Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 350 Snowball Fight

Chapter 350 Snowball Fight (3)
"Well, Yixin is not afraid, what are we worrying about, let's go out and play!" Fu Tingting doesn't care so much now, since she wants to go out to play, let's have fun!
"Okay, I'll call Yixuan." Nie Xiaoqian saw that the situation was already like this, and she was powerless, but no matter how you counted, this brother Yixuan should go.

"Okay, we'll wait for you at the door." Yixin was very happy, so many friends went out to play together, what a wonderful thing that was!
Nie Xiaoqian found Ling Yixuan and told them about their plans, but Yixuan didn't respond. He knew Ling Yixin's personality, and it was normal to face it bravely.

In other words, it's not yet a brave face, because Ling Yixin didn't take it to heart at all.

"How is it? Yixuan, do you want to go together? It's best to go together." Seeing that Ling Yixuan didn't respond at all, Nie Xiaoqian asked proactively.

"Of course, let's go." Ling Yixuan said and left, and Nie Xiaoqian followed to the gate.

"Come on, let's go, get in the car, let's go." Fu Tingting was in high spirits, which could be regarded as mobilizing the atmosphere!

Five people set off together, three or two carriages, one for Ling Yixuan and Nie Xiaoqian, one for Fu Tingting and Ling Yixin, and one for Mu Jin.The reason why he was able to come was to let Ling Yixin and Mu Jin take the car, but considering that men and women are different, and there are many people on the street, it's better to make a guess.

Like now, there are not many stores that are still open in Kyoto, most of them are some big merchants, these five people go shopping, mainly three women go shopping, and they go to places that women often go to, for example, Jue Se Fang.

There are all kinds of cosmetics in Jueseifang, which are very easy to use and are deeply loved by women in Kyoto.Of course, men's skin care products also have, but less.

Women are born to love beauty, so when they come to this stunning workshop, they will definitely choose some cosmetics to go home.For example, toner, face cream, facial cleanser, hand cream, rouge powder and so on.

The layout of Jue Sefang is three floors up and down. The first floor is some low-end and mid-range items, all of which are women’s cosmetics. The second floor is some high-end items, which are divided into left and right sides. The left side is for men, the right side is for women, and there is another part against the wall. It is an area for customers to sit and try, and the third floor is all small private rooms, which are used to customize cosmetics or make up for guests.

If people like Ling Yixin, Nie Xiaoqian, and Fu Tingting came, they would be on the second or third floor anyway, so they went straight to the second floor after they came.On the second floor, there are waiters coming to serve several people.

"Hello guests, I don't know what kind of cosmetics you need?" A female Communist Party member came to several people and said politely.

"Oh, let's see for ourselves and call you when we need it." Fu Tingting doesn't like the feeling of being introduced by someone, and it's more comfortable to go shopping by herself.

"Oh, okay, call me again if you have anything to do." The waiter was used to this kind of situation, so one of them went aside.

The people on the second floor said that there were not many, and that there were not many. The lineup of five people was still quite large, and it was eye-catching.

When the three women arrived here, they began to stare intently at the cosmetics on the shelves, take a look, ask questions, use the trial products, try them out, if they feel good, take them, and finally pay the bill together.

Nie Xiaoqian saw a blue-scented hand cream and was about to take it off, when she suddenly saw another hand on it.Nie Xiaoqian looked over, and it turned out to be Zhou Xiaoxue.

"Xiaoxue?" Nie Xiaoqian looked at Zhou Xiaoxue who was both unfamiliar and familiar. She used to be such a good friend, but now...

(End of this chapter)

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