Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 34 New Year's Eve

Chapter 34 New Year's Eve (5)
"What?" This was the first reaction of everyone in the room after hearing what Mu Jin said.

Especially Lan Mo's mother, Fang Su, was even more surprised. She never thought that her son wanted to find a woman so early. Although it is not bad for a man to find a woman at the age of 14, she never found out!What Fang Su didn't even expect was that this incident was Mu Jin's prank. Of course, Mu Jin was always a good boy in their eyes, and he would never talk nonsense about such things, so he deeply believed in Lan Mo Just looking for a woman.

"Ahem, don't believe Mu Jin, I don't think so." Lan Mo saw that everyone looked at him with surprised eyes, Lan Mo couldn't stand it, and quickly explained.

"Then you mean that I'm talking nonsense?" Mu Jin returned immediately, and everyone was still willing to believe Mu Jin, and looked at Lan Mo to see what else he had to say.

"Of course not, ouch, Xiao Jin, I just made a joke with you, don't get me wrong!" Lan Mo had to bow his head now, and the man was able to bend and stretch.

"So it was just a joke. You said it earlier. I thought you really wanted to find a woman?" Mu Jin also clicked on it. It's not good to go too far, and it might hurt the friendship between the two.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just kidding!" Lan Mo really couldn't tell what was going on in his heart now, in short, he had mixed feelings.When everyone heard that it was a misunderstanding, they thought it was true, but they always felt that something was wrong, but they didn't want to worry about what was wrong.

It's another spring and the grass is green. The bamboo forest of Ling's family grows very well. With the arrival of spring, many bamboo shoots have sprouted. Every day, Liu Shi and Ling Yixin go to the bamboo forest to dig bamboo shoots and then soak them.Father Ling took Ling Yixuan to the town to find a shop. Although the shops were all in the south, the shops in the south were all large. Father Ling felt that the current situation of his family was suitable for renting a small shop in the market.Wherever people come and go, they are all buying vegetables and selling groceries, and the business is relatively good.And Ling's father's idea was also approved by the family, who felt that Ling's father had grown a lot in the past six months.

Father Ling came to the market and looked at the shops around him. He didn't know why, but he just found a shop that was so suitable, and he had a feeling of destiny.

After finding the store, the next step is to prepare to open the store. Because it is a small store, a family of four is enough, but what about the school, Ling Yixuan can't stay in the store all day, so I need to find someone to help .

Speaking of looking for help, Ling Yixin thought of her good friend Chunhua. Although Chunhua couldn't help much, and it was impossible to ask her to work, but Chunhua's mother, yes, after Ling Yixin told Liu this idea, Liu I also think it's okay, because I have a good relationship with Chunhua Niang because the two children play well, so of course I am willing to ask her for help now.

Just do what you say, Mrs. Liu immediately went to find Mrs. Chunhua. When Mrs. Liu came to Mrs. Chunhua's house, Mrs. Chunhua was a little surprised when she saw Mrs. Liu coming. Although the relationship between the two was okay, Mrs. Liu didn't like visiting Why did you come to her today?
"Hey, Niang Yixin, why are you here? What's the matter?" Aunt Wang, also known as Chunhua Niang, spoke very straightforwardly, and she didn't turn a corner when she had something to say, so she just asked.

But Mrs. Liu was very happy, and Mrs. Liu didn't like to chat with others. Although sometimes she needed to chat with others, but she didn't have to if she couldn't, so Mrs. Liu also directly stated her intention of coming.

"Ms. Chunhua, it's like this. Our family is going to open a small shop, but we don't have enough manpower. You also know that the child's father has to teach and can't help. Xuan'er also has to study. Only our mother and daughter are left, so I want to ask now. Tell me, would you like to come and work in our shop, the wages are the same as before, [-] Wen per day."

(End of this chapter)

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