Happy peasant girl in space

Chapter 388 Zhou Xiaoxue Looking for Abuse

Chapter 388 Zhou Xiaoxue Looking for Abuse (1)
Mu Feng Muchen returned to Ling Yixin's side, and said with the spirit of being angry to the death, "Sister-in-law, you are better. You are beautiful and smart. I think I will be smarter when I am with you."

Although Mu Chen also said: "Brother Mo and Sister Tingting are not smart enough."

Hearing this, Ling Yixin just wanted to say, is it really okay for you to be like this?
"The emperor is here, Concubine Lian is here!"

An announcement meant that the real host of the banquet had arrived, and now everyone saluted, and there was a great battle.

"Everyone is flat." After taking his seat, the emperor waved his hand and said this very imposingly.Immediately everyone was grateful to the emperor, and then got up.

After the scene quieted down, the emperor began to speak: "The main reason for everyone getting together today is to be happy, so don't be restrained."

Although the emperor didn't say the real reason for this, everyone knows it, so naturally they won't say it, it's good that everyone knows it.

So, the emperor started to eat and drink, and the courtiers also ate and drank. In fact, in the final analysis, coming here today is just to eat and drink, and then perform a few performances, and it's over.

Let’s start first. Naturally, it’s a court performance to warm up the scene. A large number of beauties come in, and then they start dancing. There are musicians playing music at the side. This scene is still very leisurely.

"They don't dance well at all." It was fine, but Mu Feng said this.

"It just doesn't look good at all." Mu Chen also said.

When Ling Yixin heard this, don't talk nonsense. If you are not careful, those court ladies will lose their jobs. Besides, Ling Yixin thinks that they can dance well!

"Feng'er Chen'er, don't worry about them, you don't like dancing, other people like it!" Ling Yixin was really worried that it would be a big sin for these maids to survive in the palace because of Mu Feng and Muchen's words.

"Okay, I will continue to eat and ignore them." In Mu Feng Muchen's eyes, eating is still the most important thing.

Ling Yixin is very satisfied seeing this, as long as you don't cause trouble, but if you don't cause trouble, someone will cause trouble!No, after the ladies danced, someone said: "Miss Ling, just now I heard you say that their dance is not good-looking. Compared with Miss Ling's dance, it is very good. I wonder if I can let everyone enjoy it." Vision?"

When Ling Yixin heard it, she was not an acquaintance this time, and she didn't know who it was, but she didn't want to pay attention to it, because she didn't say this.

But that person looked at Ling Yixin and didn't react at all, and felt ashamed, so he said: "Miss Ling, don't be shy, it won't hurt to dance, isn't Miss Ling willing to let us open our eyes? "

But Ling Yixin still doesn't care about it, and feeds Zimei while eating her own food, which is quite leisurely.

Now, that person was quite angry, and started to call his name directly when something happened: "Ling Yixin, I talked to you, but you ignored me. Is this the tutor of your Ling family?"

Yo, it's serious now, I've brought out the tutor, it's really bad if Ling Yixin doesn't respond now.

"Are you talking to me?" Ling Yixin looked over and was another idiot, "You don't need to worry about my tutor, you better take care of yourself!"

"Hmph, you know I'll talk to you again, but you still ignore me. I don't need to worry about people like you who don't have a tutor."

Now, the two are fighting each other, so everyone is watching their performance.

"You have a tutor. If you have a tutor, you won't be yelling in front of the emperor at the banquet." Ling Yixin returned it without hesitation. If she is still patient at this time, she is her grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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