Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 378 Beautiful

Chapter 378 Beautiful (4)
Fu Tingting is not an unreasonable master, "I'm waiting for you to speak up? I just want to give her a small punishment, so that he dares to tease me next time." Fu Tingting pouted, and said vent your grievances.

"Oh, you two, what should I do?" Ling Yixin was helpless.

Nie Xiaoqian came out after changing her clothes. The three of them went to Ling Yixin's room together. Under the pressure of Fu Tingting and Nie Xiaoqian, Ling Yixin also changed into her clothes.

Ling Yixin's clothes are from the blue enchantress series, because Ling Yixin is relatively young, so the color is a little lighter.Light blue with glittering gold edging, the irregular skirt from the waistline is very elegant, and there is a blue and gold edging long gauze mopping the floor at the back waist.It makes the whole person look a little ethereal.

After Ling Yixin changed her clothes, she came out, which really opened everyone's eyes, because this was the first time Ling Yixin wore blue clothes, and it was also the first time that she had gorgeously decorated gold borders.

Just like this, everyone already felt that Ling Yixin was so beautiful that if she wore the matching jewelry, she would not be able to make people worship her!

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ling Yixin was surprised, isn't it good-looking?Ling Yixin would not think that it was because she was so beautiful that everyone forgot to speak.However, the truth of the matter is that.

"What's the matter? Did you say something?" Ling Yixin looked at everyone and asked, at this time Ling Yixin was very disturbed.Originally, I was very confident that I would look good in this suit, but now everyone's reaction made Ling Yixin not confident.

"Beautiful, beautiful, perfect." Fu Tingting only said these three words, but these three words were enough to express her feelings for Ling Yixin.

"Yixin, you are a fairy!" Nie Xiaoqian was even more exaggerated, actually saying such words, but these words made Chunfeng, Xiaoyu, Yinping Feiniao, Liangchen, and Meimei nod frequently.

On a good day, the beauty is Fu Tingting's maid.

"Really beautiful?" Now Ling Yixin knew that it was because she was so beautiful that everyone forgot to talk, but she still wanted to make sure, otherwise she would make a joke if she misunderstood.

"It's really beautiful." Fu Tingting couldn't say enough, and made a gesture of praise with her hand to express that it was really, really beautiful.

"Pretty..." That's all Nie Xiaoqian could say.

Ling Yixin confirmed it now, not to mention how happy she was, she pulled up her skirt and started circling to express her inner joy.And this circling is even more beautiful. In addition, Ling Yixin let go of Qubai while twirling, allowing him to swing naturally. Now everything that can float is floating, and the hair is also dancing.There is only one word to describe it, that is so beautiful!
The group of people were stunned, and Zi Mei ran into Ling Yixin's arms in a hurry, and said, "Master, don't jump, you are so beautiful, I'm going to have a nosebleed."

Ling Yixin, who was being happy, stopped immediately when she heard Zimei's words, not because she listened to Zimei's words but because she was shocked by Zimei's words.

Ling Yixin looked at Zi Mei in a daze, and then said: "Little Zi Mei, you deserve a beating, don't you, dare to tease your master?"

"No, it's the director, you are really beautiful." Zi Mei raised her paw, and then said sincerely.

"Well, who made your master, I am so beautiful? I will forgive you!" Ling Yixin was naturally happy to receive the compliment.

No one knew about the communication between Ling Yixin and Zi Mei, a person and a fox, but the appearance of the girl in blue holding the white fox was really harmonious.

"Yixin, tomorrow you are wearing this suit and hugging this fox. You must be the focus of the audience." Fu Tingting said without exaggeration. , plus such a cute fox, it's hard not to be the focus!

"Take Zimei to the banquet?" Ling Yixin said, what kind of joke is this, the banquet is not for fun, but also bring a fox.

When Zi Mei heard this, she kept nodding her head, expressing that she really wanted to go, but Ling Yixin automatically ignored it, and now she was listening to Fu Tingting and Nie Xiaoqian talking!

"Yeah, it's no big deal to take this fox to the banquet. Could it be that they won't let you go?" Nie Xiaoqian didn't think so much. As a princess, Nie Xiaoqian had done a lot of ridiculous things, so Didn't find this a problem at all.

"Well, it seems inappropriate to bring a fox to a banquet." Fu Tingting is still clear-headed. If Ling Yixin really did this, everyone would definitely say that Ling Yixin went too far.Relying on the relationship between Nie Xiaoqian and Mu Jin to do whatever he wants, this is not good for the Ling family.

"What's inappropriate, I'll take care of everything for you, even without me, Mu Jin is still there, what are you afraid of?" Nie Xiaoqian immediately refuted Fu Tingting's words.

"It's because of you and Mu Jin that Yixin can't do this. In the eyes of others, it's Ling Yixin's arrogance. Because of you as a sister-in-law and because of Mu Jin as her fiancé, no one cares about her." In this way, everyone will be very disgusted with Yixin." Fu Tingting also expressed her point of view immediately, and insisted on her idea even more after speaking.

"You were the one who said to bring Zimei to the banquet, and you were the one who said not to. What do you think?" Nie Xiaoqian felt very speechless.

"Uh, this, that's what I said before, but it doesn't mean I have to do it." Fu Tingting also knew that she said it all by herself, so she was quite embarrassed.

Ling Yixin looked at these two people, and Ling Yixin was tired of listening to what you said and what I said, but she also knew that Zi Mei must not be taken away.

"Okay, you two stop talking, I never thought of taking Zimei with me." After Ling Yixin finished speaking, she felt Zimei's protest in her arms. It was obvious that Zimei wanted to go.

"Zi Mei, good boy, this is not your place to go, you should stay at home!" Ling Yixin coaxed Zi Mei in her arms.

"Zi Mei, you really want to go, don't you?" Nie Xiaoqian looked at Zi Mei and said.

Upon hearing this, Zi Mei knew that Nie Xiaoqian was willing to let him go, so she left Ling Yixin's arms and ran into Nie Xiaoqian's arms.

The moment she ran away, Ling Yixin, Fu Tingting, and Nei Xiaoqian were terrified. What if the coat hit her stomach?You wouldn't have worried at all if you had been led in the past, Zi Mei was very measured in her work, but because she was worried about Nie Xiaoqian, her brain was not enough.

Zi Mei ran into Nie Xiaoqian's arms and kept nodding her head, indicating that she was going. When Nie Xiaoqian saw this, she said, "Yixin won't take you, I will take you, and no one will say anything compared to taking a pet with me." Yes." Nie Xiaoqian said proudly, this is called having status, power, and self-willedness!
(End of this chapter)

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