, red envelopes and so on are even more fantasy." Ling Yixin said with a sullen face.

Ling Yixuan went on to say: "This cheat book should have been given to you in the first place, but I just took this opportunity today. If I gave it to you in advance, then you will be like us, with nothing."

After hearing what the brothers and sisters said, Nie Xiaoqian finally understood that this happened for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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