Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 36 New Year's Eve

Chapter 36 New Year's Eve (7)
Although today's business was not very good in Ling Yixin's opinion, she did not give up and planned to continue the next day.

The next day, as Mr. Liu said, those who ate it and found it delicious came to buy it again, so many people came to buy it. silver.This is because the soaked bamboo shoots are sold out, because Ling Yixin said that there must be a regulation on how much to sell every day, otherwise there will be too many sales, and the parameters of the bamboo forest at home cannot keep up, and it will be miserable at that time.Mrs. Liu also felt that what Ling Yixin said made sense, so she did so.

The Ling family's business is booming, seeing Ling Yixin come up with ideas and think of many ways, Aunt Wang thinks that her own children are as smart as the children of the Ling family, but she can't help but let Goudan Chunhua be her Aunt Wang's children.But no matter how good other people's children are, they are not as good as their own children. Aunt Wang is envious, but she still likes her own children the most.

Seeing that the Ling family's business is so booming, Aunt Wang also wants to plant a bamboo forest. Anyway, after planting it, you don't have to worry about it. It's very easy and you can make money.But thinking that I don't have land, so why plant bamboo forests, and the Ling family has already done this. If I learn to do it myself, it would be very immoral, so Aunt Wang just thought about it and didn't take action.

It's a good sign for business here, but a bad sign for the hospital over there.Ling Yixuan is going to take the college exam Although Ling Yixuan passed the government exam and became a child student, he is still a bit too young to take the college exam, so Ling's father doesn't quite agree.But Ling Yixuan was very firm, saying that he must give it a try, how would he know if he could do it if he hadn't tried it, and in desperation, Ling's father could only agree and support Ling Yixuan's decision.

However, the college examination requires the recommendation of 6 people from the village and 2 scholars before they can take the examination.Only those who pass the court examination can enter the official school of the location, prefecture, state, or county, and become a scholar. They can be regarded as having "fame" and entering the class of scholar-bureaucrats;

Not to mention whether Ling Yixuan can get the honor of a scholar, just now, Ling Yixuan doesn't even have the qualifications for the exam, and the only scholar who comes to the village is Father Ling, so how can there be two scholars to recommend?Father Ling was in a headache for a while, and Ling Yixuan never thought that he would be bound by this problem.

That night, Mrs. Liu and Yixin came back from the town. During dinner, Ling's father talked about this problem, thinking that if there were more people, they could help to find a solution.

"Daddy, does it have to be a scholar in the village?" Ling Yixin thought that she had read so many books and TV in her previous life, but she had never seen someone who was tied up because of this problem.

"Not necessarily, other places are also fine, as long as it is a scholar, but I am the only scholar around here, even if there is one, I don't know it, so I don't know what to do now." Ling's father talked about this problem. It's just a headache.

"Then you can go and look for it. Maybe you can find a scholar and discuss it with him. Will it be resolved soon? How can you be tied up by this problem?" Liu couldn't figure out such a simple problem. How could I not think of it.

"You think I didn't look for it. Xuan'er and I have looked for it. There are no scholars around here, so there is no question of whether to discuss or not."

"Then Daddy, we can look for Guanshi Liu, he knows a lot of people, and there must be some talented people." Ling Yixin didn't expect them to ignore such an important person.

"Girl, we can't bother Guanshi Liu with everything. He also has his own things to do, so we can't always rely on him." Father Ling felt that with Guanshi Liu as his backer, Ling Yixin was too dependent, worried that she would lose her independence Ability to solve problems.

(End of this chapter)

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